My unlimited life

Chapter 017 Third in the Millennium!

You can search "My Unlimited Life Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Seeing the two Integola and Maxwell who had just been fighting for a while outside the window, they finally sat down in an open-air cafe and started talking about business. Saya was finally able to drop the heart that had been hanging in his throat.

Just now, after experiencing the immediate confrontation in the museum, after Saya stirred up the mud, the two super fighting guys who had suddenly come to a point finally died back.

Nagato felt bored, and went back to the Hellsing headquarters to catch up. Anderson also flew back to Rome.

Without these two guys, somehow people here are safer.

Now that there are no two secret service leaders followed by the bodyguards, the two leaders finally calmed down and began the theme of today's meeting.And Saya...

He stayed at the outdoor cafe outside the two, while talking with other Saya, while watching the two.

Just looking at the portable cipher box that Maxwell had been holding beside him, Saya knew that he had brought information to Integola. Maybe he was also on the order of the Pope?

Before he could open the box, Maxwell knocked on the box while poking his head over.He showed a very awkward expression, as if waiting for Integula to beg him.

Looking at Maxwell's appearance, according to various intelligence, Saya can already guess what he will say at this time

After listening to Maxwell's words, Integula was silent for a while, a gust of wind blew her, and her mouth moved, presumably she said something soft.

After hearing her words, Maxwell smiled triumphantly, entered the password, took out a seemingly old file from the safe and threw it in front of Integula...

Seeing Maxwell's material, Integula's eyes changed immediately.

Seeing Integula's serious look, Saya knew that her goal today was achieved.

"Hi...Finally, the most critical step of contact has been completed, so that the contact between the two sides today is estimated to be successful...Then the next step is to wait for the action of that lunatic in the millennium."

Head outside the window...

Integula seemed to have got what he wanted, and began to concentrate on this information...

Maxwell also proudly began to introduce the information he said he knew.At this time, the cooperation and negotiation between the two parties is officially established...

At this point in the matter, Saya knew that the two sides would not be able to fight anymore, and he was completely put down.

"Then, today's task is complete!"



"It seems that they have finally found out the true meaning of the'millennial'."

Integula, who was looking at the important information he had obtained outside the window, said this to a tall and thin man with strange glasses standing in front of the window.

"Got it? Humph..."

The fat and slightly short man sitting at the table grinned humbly when he heard the man in glasses said.

"They are still no different from knowing nothing."

The joy on the face of the fat, middle-aged man!

"You seem to be very happy, Master Major."

Hearing excitement in the voice of the adult sitting at the table, the tall weird man said so.

"Happy...Yes, very happy, very happy, very interesting. Think about it~ this is a struggle! A struggle!" I love Chinese website

The expression on the fat face is joy, joy, excitement, and joy.

"Bloody struggle...This will eventually develop into an extremely cruel and bloody war!"

It's called Crazy Smile...

"How intoxicating! Fight, and then war! Ha!"

This fat man is the millennial major, the ruler of the last remnant of the Hitler Empire-Major Mad!

The major was in a good mood. First of all, he knew that his old enemies and old opponents finally knew of his existence, and finally began a new history. The new gears of war were about to turn, and new wars were about to burn in this new new century.

He is in a very good mood, very good, especially good.

The long-cherished wish spanning the centuries, the old enemy that was determined more than half a century ago, waiting and preparing for decades, the last remnants and the remnants of history are finally about to usher in the day of embracing war.

The great struggle, the sacred war, this is the prelude to everything, the continuation of dreams the end, the last...

.........Is his long-cherished wish, their ambition......

Their wish, their ambition, their dream-is war!war!

The prelude to the war has sounded, and the curtain of the opera has already started two weeks ago.

Pulled up by the vampire brother duo... at the expense of his own life and flesh and blood.

And now, now, the curtain is really pulled up, and the music plays.

It played for the first time, with the millennium as the prelude!

Happy!Really happy!The invitation letter for the opera has now been sent to the guests, and the guest host and seat number are indicated.

Now, just waiting for the guests who have been waiting for half a century to come to their door, and then pour a bucket of cold water filled with internal organs and blood on the arrogant, eager to kill and be killed. The other party threw the white gloves at him with an excited smile, waiting, which symbolized a duel and the ultimate duel...

Declare war!

How exciting!How to linger...

This is him, this is them, they who are eager for war and fighting, endure the accumulation of power in more than half of the world, constantly repair their own stage, transform their own instruments, and master their own conducting skills and band conductor!

This is the remnant of the Nazis, everything about the major!

Exhausting all means to change the boring result, trying all kinds of methods, vowing to twist the wheel of history that cannot be reversed.

He understands everything, understands his opponent, and knows what kind of existence he is facing, better than anyone in this world.

His enemy is an immortal king, a monster, and he is a human, a weak human...

Then he will use all means to get the victory in his hands, and he will use any conspiracy to win, just to stand on the mountain of death and put the blood-colored 4d flag high on the throne and crown of the deceased monarch. Above.

On the bloody sea of ​​corpses made up of the corpses and bones of own troops and enemy troops and civilians-planted the banner of victory that belongs to only oneself.

In order to defeat him-everything is only to defeat him, everything is only for the last moment, nothing more.

And now, the good show is about to be staged soon!

ps: It's a bit watery, I would regret that I intervened so early. I had known that I would choose to let the protagonist intervene when he attacked London in the millennium, and that would be killing...

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