"Brother, what is this?"

"This is a seagull."

Yunye explained patiently.

Hearing the name, Aluja's eyes lit up and whispered, hoping to attract the attention of the seagull.

It may be that the animals are avoiding the evil, and none of the seagulls are willing to approach Aluja and avoid it.

The reason is that the momentum exuded by Naniga is too powerful.

In their eyes, Aluja is a more dangerous creature than the terrifying Homo erectus.

"Hello, my name is Aluja."

Even though the seagull did not approach, Aluja continued to call without giving up.

Others watched this scene with interest, and it became the only place on the ship to relieve fatigue.

Finally, under the perseverance of Aluja, when he was about to dock, a seagull landed on his hand.

I don't know if it's because of stupidity or if I'm really moved by Aluja's persistence.

When everyone saw this scene, they cheered for it.

This made Aluja hide behind Yunye a little shy for a while.


With a loud bang, the fishing boat landed.

Massive planks extend to the ground, providing people with walking.

Yunye's group disembarked in an orderly manner, and did not jump directly to attract attention like last time.

Looking at the market that was as lively as ever, Yunye's mouth outlined a smile.

Past the bazaar, past the trees and the chirping of birds, you reach your destination.

It was still the villa in the forest, and Sheila's busy figure appeared in front of everyone's eyes.


The familiar shouts made Sheila look back at everyone in confusion.

She obviously didn't expect Guerra to come back so soon.

"You guys are."

Sheila asked with a puzzled face.

"Mom, we are going to cultivate here, and we will not go back in a short time."

Guerra's words are undoubtedly good news for Sheila.

She quickly beckoned everyone in, and at the same time accused Guerra of telling him only now.

Entering the house, the joy in Aluja's eyes became even stronger.

Along the way, he gained a lot of insight.

These were things he hadn't seen.

"This kid, he really doesn't stop for a moment."

Yunye found that Qilu's figure had disappeared.

Without exception, he went to find his good friend Xiaojie.

"What about Brother Killu."

Aluja looked left and right, and also noticed the disappearance of Killu.

"Do you want to go to him, I'll take you."

Yunye immediately decided to go over.

After all, Aluja is more suitable for playing with small children.

Without too much hesitation, he jumped towards Xiaojie's house with Yaluja.

After a while, they came to the familiar plain.

The wind howls, blowing green grass, a touch of fragrance, making people feel comfortable.

Looking at it, two small ones were playing in the giant tree wrapped around the wooden villa, with smiles on their faces.


A voice pulled the two back to reality.

"What's wrong, brother."

Qilu asked with a little doubt.

"You take Aluja with you, just in time to play games together."

Yunye said bluntly.

"Good, good!"

Before Qilu could answer, Xiaojie replied excitedly.

There are obviously more places for three people to play than for two.

"Me too."

Killua nodded and brought Aluja over.

Soon, they started playing again, and Aluja's smile was clearly more cheerful.

Back at the villa, Yunyepan sat on the bed and began to cultivate.

He suddenly remembered that he hadn't practiced for a long time.

"Graa, Laike, come here."

Yunye greeted the two over by phone.

In an instant, the two appeared in front of them.

"What's wrong, boss."

Gra was the first to ask.

"In the next time, I will start cultivating, don't let anyone disturb me."

"Unless there's something particularly important."

Yunye explained everything.

This made the two realize the seriousness of the matter, and there was a high probability that Yunye would not appear for a long time.

"We know the boss and promise to complete the task."

Gura assured Yunye.

"Just get it, you guys go out."

Yunye said slowly.

After taking one last look, the two quickly left the room.

After doing this, Yunye's consciousness began to wander in the world and diffracted into the black shadow arranged by NGL.

At this time, Zairo was looking at the report in front of him with a happy face.

"What happened to make you so happy."

Yunye's figure slowly appeared from his shadow.

"Lord, our procedures in all aspects have gone in a good direction, as long as the surrounding countries are subdued, we can officially promote to a great power in a few years!"

Zairo said with excitement on his face.

He never imagined that his country would one day become a great power.

"Yes, Dirk will help you."

"Other than that, something needs to be notified to you."

Yunye told him about his retreat.

Knowing this information, although Zairo was a little flustered, he quickly calmed down.

It would be much more difficult without Yunye's help, but this was the time to verify his strength.

"Since you want to choose to attack, then I will give you another general."

After speaking, Yunye summoned a black shadow.

It's Flex!

"Lord, is there any command?"

"In the future, like Dirk, you will assist the development of Zairo."

Yunye gave instructions.

After nodding vigorously, he stood quietly in place.

Having done everything, Yunye set his sights on Zairo again.

"I'm not going to make this up."

"Do as much as you can."

Yunye handed the drawings to Zairo.

Above it was the oversized destruction weapon that Biyang De had seen.


can release a high temperature of 6,000°C in an instant, evaporating and melting everything in a hundred miles.

It was once dropped in the war, causing nearly four million deaths!

The war directly caused the originally vibrant land to become an irreparable wilderness, causing permanent damage.

As early as after the end of the war, it was banned by V5 and no longer continued to be produced and used.

I really don't know where Biyande got the drawings from.


Seeing something, Zairo's hand trembled slightly.

Not only the vastness of the power, but also the materials and difficulty of crafting, just one piece may consume countless resources.

If it is a small country in general, it may directly lead to bankruptcy!

"I will definitely do my best to finish!"

After much deliberation, Zairo chose to agree.

This is the time for him to reciprocate.

"Do what you can."

After speaking, Yunye retreated into the shadows and disappeared in place.

Back in the room again, take a deep breath.

After everything was ready, he sat cross-legged on the bed, and his body began to run the Tai Shang Visualization Map and the Nian Ability Cultivation Method.

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