Isaac ignored the part he didn't understand and said lightly, "If that's the case, forgive me for refusing."


"Monsters of that level should be very strong. The battle I want is to fight with all my strength. If it is a battle between giants and ants, it will be too boring."

"Just a little brother, I really dare to say it."

Aizac's forehead burst with blue veins: "Hey, who is the little brother, you bastard, don't give me an inch."

Ye Fanxin sighed: "Zack, Aojiao will look stupid at this time. As my little brother, it can't be too useless."

"Shut up, who is your little brother? Besides, Aojiao chopped you up!"

Ye Fanxin pouted, ignoring the fried Aizac for the time being.

Aizac's rejection of the new plug-in was beyond Ye Fan's expectations, but it was not incomprehensible that he would choose to do so.

In this way, Ye Fanxin had to think about finding a few more younger brothers.

Take Izak back to the city and buy a world map with the money he scavenged from the note earlier.

Ye Fan secretly said that sure enough.

Compared with reality, the world map is a mess, and there is no contrast at all.

Not to mention national boundaries, even the continental plates are completely unfamiliar.

What made Ye Fan concerned was that there were many details on the map that indicated that there was another half, and the edges of the entire map were marked with the word "boundary" in all directions.

Ye Fanxin remembered the news from the previous people, and secretly guessed that the other half that this world map was missing was the so-called "outside the world".

"It seems that it is impossible to get key information from the map."

Aizac glanced at Ye Fanxin, but he didn't even think about interjecting.

Ye Fan thought to himself for a while, rubbing his hair with his fingers, and muttered, "How about starting from the Internet? But it's so troublesome."

Miku is not around, there are only two weak artificial intelligences, one is left in "Jinju" and the other is left in the previous world. Now he can either invade the network of this world by himself, or transform into Lala and ask Peikai to help.

I don't know what his mood is, anyway, he doesn't want to transform now, so the latter option temporarily passes.

With a sigh, Ye Fanxin temporarily withdrew from the comfortable (lazy cancer) state, took out a pair of glasses and put them on.

Don't look at this as just a pair of flat mirrors for dressing up, it's actually a light brain.

After starting, Ye Fanxin began to operate.

In Aizac's eyes, it was Ye Fanxin who suddenly took out a pair of glasses, and then the Sanwu girl turned into a glasses girl, and one hand began to twitch like it was shaking wildly in the air.


Aizac simply sat down on the stone steps next to him. He really preferred a place with fewer people than a cafe or restaurant with a lot of people.

The invasion only took a few minutes, which was why Ye Fanxin was lazy.

He also searched the world's cultural and entertainment industry by the way. Although he didn't report his hope at the beginning, when he learned of the real tragedy, Ye Fan couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.


Seeing that Ye Fan's heart suddenly stopped convulsing, Isaac glanced at him: "What? Do you want to take medicine?"

"Take medicine? What medicine?"

"Hey~ I'm not a doctor."


Ye Fan didn't have time to care about it, so he pondered: "This world hides big secrets."

"What's the big secret?"

"If I knew that would be a big secret?"

Ye Fan looked at Isaac with contempt. He really didn't find out the specific content of this 'big secret', and the information about [Outside the World] could only be found on the Internet, and there were only some insignificant details.

He hacked into the world's networks and found information about ghouls, CCG, and the Imperial Ghost Army.

Hezi, rc cells, Kuyink, and an unimplemented [Kunx] project.

Spells, ghosts, and ghost spell equipment, and even a few words about vampires.

Other than that there is no more useful information.

This shows that among the five worlds, the remaining two worlds are likely to be related to the outside world.

It was clearly a merged world, but now it looks like it was divided into two worlds, which made Ye Fanxin very curious.

"Looks like it's time to go [outside the world]."



A piece of metal fell to the ground with a clanging sound.

Ye Fan subconsciously touched the forehead that had just been hit, still smooth and moist.

Aizac rolled forward for the first time, and with a muffled sound, the steps behind him were directly blasted with a hole the size of a bowl.


Aizac's pupils shrank: "Rui!"

Ye Fan calmly got up and patted off his clothes by the way.

"Calm down."

Aizac twitched the corners of his mouth, looking at the bullet that should have exploded Ye Fanxin's head, but now it was twisted into a lump, but it couldn't even make Ye Fanxin's forehead red.

"Do you think everyone is a monster like you? That's a sniper rifle!"

Ye Fan said with contempt: "If you accepted a new cheat before, you don't need to panic now."

Isaac: "..."

"What a mistake, these people are acting too fast."

Ye Fanxin calmly called out the government's relevant intelligence about this operation. The wanted order for Ye Fanxin and Aizac sent by CCG was mainly based on arrest.

Didn't it say that the main focus was on arresting, and the sniper gun headshot at the beginning is too real.

This time the operation is very big. Almost all the police in the area where the two are now dispatched, but except for the snipers, all the rest of the energy was sent to evacuate the people, and then the area was blocked.

In addition, CCG also dispatched a crusade, and even the undefeated investigator known as "Death God" Arima Takasu.

"Hoho~ It's really taken seriously."

Chapter 1252 The long-lost male-to-female monarch

Ding Ding Ding ~

Several more shots were fired at Ye Fanxin's temple, heart and other vital points.

It's a pity that something like a sniper rifle may be a big killer to others, but it's a joke to Ye Fanxin.Can't do anything but break his clothes.

Ye Fanxin looked down at the hole in the heart of the dress, unhappy.

Isaac was also taken care of, but he immediately judged the approximate location of the sniper, hid behind the flower bed, and then a bullet shot at him from another direction... on the shield.

The nanoworm's defensive mode was triggered just before the bullet was about to hit Isaac, blocking the deadly attack.

Isaac was stunned for a moment, and saw that the twisted bullet turned into a silver-gray 'smoke' before it landed and merged into the shield, and together with the shield, it returned to camouflage mode.

Although Ye Fanxin had heard about the three modes of nanoworms before, this was the first time he had seen this defensive mode.

Even the bullets of the sniper rifle could be blocked, which really surprised Aizac.

After surprise, there is anger.

"Those chops, this uncle wants to shred them."

Ye Fan said with disgust: "It's disgusting, Zack, if you dare to use this method of murder, I will punish you for a month of large intestine sashimi."

Aizac's face darkened: "What should I do? Are you going to be beaten here all the time?"

While speaking, several bullets flew, two of which made holes in the right chest and lower abdomen of Ye Fanxin's dress.

"Gan! Zack, fuck him!"

He was the only one of Yuqi's uniform that he had left on his body, and it was broken like this.

"After the fight, find a place to buy clothes." Ye Fanxin said.

He didn't plan to wear the usual clothes of other transformed characters at all, the difference in body size was too big, and they were all skirts.

Don't ask why it's all dresses, because Ye Fan's heart is dress control, serious.

And here, with Ye Fanxin's permission, Aizac also started a counterattack.

The continuous attack allowed him to roughly determine the position of these snipers.

These people are very thieves, their locations are different, and they are divided into several directions, which is why those bullets can fly from all directions.

Aizac flexibly moved around, relying on his own speed and using the surrounding buildings as a cover, getting closer to the selected sniper little by little.

His purpose seemed to be understood by the other party. Before he could get close, there was a series of gunshots. Aizac, who was suppressed by the powerful firepower, did not dare to show his face easily.


Isaac was even more furious, and he swore that if he got close, he would chop these people to pieces.

After the close-range fire suppression started, it seemed like a signal was sent, and then not only sniper rifles, but also the sounds of various firearms came from all directions, and bullets fell overwhelmingly towards Ye Fanxin and Aizac.

Ye Fan's heart finally became a little more serious.

"It seems that I still need to take action."

Those snipers alone are already a lot of trouble for Isaac, and with this scale of vitality, if it weren't for the nanoworm shield, even he would be smashed to pieces.

Moreover, when he sensed that Isaac was trying to get close to him, the sniper started to shift his position.

Even if there is no firepower suppression from the other party, when Aizac rushes over, it is estimated that no one will be found.

This is the advantage of long hands and short hands, there is no way.

Looking at the rain of bullets in the sky, although Ye Fanxin couldn't be hurt, but if he was really going to be hit, it is estimated that Ye Fanxin would be photographed.

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