My unlimited life

Chapter 706 Nagato's Plan (Part 2)

You can search "My Unlimited Life Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"I have a relationship with Tiandi Baojian, and I am the ancestor of the earth immortal, my mana can still predict this." Zhen Yuanzi explained.

"The treasure mirror of heaven and earth is in my hands now, and the two gods are combined into one. The demon is already ready to move." Nagato said that he took out the treasure mirror of heaven and earth.

Tiandi Baojian reappeared in front of Zhen Yuanzi, Zhen Yuanzi immediately injected his mana into Tiandi Baojian, and in the blink of an eye, an abnormal scene appeared in Tiandi Baojian.

In the picture, Nagato and Wutian are having a conversation, and then the two even leave together. No one knows what they are talking about.

Upon seeing this, Zhen Yuanzi was immediately shocked, staring at Nagato with his eyes.

Zhen Yuanzi asked, "Nagato, what do you think in your heart, tell me as much as you can. As the ancestor of the earth immortal, and I have some weight in front of the Jade Emperor, even the Buddha will give it to me. Face-saving."

Nagato listened to Jin Yuanzi, he knew Jin Yuanzi misunderstood him.

Nagato sneered and said, "It seems that you are suspicious of me? Who is my Nagato, you should clear it out better than anyone else. At the time, I was the only one who could hold the relic. You said that only A person with a pure mind and strong mana can control the relic."

"There has never been a mistake in what Tiandi Baojian has shown. This is a thing that can see the future and the past. I still believe in you. No matter how much trouble we will encounter this time, we should all face it together."

Zhen Yuanzi did not expect that Tiandi Baojian would display such a picture, but he believed that Nagato would definitely maintain the order of the Three Realms.

Soon Nagato took Zhen Yuanzi to the place agreed by him and Monkey King.

"Zhen Yuanzi, we were in a rush just now. I didn't tell you that Sun Wukong will come here in a while. Our plan is to let you, me, and Monkey King all gather together, and then take the initiative to attack Wutian." Said the door.

Zhenyuanzi heard Nagato’s words and immediately refused: “No, I thought you were going to Xitiantou to tell the Buddha about this. What I didn’t expect was that you wanted to attack Wutian actively. You know how dangerous this is. ?"

Nagato shook his head, "I understand what you mean, Jin Yuanzi, Sun Wukong and I are determined. If you are worried that something unexpected will happen, then you can not follow us. You can also go to Xitian Leiyin Temple. of."

In fact, Nagato felt that these things were nothing. If Zhenyuanzi went with them, it would be better. If he doesn't go, tell the Tathagata in the West, at least let the Tathagata know afterwards.v3 Academy

Monkey King arrived quickly, but he came to Zhenyuanzi and Nagato alone.

"Wukong? Why did you come by yourself? Didn't you say that you want to gather your brothers together?" Nagato was a little confused.

"This is exactly what I wonder. My master and brothers are no longer where they stayed. If I guess correctly, they should have been summoned to Leiyin Temple by the Buddha. It seems that this plan is only Both of us did it." Monkey King said.

Nagato and Monkey King both had the idea of ​​going to Wutian, and Jin Yuanzi did not support their idea.

Just as Jin Yuanzi was about to speak, Nagato stopped him from speaking.

"Now we still have a lot of things to do. I thought about it carefully. You should go to Tathagata Buddha first. Tell them our plan. At the same time, don't disturb Wutian." Nagato was very serious. Said.

Zhenyuanzi understands the meaning of Nagato. Nagato doesn't want him to have extra branches, only to tell Tathagata to someone.

Monkey King and Nagato flew to the east together, while Zhen Yuanzi took Tiandi Baojian and flew towards Leiyin Temple in Xitian.

During the flight, Sun Wukong asked with some doubts, "Nagato, Zhenyuanzi’s Tiandibaojian is very powerful. Zhenyuanzi can go to Xitian Leiyin Temple with or without this thing. You and I are looking for Wutian. , Tiandi Baojian can help you and me."

"You are wrong Wutian, Tiandi Baojian's mana is too powerful, I bring this thing, we are very likely to expose. In addition, Tiandi Baojian is by Zhen Yuanzi's side, which can protect Zhen Yuanzi from being attacked by demons. of."

Nagato also decided to return Tiandi Baojian to Zhenyuanzi after careful consideration.

At the same time, Nagato placed one of the relics in the treasure of heaven and earth, and held the remaining eleven relics by himself. His purpose in doing this was also to prevent Wutian from taking the relics.

Wutian has seen everything in his eyes. He knows that Monkey King and Nagato are coming towards him, and there are eleven relics on Nagato's body, and there is no treasure from heaven and earth.

Wu Tian raised his mouth, looked at the black robe beside him and said, "Hei robe, you can go and prepare. Nagato will arrive in the underworld soon." ..

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