As soon as he won the jackpot, it caused a lot of noise.

Everyone was looking in Yunye's direction, and some people's eyes had even begun to move.


The sound of knives coming out of their sheaths resounded through the casino, causing these people to extinguish their inner thoughts.

Laike stood beside Yunye, solemn as a guardian saint.

"It's still so dishonest in the game."

Looking at these players, Yunye thought speechlessly.

Ordinary NPCs don't have thoughts about him at all, and they may not even look at it.

They will only follow the procedures that have already been established in their hearts.

Then the only people who will be thief to him are those players who also enter the island of greed.

If you know how to get cards the fastest, then looting would be a good path.

Money too.

"Sir, introduce yourself, my name is Boji."

"Instead of protecting this imp, how about joining our squad to clear the game."

"As long as we work together, we will soon be able to collect all the cards and complete the final mission."

Just as everything calmed down, a voice once again set off a storm.

I saw a player who looked like an NPC throwing a flag at Laike, trying to make him a member of the team.

He had a confident smile on his face, as if victory was in his hands.


Laike said softly, without looking at it.

But there was no anger in the slightest, and it was still full of smiling faces as always.

"If you don't want to, then give me your cards."

As soon as the words fell, his body released thoughts, and a pair of invisible big hands rushed towards Laike.



In the incredulous eyes of everyone, the affected head fell to the ground.

Until he died, he still kept a smile on his face, not realizing that he had ushered in the time of death.

"Don't talk nonsense in the future, just shoot."

Yunye was still playing the slot machine, and his mouth was facing Laike education.

In the instant just now, he manipulated the black shadow to kill the ripple instantly, so fast that everyone could not see it clearly.


Laike also realized how inappropriate his behavior was just now.

Thinking of this, his eyes became sharper, and he straightened up to look at the people around him.

It seems that he was hit by this gaze, and the people who had stopped to watch and wanted to pick up the leak all obediently returned to their seats to gamble.

Just kidding, even the boss of this kind of squad was killed, and they just gave away heads when they went up.

"Hit the jackpot!"

"Hit the jackpot!"

"Hit the jackpot!"

As time passed, the slot machine in front of Yunye never stopped ringing.

It was like bursting gold coins and constantly dropping money, and soon it piled up into a hill.

This is just the money that Yunye obtained by his own skills, and if he relies on risky dice, he doesn't know what kind of reward he will get.

"By the way, I remember there was a card here."

Suddenly, Yunye thought of a way to get the cards.

There is a famous gambling king in Dulias, and legend has it that he has won every battle and never lost.

If you find a gambling king to fight against him, if you win, you will get a B card.

The Egg of the God of Gamblers!

Although it is useless, it is also a designated card.

"Let's go."

After deciding, Yunye got up and walked towards the door.

The originally piled mountains were also swallowed by the black shadow and entered the inner world.

This divine scene completely dispelled those people's inner thoughts.

"Boss, the money is gone."

As soon as I arrived outside the door, I saw Gera come back dejected.

It is clear that he lost all the money.

"It's okay, Ding-dong."

Yunye comforted, and then asked.

He had expected that Guerra would lose all his money.

After all, Graa's main battlefield is still in terms of combat, and it is still a little too difficult for him to use his brain to make money.

"Because there wasn't enough money, it was mortgaged."

Guerra said a little embarrassed.

He himself felt a little ashamed to say this.

If you lose, forget it, and mortgage the cat.

"I'll take a look."

Yunye said a little helplessly.

Following Guerra to the place where he gambled.

The first time I went in, I saw Jingle Bell who was forced to sell Moe.

"Does anyone else want to have one? As long as you defeat me, you will be the new gambling king of Dulias! "

It was the famous gambling king who defeated Guerra!

"It really didn't take any effort."

"I'll come with you."

Yunye stepped forward and pressed 50,000 J.


The moment he saw Yunye, he cried out and hid behind him.

"You sent that kid to take revenge?"

The gambling king took off his sunglasses and looked at Yunye arrogantly.

"That's right."

Yunye nodded and acknowledged.

"Hehe, it's the first time I've gambled with a child."

"Okay, I promise you."

"But your principal is not enough."

The gambling king put the sunglasses back on and said contemptuously.

Hearing this, Yunye put all the money he had just earned on the table.

The heavy pile of gold almost collapsed the table.

"This... OK. Seeing

so much money, the gambling king silently took off his sunglasses.

The game begins!

"There are three cards here, whoever is the biggest wins."

The gambling king explained the rules and began to play cards.

There are no bells and whistles, and there are no psychological struggles.

It's all about luck.

"Oh, so it is."

A smile appeared at the corner of Yunye's mouth, and he understood the trickiness in it.

It stands to reason that Graa's luck is still very strong, but he has always lost.

That's very strange.

But at the moment when the gambling king drew cards just now, he saw the truth.

There is no doubt that the gambling king, as the king of Dulias, a character who wins every battle, must have a little special function.

That is the power of authority.

Although it is small and can only control the behavior on gambling, it is enough

"Compare authority with Lao Tzu?"

An idea appeared in Yun Ye's mind.

The shadow behind him began to squirm, and the figure of 'Jin' appeared beside him.


When the third card was drawn, the gambling king spoke out in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

Yunye asked simply.

"Nothing, it's up to you."

Although the gambling king noticed the abnormality, he still said calmly.

Seeing him like this, Yunye knew that the special functions that belonged to him had disappeared.

Summoning gold is to give him permission.

As a result, his third card cannot be changed.

"I'm coming."

Yunye's voice was like a demon's whisper, making the gambling king a little flustered for some reason.

Every time he took one, it made the gambling king's eyes become more solemn.

"Let's have a showdown."

With the extraction of the third sheet, Yunye said expressionlessly.


The gambling king said confidently.

Even without authority, he is confident that he can win.

As the two flipped, the first card was turned over.

Gambling King: A

Yunye: 6

Seeing this scene, the gambling king breathed a slight sigh of relief.

But as the second chapter flipped, his face became solemn again, even a little pale.

Gambling King: A

Yunye: 6 Although the gambling king is bigger, he is still very unconfident, and he feels that Yunye's

cards are not as simple as they seem.

Finally, the deadliest third picture came.

The winner is decided right now.

"Let's get started."

Yunye said to the gambling king.

As the words fell, the third card was officially opened.

Gambling King: K

Yunye: 6!

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