"Your Highness, what a nasty bad guy~"


In the new week, Ye Fanxin just came to school, and was hugged by Hequan Shawu and couldn't let go.

"Woooooo~ Ai-chan, big sister misses you so much~"

Originally, this should be a very warm picture, but under the slutty behavior of Iizumi Sagiri, it changed a bit.

Ye Fan said calmly, "I also miss Sister Sagiri."

"I knew that Ai-chan must also miss her sister. Wuwu~ I haven't seen you for two days. Ai-chan seems to be more cute. Gu hehe, it's soft and fragrant. I like Ai-chan the most."

"Yes, I know."

"Love sauce is so cold~"

Ye Fan was speechless: "It's Sister Sagiri who is too enthusiastic."

Hequan Shawu reluctantly let go of Ye Fan's heart, and sat down in his seat aggrieved.


Ye Fan sighed inwardly, the mood of a child is really fickle, especially a little girl.


Ye Fanxin kissed Hequan Sagiri's face, and then said tenderly: "It's my fault, I shouldn't be so indifferent to Sister Sagiri. Sister Sagiri, don't be sad anymore."

Heizumi Sagiri turned her head blankly, her eyes glowing faintly.

"Ai-chan, you just now..."

Ye Fan heart poked his chin: "Don't you like Sister Sagiri? Then I will..."


Hequan Shawu grabbed Ye Fanxin's hand, his nose was as thick as winter, and his eyes were slightly bloodshot.

"Please do the same to me in the future."


Ye Fan couldn't help but feel amused, not a malicious laugh. On the contrary, he was also happy with Hequan Sagiri's attitude.

It's just that he knows Heizumi Sagiri's current state too well, because he has had a similar situation himself.

Ye Fanxin knows very well that he can't give too much sweetness at this time, otherwise Hequan Shawu will intensify.

The current Izumi Sagiri, if you don't stop him and let him do whatever he wants, maybe in the end, the sister control will develop in the direction of deformity, and if one is bad, it will become a sick child.

Wait a minute, Sick Jiao seems to be pretty good too...

Ye Fan shook his head in his heart and quickly discarded the idea.In any case, it is too pitiful to make the soft and weak Heizumi Sagiri become a sick girl.

And, most importantly, things that are too easy to get will inevitably become boring, no matter how much you like them.

Hmm~ The last sentence was summed up by Ye Fanxin himself, although there was no basis.But he thinks it makes sense.

"Love sauce~love sauce~ hurry up, hurry up~~~"

With the previous experience, the two did not enjoy the lunch in the class this time, but went to the back of the teaching building.

This is a small playground, and many students gather in twos and threes to chat and eat.

Ye Fanxin took out the bento, and He Quan Shawu couldn't wait to eat it.

"Umm~ Good time..."

Izumi Sagiri's face was full of happiness.

Ye Fanxin smiled: "I also brought milk tea, do you want Sister Sagiri to drink it?"

"Did Ai-chan prepare it herself?"


"I want to drink."

After eating the bento, the two sat and drank milk tea together.Izumi Sagiri suddenly remembered something and groped in his pocket.

"Ai-chan, this is for you~"

Izumi Sagiri took out a woven bracelet from his pocket, with a crescent-like jade clasped in the middle of the bracelet.

"Gift, for Ai-chan~"

Ye Fanxin noticed that Hequan Shawu also had one on his left hand, but the crescent moon was in the opposite direction.

Ye Fanxin put the bracelet on his right hand, and when he put his hand down, it was close to Hequan Sawu's left hand.

He raised his eyebrows, held Heizumi Sagiri's hand, and adjusted the angle of the lower bracelet.The two crescent moons seem to be able to fit together, just like two fish that can be joined end to end.

"Hey hey~ I'm exposed~~~"

Izumi Sagiri scratched her head and smirked.

"Thank you, I like it very much."

Izumi Sagiri breathed a sigh of relief: "That's great, if you like Ai-chan."

When she bought it, she was worried about whether it would be too explicit, whether it would be too obvious for a couple, and whether Aijiang would be disgusted and so on.

Hearing Ye Fanxin's words, she was completely relieved.

Chapter 1185 Do you know ASMR?

"Excuse me~~~"

Izumi Sagiri looked at the mansion nervously.The greeting that came out of his mouth was completely different from the tone he imagined.The expected momentum has disappeared.

According to the agreement, she came to Ye Fanxin's house this Monday afternoon.

She had told her mother about this last weekend, and she had a tough attitude.

Even though Mama Sagiri had no objection at all.

"Sagiri-san, let's go in."

Ye Fanxin pulled Hequan Shawu in.

"Love~ welcome back."

Hina Tsuru Takashi had the same gentle smile on his face as always, next to Hina Tsuru Ahina.

Izumi Sagiri immediately became cautious.

"Hello, my name is Heizumi Sagiri, I'm sorry to disturb you~"

Young Crane Yakina also heard Ye Fanxin say that Heizumi Sagiri is an extremely shy child, and now he is aware of this.

Her face was also completely absent from the usual seriousness and indifference, and she smiled at Izumi Sagiri.

"Sagiri-chan...I don't mind if I call you that."

"I don't mind~"

Izumi Sagiri waved her hands hastily, not only did she not mind, she even felt flattered.

"What a lovely child, come first."

Completely different from what you imagined.

The young crane Yakina and his wife have no air at all, and when they come into contact, what is left to Izumi Sagiri is only gentleness, generosity and amiability.

It didn't take long for Heizumi Sagiri to relax.

From this point of view, Ye Fanxin admired the young crane Yakina, and easily relieved the tension of Izumi Sagiri.

At night, Hequan Shawu was lying on Ye Fanxin's bed, holding Ye Fanxin tightly with both hands.

Originally, Young Crane Yakina had arranged a separate room for her, but she wanted to sleep with Ye Fanxin even more.

Due to my thin skin, I was embarrassed to speak directly.In the end, I could only turn to Ye Fanxin.

In the end, Ye Fanxin spoke up and let the two sleep together on the grounds that Hequan Shawu was afraid of life.

It was not until he entered the room that Hequan Shawu seemed to untie the shackles of shyness and nervousness, and jumped on Ye Fanxin's bed excitedly.

"Really, does Sagiri-san just want to sleep in my room?"

"Hehe, because people like love sauce the most~"

As soon as he was alone with Ye Fan, Hequan Shawu seemed to have changed his personality, and even his actions became bolder.

Seeing Ye Fanxin also walking to the bed, she pulled him onto the bed and hugged him tightly.

"Sure enough, it's still the best feeling to hold Ai-chan."

"Huhuhu~ Love sauce, fragrant and soft, so happy~"

As she spoke, her tone of voice began to change gradually, and her hands began to be dishonest.

Ye Fanxin suddenly remembered a joke, that is, when a couple is intimate, one party wears world-weary makeup (also known as Sima's face).

The follow-up endings are varied, some say that they are not interested, some say that they are more excited, in short, there is no conclusion.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan suddenly had a nasty thought in his heart.

He didn't struggle either, and let Heizumi Shawu do whatever he wanted.But at the same time, it does not show a feeling of intimacy, and even the emotions of provocation are forcibly suppressed.

He wanted to see how far the little slut and Izumi Sagiri dared to do it.

Ye Fanxin's laissez-faire made Hequan Sagiri even bolder, and the light novels and comics he had previously supplemented played a crucial role at this time.

Imitating the plots in some restricted-level plots, Izumi Sagiri was apprehensive, and at the same time obeyed the growing sinful thoughts and started to act.

[-] words omitted here

Whoops, just kidding.

After all, they are all children, no matter how exaggerated they can go.

It is nothing more than cuddling and hugging, touching and kissing.

I haven't taken off my pajamas, what else can I do?

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