"I know this person."

"He is the head of the special services section of the Republic of Xias, and he has a lot of power."

"A few days ago, he also negotiated with us, wanting to purchase some special ore resources, but he didn't know what to use it for."

Zairo told everything he knew.

"Special ores."

Yunye muttered.

NGL's special ore plays a key role and is one of the essential materials for the creation of very large weapons of destruction.

Therefore, once it is mined, it will almost be snapped up by major forces.

This is one of the reasons for the rapid development of NGL.

And Biyang De chose to purchase these ores, except for the purpose of making weapons, he can't think of other reasons for the time being.

"It seems that this old boy's ambition is really not small."

A guess appeared in Yunye's heart.

Bijand may want to create some oversized destruction weapons for exploring the Dark Continent!

This may be one of the reasons why he chose to go to a small place like the Republic of Xias.

"Do you know where he is now."

Now that the target is locked, the next step is to determine the location.

"He should still be in the Republic of Xias by now."

"I just spoke to him, right in his office."

Zairo said the exact location.

Getting the answer, Yunye suddenly disappeared in place.

In the entire wide palace, only Zairo was once again left.

He returned to his seat and continued to work on the chores at hand and the next steps.

On the other side, Yunye, who had left, returned to the Republic of Xias again, and on the endless plain stood many villages, blowing green smoke.

Seeing this, countless black shadows instantly appeared around Yunye, standing neatly in place, waiting for orders.

"Find Bijande's location."

As soon as the words fell, the overwhelming black shadow suddenly merged into the shadows and began to search in a grid format.

After a while, the black shadow transmitted reliable information.

Unsurprisingly, Biyang De was working on documents in his office.

After making sure, Yunye retreated into the darkness expressionlessly.

Luxury office.

"The materials for making are still a lot short."

"Sooner or later, I'm going to take NGL into my hands."

Bi Yangde frowned and looked at the production drawing in his hand.

The dense arrangement on it is full of materials for production, and it is initially estimated that at least a hundred different things will be required.

Just when he was still looking forward to the future, he didn't know that the shadow behind him was squirming violently.

The next moment, Yunye's figure quietly appeared behind him.

"Not good!"

Biyang De reacted quickly and was about to leave his seat, when a sharp claw had already been placed on his neck.

With a light touch, a wound suddenly emerged.

A drop of cold sweat slipped from Biyander's forehead to the ground.

"Who are you."

Bi Yangde was worthy of being a hero, and very calmly sat back in his place and questioned.

There was not the slightest panic on his face.

But in the next second, an extreme murderous aura enveloped him.

This feeling is like being beaten into eighteen layers of hell, and it is cold all over the body!

A sense of death arose.

"I don't care if you want to kill your dad to lift the restrictions, he is happy anyway."

"But if you dare to touch the people around me, I will shave the skin on your body little by little, and then throw it into the deepest abyss of the dark continent to suffer never-ending pain."

"This is my last piece of advice to you."

Bi Yangde's ears sounded extremely cold words.

At this time, he felt that an ancient giant beast was whispering in his ear, his eyes showing fierce light, constantly controlling the killing desire in his heart.

Saliva slowly ran down his throat, and he nodded more than Yang De.

The window behind him was slammed open, and the wind swept through the office, lifting countless notes.

After waiting for about a minute, everything returned to calm.

Biyang De sat quietly in place, his eyes constantly wandering in thought and fear.


"Let's go."

After finishing everything, Yunye returned to the Sky Arena.

Greeted the three people behind him and said.

Killu, Guerra, Ryk.

As for this guy Siso, perhaps he was afraid of getting into trouble and left here a long time ago.

It's just a pity that Yunye has a pity that there will be less part-time workers in the future.

"I can finally go back."

Guerra's eyes were full of longing.

A slightly blurred figure appeared in his heart.

"Brother, where are we going?"

Killua asked with a puzzled look.

"To Guerra's hometown."

"By the way, where is your home."

Yunye only reacted at this time, and he still hadn't asked where Gra's hometown was.

"Ah, didn't I say that."

"My home is on Whale Island."

Guerra smiled and said the location of his hometown.

"Whale Island?"

This statement surprised Yunye a little.

Whale Island is a complex terrain with lush rainforests and wide bottomless lakes that are home to a variety of exotic animals.

Named Whale Island because of its whale-like appearance, it is a sea island where fishermen stay for a long time.

It is also where Jay Floy, the child of destiny, has always lived, and it is the beginning of the entire plot.

It's where the dream begins!

"What's wrong boss, do you know where it is."

Guerra asked with some doubt.

He clearly knows that his hometown is just an inconspicuous small place, and the few people who know this place alone are very few.

"I've heard a little."

"Without further ado, let's go quickly, otherwise we won't be able to catch the airships and fishing boats."

Yunye instantly planned the route.

The group left the Sky Arena and headed for the Land of Dreams.

Whale Island!

Three days later.

"Brother, how long do we have to arrive."

Killua sat bored on the deck, blowing the sea breeze, watching the seagulls.

Hearing this, Laike couldn't help but cast a look.


Yunye gently stroked the seagull in his hand.

In three days, they traveled countless means of transportation, and finally reached the last transportation with great difficulty.

It is the fishing boat that is currently on it.

"Boss, we've arrived!"

Gra pointed forward with a look of excitement.

At a glance, a huge whale appeared in front of him, and countless plants and trees rendered it a green color symbolizing life.

Countless seagulls hover overhead, looking very beautiful and eye-catching.

"Wow, Brother Gra's hometown is so beautiful."

Killua couldn't help but marvel.

He had always lived in the lifeless Dead Mountain, where had he seen such a scene.

"Attention passengers."

"We're going to get to the location soon."

"Whale Island!"

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