Sect Master of Yunlan: “This is the strangeness of the group master’s refining of heaven-defying quality elixirs. “[Worship].

Emperor of the Ages @ Big Nose Chef: “Interested in making a deal?” ”

Big Nose Chef: “Big … Great… Big guy, Komatsu… Komatsu is willing to do so, and he hopes that the group owner will make it clear. “[Respectfully].

The Ancient Emperor: “There is no need to be so restrained, our Daqin world needs the food of your world, and I can trade with you anything you want.” ”

There is a saying that is very true, that is, the people take food as the sky!

The harvest was poor and there was a famine in the country.

In particular, there was a locust plague behind, so Daqin was short of food.

Today, Komatsu’s food world is full of food.

If you can trade, you will definitely be able to solve the problem of disaster perfectly!

Chef with a big nose: “Komatsu is happy!” I don’t know what kind of ingredients the group owner needs? Komatsu can do it, and he will definitely do his best! “[Seriously].

Although he was not the kind of person who craved power, he also hoped to obtain some elixir.

For example, if the food hunter Ah Yu who accompanies him is stronger, he will naturally be able to capture more advanced ingredients.

Although I am a chef, I also do manual work when cooking.

Being able to obtain elixir enhancement is naturally of great benefit to one’s cooking skills.

Similarly, obtaining elixirs to improve one’s physical attributes naturally allows you to better protect yourself.

Thinking of following Mr. Ah Yu to capture those vicious food ingredients in the past, the terrifying situation is really like a nightmare.

The Emperor of the Ages: “It doesn’t need to be too good, just be full.” ”

Just kidding, if you can solve the problem of food and clothing, it is unprecedented!

After all, throughout the ages, ridicule has always been a major plan for people’s livelihood!

So what kind of ingredients do you expect?

Of course, although this is the case, Li Daoxuan knows that the food in the food world is a transcendent delicacy!

Although the food he ate through Daqin was hearty, the taste was far inferior to modern times, so his gluttony had long been seduced.

The big-nosed chef: “Okay group master, I understand, Komatsu will go and prepare!” “[Respectfully].

Emperor of the Ages: “Let’s talk about what you need first.” ”

Chef with a big nose: “But Komatsu hasn’t completed the deal yet.” ”

The Ancient Emperor: “I know who you are, just say it.” ”

Big-nosed chef: “Then I’ll just…” I’m welcome, Komatsu wants some elixir. ”

[Group tip: Daqin-Emperor of the Ages sent an exclusive red envelope to the group food-big-nosed chef].

Big-nosed chef: “Thanks! ”


A world of food.

A man with a short stature, plain appearance, and a large nose was now looking at the strong man next to him and said excitedly:

“Mr. Ah! Mr. Ah Yu, I have obtained that heaven-defying elixir! ”

The former is naturally Komatsu, while the latter is a food hunter, that is, the protagonist of the fate of this food world.

Short blue hair, handsome appearance, three claw marks on the left side of the face.

The most important thing is the tall body like an iron tower, and the thick muscles like a rock!

It looks like it’s full of power!

At this time, Ah Yu originally looked at Komatsu with a worried face.

After all, just now, Komatsu suddenly said that there was a strange chat panel in his head?

Among them, people from different dimensions come together?

What’s even more absurd is that Komatsu can collapse a universe as far as his eyes can see?

What an international joke is this!

Who is as fragile as a bubble in the universe everywhere?

It is even said that the leader of this chat group is actually a more heaven-defying existence than him?

Ah Yu really thought that there was something wrong with Komatsu’s spirit, but except for this chat group, everything else was very normal.

This will make Ah Yu unwholesome.

But this time, Ah Yu didn’t think about it, and then his eyes stared at the elixir in Komatsu’s hand like a wild beast!

Ah Yu has a sense of smell far beyond ordinary people and even dogs, can distinguish small different smells in the air, and can judge the strength of opponents through smells.

So now the fragrance of this elixir is completely attractive to Ah Yu!

Even Ah Yu’s saliva at this time was pouring like a river that burst its bank?

It comes from your own instinctive desire to eat!

“Mr. Ah, give.”

Komatsu gave half of the elixir in his hand to Ah Yu.

Seeing this, the latter immediately thanked him: “Thank you Komatsu.” ”

After taking the pill, the fragrance of the pill became even stronger, and Ah Yu quickly swallowed his saliva, and then sent the pill into his mouth.


As a result, when the elixir entered the mouth, you could see that the clothes on Ah Yu’s body immediately cracked.

And Ah Yu’s body now is actually several times more swollen than just now!

The muscles are more exaggerated, and the green tendons swim like a dragon.

After feeling the change in himself, Ah Yu immediately said in shock:

“This is… This is cellular evolution?! ”

To put it simply, it breaks the limitations of the human body and makes the flesh get an explosive boost!

However, what shocked Ah Yu even more was that his physical attributes still did not stop climbing?

This is simply unheard of!

It is worth mentioning that it is possessed of the cultivation method, which can accelerate the absorption and refining of elixirs.

Even if there is no cultivation method, it can be absorbed and refined by the human body itself.

“This… This… What the hell is going on here?! ”

At this time, Ah Yu immediately stared at Komatsu in amazement.

And the latter swallowing the pill, itself has also undergone essential changes.

The originally thin body shape, at this time, there are solid muscles?

But Ah Yu knows that Komatsu does not have a gourmet cell!!

The gourmet cell was discovered by the god of gastronomy Acacia in the deep sea, the phantom jellyfish.

The food god found that the cell activity in the jellyfish is different from that of ordinary fish, and the limbs of the phantom jellyfish will regenerate after being eaten, and the animals that eat the jellyfish will become more delicious!

It was also discovered that life can evolve because of this!

Later, gourmet cells were implanted into the human body, so that human cells could be activated, human life could evolve after enjoying food, and at the same time, the strength would become beyond ordinary humans, beyond the limits of humans.

But at this moment, Komatsu has indeed surpassed the limits of ordinary human bodies!

At this time, Komatsu immediately looked at Ayu excitedly

“Mr. Ah Yu, didn’t I say that before?”

“I really didn’t expect that the effect of the elixir was so terrifying! No wonder the group members are so unbelievable! ”

Hearing Komatsu’s words, Ah Yu naturally couldn’t help but be stunned in place, and looked at the former with some stunned and said:

“So… So Komatsu, what you said earlier is… It’s true?! ”


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