In the coffee shop, Fangcun Gongshan was wiping his cup, slightly dazed.

After a while, several people in the store arrived.

"Manager, according to your instructions, everyone is here."

Fangcun Gongshan glanced slightly and asked, "Where's Dong Xiang's child?"

"Dong Xiang went out and hasn't come back yet."

"Manager, what happened?"

Sensing that the atmosphere was wrong, the somewhat rich Gu Jian Yuan'er asked in a low voice.

"Forget it, I'll tell her when Dong Xiang comes back."

Fangcun Gongshan pondered for a moment and said, "Everyone, we have two powerful humans here."

He told one side of what he had seen and heard before, focusing on Ye Fanxin's strength.

"A ghoul that kills an A-ranked ghoul with a single blow? How is that possible?"

"Store manager, are you sure that the human is not equipped with Cookin?"

"Is this level really something that humans can do?"

Several people have expressed their doubts. They can believe it if a human can gain a powerful strength comparable to a ghoul, and even crush the ghoul like a top CCG powerhouse.

But killing ghouls with bare hands is still the kind of understatement and instant killing, which is simply a fantasy.

Fangcun Gongshan smiled bitterly and said, "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it."

The next few people were shocked. Those who knew the store manager knew that the store manager was not the kind of person who would make jokes, especially in this kind of thing.

It doesn't seem like a lie from the appearance of Fangcun Gongshan, that is to say, there are really human beings who can destroy A-rank ghouls with their bare hands?

"Hey~ who is that guy?"

"Is it really just a little girl?"

"Horror~ Where did the ruthless man appear?"

Fangcun Gongshan interrupted everyone's associations and said: "Anyway, everyone should be careful recently. We can't be sure whether these two are enemies or friends. Before we figure out their purpose for coming here, try to avoid contact."

Several people looked at each other and remained silent.

Night is the best veil, and under the shroud of darkness, it is the time when ghosts and ghosts are active.

Ye Fanxin stared blankly at the figure blocking the alley. Those eyes replaced by blood and black revealed an undisguised desire for food.

"Human ~ Jie Jie Jie kid, don't you know it's too late to stay outside? Especially in such a remote place. But the food delivered to the door, I will rudely enjoy it."

"It's up to you, come on, Zack!"

Isaac didn't understand this meme, but it didn't stop him from getting angry: "Shut up and stop ordering me."

"Hey, the monster over there, you are the same as those before, you are not human."

Ye Fanxin gave way back and pouted, Zack is a very funny person, but he has too much arrogant attributes.

"Humans? Don't be kidding. Humans are only worthy of my uncle's food."

Esaac grinned: "Oh, you who can say such things, I probably know what kind of stuff you are."

"Huh? Wait, I seem to hear arrogance in your tone, human, are you planning to resist?"

"No, I'm going to kill you."

Call ~

The voice fell, and Aizac's figure suddenly rushed towards the ghoul, the scythe in his hand was raised high, and he slashed towards the ghoul.

"Hahaha, it's interesting, as a flavoring agent before meals, human, I declare you qualified. Next, this uncle will pierce your intestines, and then slowly enjoy your body before you die, just be right Your inexplicably arrogant reward is ready. Hahahaha~”

"Reward? Gahahahahaha, then let's try it out, is it that I hacked you to death, or did you eat me and then give me a' reward. Gahahahaha~"

It's over, haha ​​monsters turned into two.

Ye Fan covered his face in his heart, but immediately spread his fingers, as if sneaking, looking at the two fighting together.

The power of the ghouls is very strong, aside from the powerful Hezi, their physical fitness far exceeds that of humans.Not to mention they still have great resilience.

However, Aizac is not simple, his physical physique is very special, coupled with the enhanced genetic medicine that Ye Fanxin injected him, the overall improvement of more than five times makes his strength enough to match the ordinary ghouls.

For example, the ghoul in front of him seems to be about the same strength as the few that were beaten by Ye Fanxin in the afternoon, but at this time it is only on par with Aizac.

The maximum enhancement limit of genetic medicine is ten times, and the efficacy will not be lost.In the near future, Isaac's strength will continue to grow until the effects of the genetic medicine are fully exerted.

But this is not enough. Ye Fanxin doesn't know what stage of the ghouls he has encountered so far in this world, but judging from Ye Fanxin's vague memory of the ghouls, it is impossible for Aizac to match the top ghouls just by relying on genetic medicine. That batch of ghouls.

As his favorite younger brother, Ye Fanxin felt that it was necessary to continue to give up on Aizac.

After all, the younger brother is not strong enough, which is not conducive to the future outfit ratio.

Just when Ye Fan was thinking about it, the battle between Aizac and the ghoul also entered the white-hot stage.At this time, Ye Fanxin sensed another malicious intent against him.

A long time ago, Ye Fanxin started not taking the initiative to fortify his perception, just because he was confident enough in his own strength to be so powerful that he could automatically capture even just a little bit of malice directed at him.

Feeling that maliciousness was approaching him, Ye Fanxin didn't even have the idea of ​​looking back.He didn't think there was anything in this world that could hurt him.

Ye Fanxin's inaction breeds malice, and as time goes by, that malice has grown to the point of chilling people.

Fragrance~Scents like never before~This is unparalleled delicious food!

The desire that burst out in those evil ghost-like eyes almost turned into substance. Looking at Ye Fanxin's defenseless figure, the scarlet substance continued to expand, wrapping his arms like scales.

The claws more than doubled in size opened, and then grabbed Ye Fanxin violently.

咻咻 咻 ~

A series of whistling sounds pierced through the air, followed by the sound of sharp weapons embedded in the flesh, accompanied by a scream that sounded like a noise.

Ye Fanxin turned around unexpectedly, a slender figure fell from the sky, and the rabbit mask covered the man's face.

"You guys, have you forgotten the rules here?"

"Damn it, don't meddle in your business, or I'll kill you together."


The flame-like substance ignited on the back of the rabbit masked man, and it looked a bit like wings with special effects, but the size of the wings was asymmetrical on both sides, which made Ye Fanxin, who suffered from mild obsessive-compulsive disorder, a little uncomfortable.

The voice was a bit neutral, Ye Fanxin scanned the person's body with the eyes of an old driver, especially the pectoralis major and boasted, and finally determined that this person was a girl.

Chapter 1240 Miss Rabbit Mask

A cold hum fell.

Yu He, who was behind the girl, shot out Hezi's feathers all over the sky, and smashed into the ghoul.

"Yuhe! Damn it, the people of antiques are too broad. Do you really think you are the king of this stable area?"


The girl didn't say a word, just kept firing feathers.

"Damn it, damn it, she is my prey, even if you are an antique, you can never stop me."

Jiahe player roared, and Hezi had signs of continuing to expand.With a wave of his paws, a neutral block was struck.

At this time, the Jiahe player was madly rushing towards Ye Fan's heart despite the girl's attack.

"My, delicious food, it's mine!!"

bang bang bang~

Ye Fanxin took out the small pistol of Dr. Danny from the satchel, and fired one after another while slowly backing away.

Player Jiahe's hideous appearance is a bit disgusting to him, especially the drool that keeps falling...

"court death!!!"

The girl came first, grabbed in front of the Jiahe player, kicked him on the head, and then the figure chased after him, punching the home and the player's neck.


Player Jiahe's head lost support and hung weakly on his shoulders.

It wasn't over yet, I saw that Yu He was stepping on his body, and He Zi's feathers were fired at his body like a machine gun. After a while, his body was shattered and all his internal organs were shattered.

What a cruel lady!

Ye Fanxin sighed, and regrettably put the laser gun that had just been picked up into the small satchel.

Determined to kill the opponent, the girl put away Yu He and walked over.

"Thank you sister~"

"Do you want to die when you come to such a place so late?"

The cold words came, and she looked at Aizac, who was nearing the end of the battle, and said, "I didn't feel Hezi's breath, who are you?"

"Ordinary people, just came to this place and got lost."

"get lost?"

Ye Fanxin nodded, then looked at each other with big sincere eyes.

"That's Zack, my bodyguard."

Miss Rabbit Mask moved in her heart, thinking about Ye Fanxin's identity.But what is certain is that the two are definitely human, and the smell is not wrong.

Especially Ye Fanxin, she could feel the amazing temptation when she got close. She had never smelled such a sweet food so far, and even her heart was a little bit eager to move.

"You shouldn't be here."

The eyes under the mask of Miss Sister are a bit complicated, such a special existence as Ye Fanxin cannot appear in the sight of ghouls at all.She also understood why that person was so crazy before, even if he died, he would not give in.

Just like humans also choose high-quality livestock meat, in the eyes of ghouls, different people have different tastes.

Powerful, young, and physically excellent, these are the delicacy in the eyes of the ghouls.

Some peculiar constitutions are the best of the best, and some ghouls even risk it.

And Ye Fanxin is undoubtedly the leader of the special physique. Once his specialness is exposed, it will definitely attract countless ghouls.

"Don't want to die, don't let the ghouls get too close to you in the future."

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