After a few moments, a chocolate bar was completely swallowed, and Wuming swallowed the last mouthful, still feeling the fragrance on his lips and teeth.

Licking his lips, Wuming looked at Ye Fanxin with a little longing in his eyes.

Ye Fanxin decisively took out two boxes of chocolate bars and stuffed them into Nameless hands, so that she would not have time to resist.

After hesitating for a while between food and being rubbed, Wuming still couldn't resist the temptation of food, and silently accepted the reality of being hugged and rubbed by Ye Fan's heart.

After that, Ye Fanxin also asked Wuming some things and learned a lot of information.

For example, the old-fashioned train they were riding was called the Iron Fortress.

They came out this time to look for supplies, and also to see if they could find other compatriots.

Such as children who escaped from the farm.

Ye Fanxin thought about it carefully, but couldn't find the key information that matched this sentence.

So, he asked.

"You don't even know?"

Wuming first glanced at Ye Fanxin strangely, and then pretended: "By the way, you came out of the wall."

"I heard from my eldest brother that most of the people inside the wall don't know about [outside the world]. That's a secret that only a very few high-level human beings know."

Speaking of this, there was some irony on Wuming's face.

However, Ye Fanxin's attention shifted to other places.

"Big brother? Sister, do you have a big brother?"

Could it be that pesky Erbi Heavenly Bird Beauty Horse in the original book?

Thinking of this, Ye Fanxin's eyes became sharp involuntarily.

Wuming glanced at him strangely, ate the cookie in small bites, and said, "Tianniomeima is the most prestigious person among us other than the Sifangchuan family. Young people respect him as eldest brother."

"Are you familiar with him?"

Wuming thought for a while, then shook his head: "It shouldn't be counted. Few people understand what that person is thinking. In addition to being very recognized for his strength, he is a relatively difficult person to approach."

"The reason why everyone respects him is because he has made a lot of contributions as a representative of the martial arts faction."

Ye Fan was thoughtful, it seems that the plot of "The Iron Fortress" has really changed, and even the characters of many characters have changed.

But that's fine, it saves you having to worry about how to take away the nameless heart.It's much simpler now. First, use delicious food to tie Wuming firmly to her side. After a long time, she can subtly change her mind.

In this regard, Ye Fanxin is very confident.

Ye Fanxin continued to ask about the 'children from the farm'.

Wuming's eating action paused slightly before explaining it.

"There are many farms in this land abandoned by humans, and it is a place where creatures called [ghosts] use to keep humans in captivity."

"It's just like humans keep livestock in captivity. [Ghosts] keep humans in farms for breeding and cultivation. When they reach a certain age, they will be sent to the table and become food."

"In order not to affect the physical and mental development of the children, [ghosts] will not appear before they are shipped. They choose suitable human women and are responsible for taking care of the children. Generally speaking, children living in farms will never know the truth for their entire lives. , until the moment it was shipped and died."

"But sometimes there are exceptions. In some cases, there will be children who are lucky enough to learn the truth, some can escape, and some cannot."

"Some of us escaped from the farm."

Ye Fan suddenly realized that the last world was "The Promised Neverland".

"What about the others? Not all of you escaped from the farm, right?"

Wuming nodded: "Our leader, the Sifangchuan family, is said to be a resident within the wall, living on the border."

"Many years ago, Kabane and the Four Horsemen of John suddenly appeared, and they captured most of the human border area in an instant. Humans had to shrink the living area and send troops to clear these monsters."

"However, there was another part of the human race at that time, and they didn't retreat in time. In the end, they could only escape outside the wall and live in exile. The Sifangchuan family was one of them."

"At that time, the Sifangchuan family took a small number of residents in the town and fled outside the wall, trying to survive while avoiding the pursuit of monsters."

"After the hard work of generations, it has finally developed into what it is now. Although we still live in this cruel world, at least everyone can work together to survive."

Now, the situation is more or less clear.

Ye Fanxin asked, "What are you going to do next?"

"Continue to look for supplies, although the base we live in can also produce food, but the amount is too small. And..."

"Although the hope is slim, even helping a child who escaped from the farm would be good."

It didn't take long for Isaac and the others to return.

Ye Fanxin did not expect that these people actually found some supplies from this ruins.

Among them, various parts or materials are mostly, and food and water are only a small part.

"After the test, the water is still drinkable, and the food is only the former military cans."

Huanghe Jibei nodded and said, "This may have been a war zone before."

This place is not far from the wall. Ye Fanxin seems to be in a hurry for a walk, so he only walked for more than three hours.

Chapter 1261 Calling Sister

What Arakawa Kibito and Izak brought back are only part of it.

Soon others came back and reported the results of their searches.

"Notify the Iron City and send someone to carry it."

Jibi Tu glanced at Ye Fanxin, saw that he and Wuming looked like they were in love with each other, and smiled slightly.

"You are responsible for protecting her."

"Cut, that woman doesn't need protection from others."

Eizac was still a little unhappy about being threatened to become a handyman, but with his personality, he wouldn't explain too much to Araka Kibito.

Ararakawa Jibei smiled and said nothing.

It didn't take long for the follow-up troops to arrive, and Ye Fanxin saw some familiar figures, such as some with weapons that looked like 'water guns'.

Green messy hair, with a pinch of white hair on the front end, is very recognizable.

There was a little fat man next to him.

Ye Fanxin glanced at it, but didn't see Miss Changpu.lost interest.

There are about fifty people in this group. After contacting the Jibi soil of the deserted river, they went to carry the supplies.

Wuming also wanted to help, but Ye Fan couldn't let her go.

At this moment, she also gradually got used to the feeling of being stuck by Ye Fanxin.

To be honest, I have never been so close to people before, especially after the mutation of the body, Wuming is very resistant to the closeness of others.

Even a few people with similar fortunes, although they are friends, are separated by a ditch deep in their hearts.

After all, Wuming is only a 12-year-old little girl, she will also long for the care of others and a warm embrace.

Although there were deviations, after accepting Ye Fanxin's behavior a little in his heart, the seeds of desire began to germinate involuntarily.

A sharp whistling sound sounded at this moment, and in the direction of Jia Tiecheng, a thick red smoke rose into the sky, setting up a bridge between heaven and earth.

Wuming's expression suddenly changed: "Something happened."

"What's the situation?" Ye Fan hung lazily on Wuming's body with curiosity in his eyes.

"This is a signal of an enemy attack, and there is an attack on the Iron City."

Wuming frowned and explained, and quickly said: "Rui Yi, let me go, I have to help."

"Call my sister."

"······Stop it."

"I didn't make trouble, call me sister, how about I help too?"

Wuming was slightly startled, and looked at Aizac and Arima Takako subconsciously. According to her judgment, the fighting power of these two is definitely stronger than her own. If they help, it will undoubtedly be better.


Ye Fan nodded with satisfaction: "Well~ that's good! Remember that I'm your sister in the future."

"Zack, Takako, work."

Ye Fanxin greeted and let go of Wuming.

At the same time, Arakawa Kibi Tu has ordered people to put down the unfinished supplies and ordered to go to the Iron City for support.

"Bastard Ray, you really can tell people."

Eizac let out an unhappy cry, and followed the army with Takako Arima.Soon they were at the front of the line.

"Rui Yi~ I went over first, be careful yourself."

Wuming left a sentence and dashed away, the speed was not so much slower than the two of Esaac.

"Really, I just said I was going to call my sister, but I immediately forgot. It seems that I still need to continue training."

Ye Fan murmured in his heart, and with a gentle force on his feet, the man flew up like a feather, surpassed the large army in an instant, and floated to the roof of an abandoned building very close to the Iron City.

"Huh, this is really a big scene."

There was a flash of surprise in Ye Fan's heart, and he saw that the area where the armored iron city was staying, from behind them, that is, from the direction from which they came, was a piece of black, humanoid monsters like a tide of ants, rushing towards this side.

Looking around, it was as if the black dye was invading the earth, and the ground was changed in color wherever it passed.

"That's,, Kabane. But can Kabane appear during the day?"

"Um~ can't you?"

This question stayed in Ye Fanxin's mind for a while before he let go.

It doesn't matter anyway.

At this time, Aizac and others had already arrived, and dozens of people had descended from the Iron Fortress. They were armed with crude weapons and were preparing to defend against the enemy.

"Passive defense is not my uncle's style."

Aizac shouted and took the initiative to charge towards the surging 'ant tide'.

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