"Xiao Fanfan?"

"Yes, in fact, I just wanted to surprise you, but unfortunately I failed now."

"It doesn't matter, as long as Xiao Fanfan is there, Yazi can not want anything!" Yuzhi Yazi still believed in Ye Fan's heart and hugged his arm happily!

Ye Fan proudly looked at the speechless crowd and said, "Since the surprise is gone now, Yazi can come and play with me at any time in school!"

Of course, his sister must be tolerant and caring. Now that he was discovered, Ye Fanxin didn't intend to find other excuses that might hurt Yazi, so he just kept doing it!

"Are you really willing to give up even your own bad taste?"

Ye Fan raised his head and found that his long black head was being held down by his butt. He adjusted his sitting posture and said proudly: "In front of a female ticket, what kind of bad fun is it! We can be regarded as people who want to get rid of the bill."

Having said that, he turned around and shed two lines of moved kelp tears!

"Evil, I can't take it anymore, who is going to change positions with me!" Nan Qinli wanted to get away from him quickly, it was so disgusting.

"Hi Hi!"

La Feir raised his hand: "Let Wenai go!"

"Me?" Vinette blushed: "I can't."

From here, you can smell the body fragrance wafting from Ye Fanxin's body. Just now, she almost fell into a state of nympho from a distance. If she really came into close contact and felt the temptation at close range, she was afraid that she would awaken some strange attributes!

"La Fei, you can go by yourself!"

"This can't be done!" If you get on it yourself, it won't be fun!

La Feir squinted and looked at the others. Everyone looked at her and looked away unnaturally. Obviously, he didn't want to face Ye Fanxin's natural charm alone!

A person's beauty is not terrible, but he is deliberately but completely natural charm.

Ye Fanxin was deliberately showing all kinds of looks that made the girls secretly scolded obscene but couldn't control it. This situation is actually contrived, but these are placed on him, and it doesn't look contrived at all, it is completely like a little devil. Fairy, play the same game as you are naughty.

It's so obscene, it's so pure that it makes you want to lick her toes!

A girl at the next table is frantically hitting the table with her head.Companions couldn't stop him.

"I must be crazy to want the corners of Tian's mouth, Tian's chin, Tian's neck, collarbone, and whole body. Ah!!!!"

Bang bang bang!

Then the waiter came.

"Ma'am, do I need to call a doctor?"

"I'm not sick!"

The girl suddenly stood up, and then saw Ye Fanxin looking at her with a cute smile, and her nose bleeds wildly.

"No, I'm sick, call an ambulance for me!"

Nan Qinli, what else can they say!I can only eat barbecue with a black face!

The girls are not willing to sit beside Ye Fanxin, who has been selling cuteness and temptation at this time. All the girls who know him know his power, and they will make a fool of themselves. It is better to stay away from him at this time!

So, Nishino Maki was placed beside him, and Ako was on the other side!

Chapter One Hundred and Fortieth

Why do I have to sit here, boy?by my side!As soon as I sat down, the tempting aroma was already tingling in my nostrils.It is obviously a very strong fragrance, but it is not objectionable, but has the same addictive effect as poppy!

"This scent, is too foul!"

With a slight glance in his eyes, he happened to catch a glimpse of Ye Fanxin lying on Azi's body with his eyes blurred, and Xiao She slammed her head on the wine in the quilt!

"Uh, who ordered the wine? We are still underage, so we can't drink!"

Azi looked stunned: "Hey? Is this wine? The waiter brought it just now. I thought it was water, so I let Xiaofanfan drink it. I'm sorry, dear, it's all my fault, I was too careless. !"

"Anyway, go back first!"

Afterwards, the waiter apologetically took the wine away!

"I'm so sorry, I made a mistake. This wine was ordered by another table!"

The girls did not embarrass the waiter.

"But Fanxin just drank it, right?"

Then a group of people saw that Ye Fanxin's whole person was full of sparkling aura, and the whole person's surroundings were brightened by that silly, naive smile!

"Fan Xin?" Nan Qinli called tentatively!


When Ye Fan opened his mouth, everyone trembled.This delicate voice, my mother, is so seductive!

"Could it be that Fanxin finally can't think of it, and wants to completely become a girl?" Kosaka Honogu said in horror.

"No way!"

"I have a bad feeling!" Winnett said suddenly.

"Well, why didn't you talk anymore? Why didn't you pay attention to Wo. Wo is unhappy." Ye Fan said with a coquettish tone and expression.

The sound of air-conditioning was heard one after another all around, and with just this sentence, the lethality has already broken through the sky!

"It's so annoying, I don't care about you anymore. Big bad guy! Kill you! Kill you! Kill you!~~o(>_<)o~~"

I saw Ye Fan closed his eyes and coquettishly grabbed the bewildered Maki Nishikino next to him!

"Huh? Why not me!" Yuji Ako said that her head was a little green!


The expressions of a group of people were like mental retardation, and they were speechless at the scene in front of them.

"This kind of picture must be preserved!"

Winnet said helplessly: "La Fei, why do you always bring a camera with you!"

"Of course it's for Fanxin's black history!"

"Wow, this kind of picture has already exceeded the ordinary limit level, so exciting!"

"Ryu, now is not the time to care about this kind of thing, what should I do?"

"Mio, don't worry, if you don't eat it, the barbecue will be gone!" Hirazawa Yuki and Gabriel scrambled for the barbecue while talking. At this time, there was only half of the barbecue left on the large table!

"I don't understand your thinking at all! Tsumugi, you have to think of a way. If this continues, there will be more restricted-level images!" Akiyama Mio said frantically, she was already too embarrassed at this time.

"It's so beautiful!" Qin Chuan still looked at Ye Fanxin like a nympho, and it was estimated that he had awakened some strange attributes!

"It's me who should be most worried now!"

Nishino Mahei cried out in grief and indignation.There is a little bit of expectation on this side, and more fear on the other side, which makes her little heart unable to bear it at all!

Who dares to say that being so coquettish by such a fairy-like stunner can still remain calm.It would be better to say that everyone would envy it!But she knew very well that this beautiful character who was acting like a spoiled child was a boy!

"Well, big rascal, I don't know how to coax people, they want to cry so much (〃'o`), beat your chest, hum! You are so annoying, you want to hug 嘤嘤嘤(=?ω?)?"

What am I going to do!Nishikino Maki blushed and was completely at a loss.

"Humph! They beat you with small fists on your chest, big rascal, they will kill you (つд?)!"

Bang bang bang!

A few more people went crazy, banging their heads on the table frantically.

This is amazing, absolutely amazing.

Why, why the object is not me.Damn, I'm so envious, that girl!

Die old with no regrets!

"What am I supposed to do!"

Nishino Maki wanted to cry without tears. She felt like she was going crazy. Facing such a powerful temptation, she didn't know how long she could stay awake.The person in front of him is simply too foul!

Maybe it was because of these cute words, Ye Fanxin was lying in her arms and dozing off. Although the position was awkward, and even though she was given facial cleanser, Nishikino Mahime couldn't care about that much anymore!

"Uh, my head is still a little confused, let me think about it!" Nan Qinli looked at Ye Fanxin, who was as weak as a little girl, and the corners of her mouth twitched wildly.

"All Hearts!"

"Squad leader!"

"Like this!"

"Could it be that!"

"Was drunk?!!!"

Akiyama Mio blushed and shouted: "What kind of wine was that just now, how high is the degree!"

Several people glanced at the table not far away, and several adult men were clinking glasses boldly.

"Well, it seems that the degree is indeed not low!"

"Cut, it's really outrageous, Ye Fanxin! It's just a little white wine, just one sip is enough!" Satania said disdainfully!

"You can also take advantage of this time to mock the squad leader. Also, can you swallow the barbecue while you are mocking!"

"Why, Xiao Fanfan, how can you leave me and other women indifferent!"

Yuzhi Azi rebuked with grief and indignation. Nothing beats people more than a lover and other women in person.Nishikino Mahime could only laugh.

However, there is still reason in Ye Fan's heart at this time.

"Hey, why don't you coax people, you don't like nests so much!"

Ye Fanxin in his arms put on the expression of a poor kitten, blurred eyes, pink cheeks, cherry mouth exhaling intoxicating breath, this close-up scene is like paradise on earth!

Then, everyone was stunned to see Ye Fanxin put his face up, and while Nishino Maki was still in a daze, their lips touched together!

At that moment, everyone seemed to see lilies blooming all over the world.So pure and so beautiful!

"Mom, I saw heaven!"

"Help, I need an ambulance."

"Nurse, nanny, let's all return to blood!"

There was mourning around, and the scene of the two of them saying no to each other was frozen for several seconds, and it was Yuzhi Ako who reacted first.

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