"He is currently the oldest person in the Hunter Association, and he is also the partner who went to the Dark Continent with me."

Hearing this name, Yunye shifted his gaze away.

I saw a short grandmother wearing national costumes and sitting cross-legged on a futon to take a break.

The body naturally exudes a peaceful temperament, which makes people feel that she is amiable at a glance.

"It's time to go."

Linne opened his pure eyes and looked at Nitro.

Even if the age has reached the peak, it is really rare that there are still no impurities in the eyes.

"It's okay, Xiao Nie, you continue to sleep."

Nitro waved his hand to indicate that he was safe and sound.

Afterwards, Linne fell asleep again.

For a character of her level, sleep is to extend one's life.

"There are still people who haven't come over for the time being, so let's wait a little."

After that, Nitro continued to deal with the business at hand.

"No problem."

Yunye sat quietly on the sofa.

But he felt a little uncomfortable, because he was keenly aware that Paris Stone had been observing him since he came in, and he had not withdrawn his gaze until now.

This kind of bold look is really presumptuous.

"Look at the eyes again and dig them out for you."

Yunye turned his head and warned Paris with a smile.

In an instant, Aluja's face changed, and the originally pure and flawless pupils instantly became empty and dark.

The surrounding body exuded the darkest terrifying aura, which made everyone present tighten their hearts and sirens.

"My brother's wish can be fulfilled."

Naniga's eyes were like crescent moons, and he looked very happy.

His gaze shifted from Yunye's body to Pariston.


After looking at each other for a moment, Pariston felt cold, as if his body dissipated in the next second.

A great terror called death was about to befall him.

"No thanks."

Yunye softly refused.

"Okay brother."

Although Naniga was a little disappointed, he still obeyed Yunye's orders.

Lying happily on Yunye's body.

For him, this is the safest place in the whole of the world.

After this incident, Pariston no longer continued to look at Yunye, but instead set his eyes on the door.

In the next second, a figure slowly appeared from the doorway.

"Everyone, long time no see."

Kim's energetic voice sounded.

Behind him were his companions who had gone to the underground ruins together.

Although each of them does not have much strength, they have an extremely terrifying talent for other aspects, which is why Jin brought a few people.

"It's been a long time."

A smile appeared on Xiba's serious face.

This surprised Yunye a little, he didn't expect Jin to know Xiba, and it seemed to be very familiar.

"You really came."

Seeing Kim, the smile on Pariston's face became even more lush.

The reason he chose to come was because of Kim's arrival.


Jin just said hello and didn't pay any more attention, sitting next to Yunye and talking.

For these, Pariston did not care too much, still looking at Kim with a smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, Yunye immediately became interested and said ridiculously.

"He keeps staring at you like this, could it be a crush on you?"


Jin, who had just taken a sip of tea, instantly spat it out.

"You're really kidding."

"By the way, Liuyin hasn't come yet."

Jin quickly ripped off the topic.

"He's probably there."

As soon as the words fell, footsteps came again at the gate.

With a bang, the closed door was pushed open, and Liuyin walked in first.

The people following behind made Yunye a little surprised.

"He's here, is there anyone else in charge of the Yunyin genre."

This person is the master brother of the Yunyin Genre - Listen Yin!

Unexpectedly, Liuyin directly brought Tingyin over.

"He must come."

Liuyin's words were very concise, but they were enough to show how much effort it took to be agreed to come.

"So who is in charge now?"

Yunye questioned.

"It's Hanzo."

Tingyin answered the question first.

That's right, the head of the Yunyin school at this time is the fledgling Hanzo junior disciple!

No one knows how Liuyin agreed to such a decision.

"He found the Scroll of Shadows."

Liuyin seemed to see the doubt in Yun Ye's heart.

Hearing this, Yunye's heart was clear.

The Shadow Scroll is a level second only to the Dream Scroll, and it covers countless ninjutsu of different minds, each of which is a level that is enough to be regarded as a treasure of the Zhenzong.

Therefore, it is understandable that Hanzo can become the leader.

And according to his talent, as long as he follows the scroll step by step, sooner or later he will be able to reach the peak of human society.

"That's easy to explain."

Yunye immediately understood.

I have to say that Hanzo's luck is really good, and he actually found a treasure of the level of the Shadow Scroll for him.

It can also be said why Liuyin agreed to listen to Yin to come and go to the Dark Continent together.

"People should have arrived."

Jin looked around and saw that everyone who should have arrived had already arrived.

At this moment, Nitro raised his head and met Kim's gaze.

"No hurry, there is still one last person left."

Seeing this, everyone continued to wait in place.

As time passed, a wave of anger could already be felt brewing in the entire room.

Finally, after another half hour, there was a noise at the door.


The door was slammed open.

"Father, you finally agreed to let me go."

"This is what you should do as a hunter, keep exploring!"

The person who came is Biyangde, who is extremely ambitious!

The son of Nitro, one of the powerhouses who had traveled to the Dark Continent.

Later, in the plot, he cooperated with the Kajin Empire on his own, forcing V5 to explore the Dark Continent.

"This exploration of the dark continent, I am bound to win!"

Although Biyang De is dusty, he is very excited.

But soon, he realized something was wrong.

In the room, everyone was staring at him expressionlessly, as if they were going to kill him in the next second.

What made him even more desperate was that he saw a familiar figure in the crowd.

Yunye, who almost killed him in the first place!

"Here you are."

Nitro said quietly.

Those present did not move their hands or mouths, all for the sake of his Nitro's face.

"Yes, my respected father."

Biyang De quickly changed his attitude and changed his previous presumptuousness.

Can flex and stretch for the husband!

In front of someone stronger than yourself, there is no shame in bowing your head.

"Since you're here, sit down."

Nitro ignored his suddenly polite son and instead looked at everyone present.

"Next, there will be a discussion that is unprecedented in human society."

"I unite the rest of the professionals and name it - Apocalypse Theory!"

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