My unlimited life

Chapter 031 Central Continent and Devil Fourth!

You can search "My Unlimited Life Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The war between the Mid-Continent team and the Demon team broke out right from the beginning of the mission.

First, the captains of the two teams, in the first collision, directly smashed a hundred-story building between the two, and everyone else tacitly stayed away from the battlefield of the two.

One is the vampire with the fourth-order genetic lock, and the other is the zombie with the fourth-order genetic lock. Fundamentally, the two are the same kind of existence, but they are therefore incompatible with each other!

Incarnate as a demon, a replica of Zheng Zha who dived down in a straight line like a meteorite from a height of nearly a thousand meters.

Like a god, Li Shuaixi took off from the ground and charged towards the sky with golden light.

Then, the words of communication are no longer needed, and both parties have reached a conclusion.

There is no cause for this war, but the final end... both are bound to win!Zheng Zha needs to behead the opponent, to avenge himself for losing the opportunity to revenge himself, Li Shuaixi needs to behead the opponent and make up for himself with everything from the opponent!

Then, there is no need to doubt.

Immediately, fight!

Benz, who did not hesitate to accelerate to the limit with his maximum strength, on this vertical and ruined sky battlefield, the interlaced moments of victory and defeat instantly kicked off!



"Ala, are you the Sashengwan? I didn't expect you to come into this world. Sure enough, my so-called body is quite capable!"

Li Shuaixi, a copy of the flying sword, appeared in front of Sesho Maru. The flying sword under his feet and the three-handed sword behind it followed Li Shuixi’s words. Four different but unique sword intents burst into this one. The realm smelled of sword.

"Zhuxian Four Swords?" Sai Sheng Maru asked in confusion, but the affirmation in the words made no secret. Before Nagato, there was no cultivator in the volley hanging pavilion. The most handsome Zhuxian Four Swords, according to Sayah The latter speculation was probably placed in the remains of the saint.

In Infinite Horror, the saint and the cultivator are two groups. The combination of the saint remains and the cultivation ruins is the complete inheritance. To be honest, Shashengwan did not expect the other party to have the four swords of Zhuxian, so...

"Have you dug up the remains of the saint?" Without waiting for Li Shuaixi to speak, Shashengwan muttered to herself, but every sentence brought a great shock to Li Shuaixi.

Pull out the broken tooth, activate the life force in the broken tooth, and Shashengwan is mentally prepared for the hard fight.



"It's been a long time, dear brother." Zhao Yingkong ushered in a man at this time.

The man was walking towards her slowly. The distance between the two was about several kilometers, surrounded by high-rise buildings, and the place where they stood was on the same street.

"Well, it's been a long time since I saw you...My little apple, you seem to be much stronger again, have you recovered to be you?"

The man who came slowly in the distance was Zhao Zhuikong. He also had a smile on his face, but that smile looked a little scary, because his eyes were cold and there was nothing but killing intent.

"My cute little apple, there will be no one here to bother us, let me see your growth, the almost invincible genius back far has it grown now?" Zhao Zhuikong smiled and pulled out A crimson dagger, the color is indeed pure crimson, just like a crimson gem, the small dagger looks so cute and beautiful.

Zhao Yingkong silently shook her head and said, "Sure enough, as I expected... Brother, you have gone astray, you are wrong... This result is not what we want, brother..."

"Shut up! My little apple, you just need to rest assured and wait for me to pick it! What are you talking about so much nonsense?"

The smile on Zhao Zhuikong's face gradually disappeared. He kept walking forward with a cold face. Although the walking speed was not too fast, the distance between them was still shortening.

"...Do you know? I have never blamed you, even now, I have never blamed you..."




"It seems that I chose a very troublesome opponent!" Zhang Heng stood on the top of the building, watching tens of thousands of black-armored soldiers besieging him from a short distance, and every damage was quickly restored after a few seconds. Cover your forehead.

"Naturally, I'm thinking, would you treat me like Immortal? Oh, look at your expression, it seems I really guessed it right, it's really unhappy, although I was the first one after birth The sacrifice is to use Immortal. It is not too wrong to say that my template is Immortal."

"Burst Arrow!"

Zhang Heng once again issued a bursting arrow to shoot the black armored sea of ​​people out of a trail, but soon the trail was submerged again, and Zhang Heng, with good eyesight, once again discovered that the damaged black armored man quickly recovered!

"No, you must find out his body, otherwise even if there is that, I will be crushed to death!"

"No way, author Sang, you look weak..." Kira's voice didn't know where it came from, it was everywhere and it was hard to guess.

"Damn it!!"



Here is a damaged teahouse.

Fortunately, although many things were damaged, with the addition of some utensils in the Ming Yanwei Space Bracelet, this ingenious wizard maiden succeeded in making tea.

"Let's try it, my level, dear clone!" The elf witch laughed softly, ignoring the air-conditioning in the entire teahouse.

"No, I am no longer a normal person at this moment, and my sense of taste and smell is long gone..." said Ming Yanwei, a cold-dressed replica indifferently.

"I think, let's get into the topic directly!"

"Well, as long as..."



Xiao Honglu, the only member of the Zhongzhou team who has not been in contact with the enemy, took Qin Zhuyu, Zhu Wen and newcomers Miao Ruoleng and Cheng Xiao to meet the enemy head-on at the reserved location.

Because there is no mental ability, Xiao Honglu knows that any actions of himself and others are meaningless, only a frontal attack can win, and Xiao Honglu still remembers the words left by Li Shuaixi before he left——

"In fact, one of my partners hasn't come, probably sleeping. I put her coordinates here. If you can make it to her, no matter how strong the members of the Demon team are, they will probably be killed. "

"So, try hard to hold on!"

ps: Thank you "c2-L." for your monthly pass!sleepy…… ..

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