Chapter 1278 The journey begins

Seeing Wuming who was completely in a state of excitement, Ye Fanxin just shook his head slightly.

Just let her play.

Ye Fanxin took out the copy of "The Hanged MacGuffin" and read it.

I don't know how long it took, Wuming seemed to be tired of playing, and the high emotions gradually cooled down.

"Hey, sister, this is so interesting~"

Ye Fanxin let out a lazy 'um', which counted as a response.

Wuming noticed that Ye Fanxin's attention was not on himself, and while feeling a little lost, he was also a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, sister. I seemed to be too excited just now."

Ye Fanxin put down the book and yawned: "It's okay, this was originally for you, as long as you like it."

Wuming smiled happily, looked at the book in Ye Fanxin's hand, and said, "Sister, where are we going."

"See the icon in the upper right corner of the operation panel, open it."

Wuming followed Ye Fanxin's instructions, clicked the icon in the upper right corner, and immediately opened another map on the control panel.The map was clearly divided into two halves, one half of which was marked with dense information, and the other half seemed a bit empty.

"Sister, this is..."

"The world map, the points marked on it are where we are going next. As for where to go first, you decide."

Wuming responded with a dazed expression, and glanced back and forth on both sides of the map.There is some understanding in my heart.

"The empty half is [outside the world], right? On the other hand, the other half is the world where human beings live?"

"Well, do you want to take a look?"

Ye Fan wondered if he should tell Wuming about the human pattern in advance, and it wasn't so beautiful there.

But after thinking about it, it seems a bit too cruel to destroy the beautiful fantasy of a little loli in this way.

Forget it, let's wait until she finds out for herself.

Moreover, it may be only the light on the surface, but it is also worth yearning for those who are [outside the world].

Wuming hesitated for a while, looked at a mark on the map that was not far from him at this time, and shook his head.

"no need."

"Just follow the nearest mark. Sooner or later, you will go to that world anyway."

The smile on Wuming's face made Ye Fan feel a little distressed.He has always had the most emotional attitude towards those he cared about.

"Wow, Wuming is such a good boy."

Wuming smiled and let Ye Fan touch his head.

One hundred and eight points are marked on the map, and there seems to be no regular distribution around the world.It’s just that the human side is slightly more than [Outside the World].

The closest point to the two of them is also [outside the bounds], and it's not too far.

The two arrived soon.

Wuming got out of the car and looked around, it was deserted.Some wondered why Ye Fanxin came to such a place.

Ye Fanxin didn't intend to stay in this barren place for too long, and took out the things that had been prepared for a long time.

"Pekai, set the coordinates."

"Lara, the coordinates are set."

Ye Fanxin held a teleportation gun and opened a 'door' in front of him. The other side of the 'door' was connected to the battleship that was still working in the universe.By then, a team of engineering robots came out from the 'door' carrying two large boxes.

After putting the box down, Ye Fanxin sent the engineering robots back.

Open the box, which contains collected and preserved planetary cores.

Visually, it is not much different from the star core, but it is too much smaller.

Compared with stellar nuclei, the extraction of planetary nuclei is much simpler, and one can be collected in an average of two hours.The reason why the star core of the previous star only took more than two hours is because Ye Fanxin personally shot the star to blow up the star, avoiding the process of annihilation.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult to just annihilate a star, which also takes into account that the star will evolve into a neutron star when it collapses to a certain extent, not to mention annihilation.

From yesterday to now, almost a whole day has passed, two boxes, one box is full of six planetary star cores, the other box is full of five.

Ye Fanxin took out one, and then sent both boxes to the soul space.

The star core is contained in a fist-sized container, which is small and easier to handle.

And the planetary core does not have to be sent directly to the center of the earth like the stellar core.

Ye Fanxin put the star core together with the container in the device that was taken out early in the morning.Not long after, I saw that the star core changed a container.

In the device, the part that wrapped the star core was separated, and after landing, it drilled into the ground, and disappeared for a moment.

"Okay, let's go to the next place."

Wuming blinked dumbly, she was in a dazed state the whole time.I just think that my sister is amazing.

"Is this all right?"

Ye Fanxin couldn't help laughing and said, "Otherwise, do you think it would be too much trouble? Or does Wuming want to stay in a place like this for a while?"

Wuming shook his head, she didn't want to stay in such a desolate place.

"Then let's go, go to the next marked point. But don't worry, stop when you want to."

According to the average speed of collecting one star core in two hours, it would take nine days for one hundred and eight cores. Counting yesterday, this is why Ye Fanxin said early in the morning that he would travel around the world for eight days.

Setting up the 'router' is not difficult, and it only takes a few minutes for a point. Even if the progress follows the collection speed of the battleship, it only takes less than an hour a day.

Therefore, two people have a lot of time to play, and there is no need to rush to other marked points.

However, [Outside the World] really doesn't have much to play, at most, some original ecological scenery, which can attract two people to stay.

For example, the lake in front of you.

Looking around, it is a piece of emerald-like color, the breeze is passing, and the bright mirror seems to be disturbed and ripples.

The lake is surrounded by a meadow, and the outside is surrounded by lush forests, giving it a secret atmosphere.

Wuming has forgotten how long it has been since he saw such a beautiful scene.Maybe I met him when I wandered in this wasteland with the Iron City, but it was too late or I didn't have the heart to appreciate it.

Now, she came to this beautiful place with another mentality, and for the first time realized that this world is not only cruel, but also has beauty that she has never faced.

"Hey, sister, is there still a lot of beauty like this in this world?"

"Well, a lot. If you want to see it, I'll take you there."

Ye Fanxin smiled softly. When his plan was fully unfolded, he would have a lot of free time.It is completely possible to travel around the world with the nameless real.


Ye Fan smiled and said softly: "Do you remember the first time we met, I said at that time that I would never lie to you."

Chapter 1279 Just fishing

This original lake scene made Wuming a little lingering, and finally Ye Fanxin decided to just rest here for the night.

Take out the tent you made earlier and prepare the food.

The food was caught from the lake, so making two fishing rods was not a problem for Ye Fanxin at all.

Ye Fanxin is actually not good at fishing.Instead, it was Wuming, who seemed to be very handy, and soon caught several fish ahead of Ye Fanxin.

"Hey, I remembered. When I was in the Iron City, I also encountered a lake, but it was much smaller than this. The fishing skills were taught by an uncle."

Wuming smiled and said: "Sister doesn't seem very good, let me teach you."

Ye Fan said unconvinced: "Cut~ If I want to, research a universal fishing bait, any fish can be caught, as much as you want."

"Isn't that cheating~"

"How can it be called cheating for the bait I made by my own ability."

Seeing Ye Fan's upright mentality, Wuming couldn't help but laugh.However, this unexpected side also made her feel very friendly.

"However, then there will be no sense of achievement in catching fish, so let me teach you."

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows: "Who said there is no sense of achievement."

It's just that although he said so, he still listened to Wuming honestly.

In addition to skill, fishing requires experience and feel.

Although the content of Wuming's story is not much, it is all very practical skills, which Ye Fanxin remembered at once.But experience and hand feel cannot be taught by dictation.

"It's okay, I believe my sister will be familiar with it soon and catch a lot of fish."

It's good that Wuming does not comfort, this comfort, Ye Fan's heart is aroused to not admit defeat.

"It's just fishing, I'll show it to you right away."

"Hee hee~ Come on, sister."

There was no such thing as the old-fashioned 'finally there was something Ye Fanxin couldn't do'. As he said, Ye Fanxin basically mastered the fishing technique in a short time.

Although it may not be as good as a veteran who has been immersed in this way for many years, it can also be compared to Wuming.

"Look, it's just mere fishing." Ye Fan said proudly.

"Wow, my sister is amazing."

Wuming clapped his hands, happy for him too.

Ye Fan was satisfied, and looked at the results of the two, there were more than a dozen fish.Smacking his lips, "fishing seems to be quite interesting, too."

"Right, especially when you wait for a long time to catch a big fish, that sense of accomplishment is the best."

Anonymous said with a smile.

She also felt more and more that Ye Fanxin like this was very cute, and knowing more about this sister also made her feel happy.

Ye Fanxin didn't refute, although it was cool to cheat, but as Wuming said, doing things that he couldn't do without cheating was really a sense of accomplishment.

"Are we going to continue fishing?" Wuming asked.

The two had caught nearly twenty fish, which was definitely enough for dinner.

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