My unlimited life

Chapter 047 End of Biochemistry [Part I] Third!

You can search "My Unlimited Life Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!On the top of the snow-capped mountain, Nagato sits on the ground, with a piece of white paper and an ancient mirror placed in front of him. These are the two most powerful treasures in the main god space, the Conferred God List and the Good Fortune Jade!

Fengshenbang has the power to use the law of causality. In theory, as long as you pay enough cause and effect, you can do anything in this multiverse, but it cannot shield the backlash caused by the use of causality.

The good fortune jade also has the ability to use the law of causality, but its main power is actually to calm the backlash of time and space. In a sense, the good fortune jade is a supplementary magic weapon for the Fengshen Bang.

At this time, Nagato is constantly absorbing the cause and effect of this world. As Nagato’s cult of personality continues to deepen, the will of the surviving humans continues to affect Alaya, causing it to continue to lean towards Nagato. Therefore, on the list of gods, cause and effect Point surge!

"Sister Saya, it doesn't matter!"

With a scream, Broly's figure appeared next to Nagato. The potential of this legendary Super Saiyan was unfathomable. He was defeating the corpse queen and his power was all improved.

"It's okay!" Nagato opened his eyes, looked at Broly, and then closed, "The strongest part of Saya is actually their will. Even me, in this respect, I am a little bit inferior."

"You know, when he got the jade of the four souls, Saya's strength was not very good, but he still swallowed all the monsters in the jade of the four souls with his own power. At first, I didn't feel much, but after thinking about it carefully, It's always weird..."

The fact is just as Nagato said, in the underground base, Saya has successfully stolen Adam's results, and a giant with a full-length glass armor braced the space-time shield that covered the base!

In addition to the Shinra's sphere of influence protected by the special barriers opened by Nagato and others, the human complement plan has begun!

In Chinatown, a young man was hacking and killing several zombies with a knife. Suddenly a little boy appeared in front of him. The big knife swung a few centimeters above the little boy's head. The man was stunned. Then he slammed into the little boy, and the two rolled out several meters away together.

"Brother, are you younger brother? Why are you here?"

The man didn't get up, and took the little boy in his arms.There was a crackling in his mouth, and the little boy didn't have the pain of being injured at all. Instead, he giggled and hugged the man tightly. The two small hands instantly merged into the man's body.

"Brother... come together..."

The man's body made a soft sound, and then it turned into a pool of foam and fell to the ground. He disappeared with the child.

The same thing began to spread in the United States. Some long-dead people appeared next to the living people out of thin air. It is strange to say that no matter how panicked and feared before, when these people appeared, the survivors immediately stopped. Or surprised.Either surprise, or horror, there are all kinds of expressions.

It seems that their vigilance suddenly dropped to the lowest level. When these people approached them, they didn't know to dodge. Once they were touched by these people, they immediately turned into foamy liquid. The whole scene was really indescribable.



"it has started!"

When Saya stole the achievements of Adam and started the path of self-complement, the disappearance of one after another survivors made the human unconscious aggregate Alaya violently shaken, and the humans within the scope of Shinra’s influence were among the human beings. The proportion of Nagato is getting bigger and bigger, and Nagato receives more and more cause and effect!


It seemed that the world shook in an instant. Komuro Takashi, who was originally at the Shinra base, yelled loudly. He fell into a coma, while Nagato felt the power of the whole world, the feeling that the world is his own ally. Nagato couldn't help showing a smile.Sogou Library

The human protagonist personality has been acquired!

"Saya, it's okay, start the next step!"



Seems to have heard Nagato’s order. At this time, the long-awaited Sahomaru in the Pacific Ocean, Li Shuixi, who moved to the Atlantic Ocean after engulfing Zheng Zha, and Kira, who was constantly complaining on the Arctic Ocean, simultaneously opened up preparations. After a long ceremony, a red beam of light rose to the sky!

It seems to echo each other, and the three soaring light beams form a transparent barrier between two, which isolates Saya from the world, who is being complemented!

Complementary white light is raging in North America. Whether it is people or actions, even plants and microorganisms, all are consumed in this terrifying white light, but in any case, white light cannot penetrate the barrier!

"The enchantment that has blessed the power of the Hungry Ghost Dao, as long as your strength does not exceed the boss's understanding, where is it possible to break through this enchantment! Humph!" Kira, who knows spells best, looked at her and tried to break through the enchantment. A smirk appeared on Bai Si's face.

"about there……"

Amidst the unwilling roar of the giant, there was a whisper of a young girl. Suddenly, the giant screamed fiercely, continuously destroying the surrounding buildings, as if to relieve his pain.

Suddenly, a green light gleamed at the giant's heart. It was a light that was completely different from the city swept by the complemented light. It was the light of life!

In the next moment, amidst the giant roar, a root of a tree penetrated from the giant’s heart and continuously stretched into the ground. Then, with a few brushing sounds, the entire giant was beaten by more than a dozen. Only the roots of the trees penetrated separately, and green shoots grew from the top of the giant's head...

It turned out to be a demon tree born out of the human complement plan as a sacrifice!

"Grow up, my magic tree!"

The crisp girl voice came from the magic tree, as if it had been ordered. This magic tree was growing at an alarming speed. In a blink of an eye, it swallowed up the entire giant and instantly grew into a giant tree of hundreds of meters. And it continues to grow into...



"The world is wailing!"

Nagato's eyes seemed to penetrate the sky and the earth, seeing the roots of the devilish trees constantly approaching the center of the earth, absorbing the life of this planet.

For a moment, Nagato seemed to hear the cry of the whole world for help. It was a cry for help that came from nowhere, but recalled from the depths of the soul. At the same time, Nagato felt that he had a lot of extra care!

"Gaia's tilt, now, I am the only protagonist in this world! Then, the main god capture plan, the second step, begins..."

ps: Thank you for the monthly pass voted by "The Way of Heaven"!..

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