My unlimited life

Chapter 684: The Tribulation of the Underworld (Part 2)

You can search "My Unlimited Life Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Reincarnation? This evil demon deserves it. My grandson has suffered from him before. This fellow has been subdued by the Ksitigarbha. From my grandson's point of view, it is better to disperse the soul of the evil spirit."

Monkey King held his golden cudgel and said viciously.

Nagato actually knew exactly what Sun Wukong meant, and he also understood Sun Wukong's hatred of demons.

"Wukong, you have personally experienced the ginseng fruit thing before, and the Great Immortal Zhenyuan at that time didn't do anything to you. The monks should be compassionate, especially the Buddhist disciples."

The evil demon had restored a trace of his own humanity. He looked around, thinking of the bad things he had done before, and he constantly blamed himself.

The demon said at this time, "Brother, I have become like this. This is entirely my own sake. Don't quarrel for me anymore. Just kill me."

The power of the surrounding gods and Buddhas completely immobilized the evil spirits, which made the evil spirits unable to move their bodies at all.

In the eyes of the evil demon, all the things he committed were sinful and unforgivable by any god or Buddha.

The Ksitigarbha King did not expect that the evil demon could recover his power.

"Evil demon, do you have your own consciousness? It's great, it's the first time I have seen you look like this in so many years." The Ksitigarbha King said very excitedly.

While saying this, the Ksitigarbha king came to the evil demon, preparing to lift the seal of the gods and buddhas around the evil demon.

The Ksitigarbha king slowly approached the evil spirit. In his opinion, the evil spirit had regained his consciousness and was not as dangerous as before.

When Sun Wukong looked at the Ksitigarbha King, he wanted to relieve the power of the gods and Buddhas that suppressed evil demons, and directly stopped the Ksitigarbha King.

"Ksitigarbha, you know better than anyone else how powerful the evil demon is. He is finally suppressed by the power of the gods and Buddhas. If he is released now, he will be the same as before. Isn't this looking for trouble?" Sun Wukong Reprimanded.

In fact, the reason why Sun Wukong said this was entirely because Guanyin asked him to do this. Sun Wukong felt that what Guanyin said was reasonable, so he did what Guanyin said.

Nagato felt that something was wrong with Sun Wukong, so he immediately used the holy light of the relic to shine on Sun Wukong.

The holy light of the relic covered Sun Wukong's whole body, and there was nothing wrong with Sun Wukong. Nagato was sure that the person in front of him was indeed the Sun Wukong.Passion Novel

"Wukong, you are not like this at all. To be honest, did someone deliberately ask you to do this, otherwise you would not have so much worries about doing things. All you want is to help others." Chang The door said what Sun Wukong was thinking.

"I..." Monkey King didn't know how to speak.

The long goalkeeper relied on the relic. He looked at the evil demon not far away. After confirming that the evil demon had nothing to do, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The evil demon knew that his own brother Jizo King couldn’t bear to attack him, so he looked at Nagato, "You don’t need to help me. I fully know that the sins I committed are irreparable. You can directly confront him. I did it, I will never resist."

Nagato knew that the demons already had a heart to repent, and the demons themselves were willing to accept such a transformation, which could make it easier for Nagato to help the demons and let the demons enter the six reincarnations.

The mirror image of the Tathagata appeared in front of everyone, and everyone knelt down upon seeing the mirror image of the Tathagata.

"Worship Buddha." The Ksitigarbha king also knelt down.

"You don’t need to be so polite in front of me. In fact, the reason why I appeared in the underworld this time is because of my evil demon. Nagato came here by my order. He helped the evil demon escape from the sea of ​​suffering. Buddhism made a huge contribution." Tathagata explained.

Sun Wukong didn't say what he was thinking in his heart. He understood the meaning of the Tathagata. At the same time, he thought that he had also promised Guanyin to eradicate the evil demon. Now Sun Wukong was a little embarrassed.

"Goku, the Guanyin you see is not the real Guanyin. Guanyin has always been in my Leiyin Temple and has never left, at least she has been there since Nagato left. You should polish your golden eyes and see everything clearly. The truth." Tathagata repeats this sentence again.

At this moment, Monkey King realized that the Guanyin who was talking to him was indeed very wrong.

The relics flew out of Nagato's body automatically, shining all on the demons.

After being surrounded by the holy light of the relic, the evil demon disappeared before everyone's eyes.

"Amitabha, King Ksitigarbha, your heart knot has been untied, and the evil demon has been reincarnated. In the next life, he has completely changed and will not be the same as before. You don't need to worry about it anymore."

The Tathagata voice fell and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

Ksitigarbha closed his eyes and put down the stone in his heart...

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