Maha then threw a book on the table to Yunye.

"After reading this, I'll teach you actual combat."

After that, Maha went out to the deck and began to leisurely blow the lake breeze.

Yunye looked at the book in his hand and started reading directly without hesitation.

At the beginning, the half-meter-high pharmacopoeia could be learned in three hours, and this coin-wide book can only be said to be sprinkled with water.

Sure enough, before half an hour passed, Yunye closed his book and began to meditate.

Quickly and clearly conditioned in your mind, all knowledge is neatly sorted.


Yunye opened his eyes, and a fine light flashed from his eyes.

Hearing the voice, Maha stretched and walked into the control room.

"A little faster than I thought."

"Then the next step is the actual combat operation."

Maha stepped forward and pressed the button in his hand again.

I saw that the originally calm horizontal plane suddenly became turbulent.

In the blink of an eye, the kung fu has reached the point of terrifying waves!

The huge tide lapped against the hull, causing the boat to shake constantly, as if it would tilt and flip in the next second and sink to the bottom of the lake.


Maha controls the rudder with both hands.

The boats then started and began to sail on the turbulent lake.

After Maha's operation, this corner boat was as smooth as walking on the rough lake.

Even if someone stands on the deck now, they will only feel a slight shaking.

"I can't see it, I'm still an old driver."

Looking at Maha, who was as stable as an old dog, Yunye couldn't help but sigh.

Ginger is still old and spicy.

In constant observation, enlightenment also begins to trigger.

Countless details are instilled in the mind and derived to produce completely new operations.

"I learned."

Yunye said confidently.

Hearing this, Maha did not feel the slightest uneasy, and straightforwardly handed over the rudder to Yunye.

The moment he held the rudder, Yunye's eyes became more serious than ever.

According to the memory in his mind, he methodically operated the boat.

The boat, which had just been a little unstable, also became quiet under his control.

Seeing this scene, Maha praised with a smile.

"Yes, the first time you can operate so smoothly, it seems that your talent in this area is also very strong."

"Wait, what are you going to do?"

I saw Yunye hitting 360° to the left.

The entire boat instantly tilts towards the lake, and if nothing else, it quickly flips.

Just when Maha wanted to take over, an accident came.

Yunye slashed the rudder.

The boat that had been overturned actually began to spin, and a perfect drift eventually blamed it on smoothness.

Fortunately, what Maha has experienced is much more difficult, otherwise he may be scared out of a heart attack.

Who good people use boats to drift.


Maha said with some silence.

Yunye's wave of operations is really terrifying.

Even he may not be able to drift with a boat.

"This training can be over."

Maha pressed the button in his hand again.

The next moment, the lake became calm again, and the calm environment was restored.

"Find the opportunity to open it twice in the future."

Yunye walked off the boat without finishing.

Drifting with boats large enough to plant hundreds of people is something that can only be experienced here.

Back in the room, the face was already respectfully waiting inside.

"Young Master Yunye, the room has been cleaned up, and dinner is ready, whether to eat now, or take a bath first."

The face is worthy of being trained and doing well in every way.

"Let's take a shower first."

Yunye wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Those who had just returned from the lake were already sweating profusely.

The feeling of gluing all over his body made him feel very uncomfortable.


After getting the answer, the face respectfully exited the room.

Yunye came to the outside of the bathroom, stripped naked and walked in.

The bathroom has long been covered in water vapor, and it looks foggy.

I have to sigh at the financial resources of the enemy family, even the bathroom is hundreds of square meters, and there will be someone to clean it every day.

And he only needs to be responsible for enjoyment.

"This is."

As soon as he approached the bath, Yunye noticed a petite black shadow inside.

Looking closer, I found that Leizi was looking at him a little shyly.

"Young Master Yunye, I'm here to help you wipe your back."

This surprised Yunye a little.

"No need, I'll be alone."

Yunye shook his head and refused the request.

He wasn't so distracted that a three-year-old girl would serve him.

But in the next second, Leizi's eyes were left with tears.

"But I want to help my brother too."

After speaking, Leizi's cry became even louder.

This gave Yunye a little headache, and quickly agreed to her.

Hearing the agreement, Leizi, who was still crying just now, instantly became smiling.

Full of joy, he came to Yunye's back to help him wipe his back.

This time the bath time was obviously faster than at other times, and I left the bathroom after a hurried wash.

Back in the room, I lay tiredly on the bed and began to review.

"Assassination, poisoning, toxicity, tracking, torture, helm."

"So far, the Assassination Technique cultivation method has gathered six different techniques."

"I don't know what else can be classified in it."

Yunye counted what he had learned so far.

Almost all that can be learned in the enemy family has been learned.

The only bad thing is not knowing what to learn, or where to learn.

"By the way, I remember that Hanzo is a ninja of the hidden world."

Suddenly, the same bald head appeared in Yunye's mind.

That is Hanzo, who took the hunter exam with Xiaojie!

He also has a hidden identity, that is, a ninja of the Yunyin genre.

"But how do I get there, can't I wait until the hunter exam begins."

At this point, entry becomes a difficult problem again.

"At that time, maybe you can find Nitro to let me go over for further training."

Yunye immediately thought of a way.

Nitro had said she could go to him when she had time.

At that time, you can ask Nitro to bring him to the Yunyin Sect for cultivation.

After all, the identity of the president of the Hunter Association should not be refused.

"Before that, you still need to continue training."

Thinking of the needle that had not been tried, Yunye's heart became bitter.

I really don't know if I will die there on the spot one day.

But he can also clearly feel that his resistance to toxicity is rapidly increasing.

Now the general toxicity can't help him at all.

"Continue to cultivate."

Yunye closed his eyes, and his body began to operate the Tai Shang Visualization Map and the Nian Ability Cultivation Method.

The two complement each other, and the feeling of comfort swims in the body.

Soon, Yunye fell asleep.

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