"You have one day to divorce Yaxin!"

As soon as Qin Feng stepped into the hall of the Xiao family, Mrs. Qin was impatient to pat the table.


Qin Feng was stiff all over, and then he was furious!

He has been in the Xiao family for three years.

Although I know that the elders of the Xiao family, including Mrs. Qin, are very dissatisfied with him.

But he killed also did not expect, this time the old lady alone summoned, is to ask him to divorce!

Suppress anger, Qin Feng angry voice questioning.

"Well, why should I divorce Yaxin?"

Mrs. Qin pointed at him and scorned to sneer.

"Qin Feng, I didn't expect you to have the face to say that."

"You stay in Xiao's house and eat your wife's soft food. You are shameless."

"Don't think we don't know that you are a eunuch who doesn't give up. You and Yaxin are husband and wife in name only. We cherish the Xiao family's face and don't expose it."

"It's the Xiao family's duty to support you for three years! You should be sensible and get out of Xiao's house by yourself

Qin Feng's eyes are red.

In the face of such humiliation, a man can't bear it.

But... He can't tear his face right now.

Can only swallow this breath, cold hum.

"I can't divorce Yaxin!"

"It's not up to you!"

Mrs. Qin smashed the teacup, pointed at Jiang Ran's nose and scolded.

"The Xiao family's capital is broken, and the company is precarious."

"If it wasn't for you to be useless, how could Xiao Yaxin sell herself to save her family?"

"Now, it's up to you to object! I have decided to let Yaxin marry Pei Feiyang, the second son of the Pei family

Qin Feng's eyes flamed with indignation.

Mrs. Qin is so deceiving. Before he died, she asked Xiao Yaxin to divorce and remarry?!

Full of curse can not say, just throw down a angry.

"The old lady is determined to go her own way, and has never asked Yaxin for her advice?"

"Yes, she knows better than you! As soon as I heard what the family needed, I agreed without saying a word! "

Mrs. Qin sneered.


a bolt from the blue!

Qin Feng is dull on the spot!

"Do you still think of yourself as master Qin who used to be superior?"

"If I had known today, how could I have asked Yaxin to marry you such a waste!"

Old Mrs. Qin's cold words have been completely ignored.

Qin Feng can't believe it. His heart is full of Xiao Yaxin.

"I don't believe it, how can it be! I'll go to Yaxin and find out! "

Turn around and run.

Behind her came Mrs. Qin's scornful and scornful sneer.

"Don't be so paranoid. You're divorced!"

"Tomorrow, Mr. Pei will have a banquet in Crystal Palace to marry Ya Xin!"


Bungalows in the suburbs.

Qin Feng ran home and knocked open the bedroom door.

"Yaxin, the old lady said that you want to divorce me and remarry to Pei Feiyang. Can you tell me if it happened?"

Xiao Yaxin is taking care of her wedding dress.

After hearing this, she trembled and dropped her head.

Looking at her unnatural behavior, Qin Feng is heartbroken!

Quickly ran in front of her, who knows has not opened his mouth, to see the dazzling white wedding dress.

Qin Feng took two steps back in shock.

"You, you really agreed to her?"

"Why on earth?"

"I respect you in the past three years. I've never touched you. That's what you did to me?"

He roared furiously.

In order to share a peaceful life with Yaxin, everyone scolds him for his son-in-law.

Even in the Xiao family, everyone looked down upon him and took him as a dog.

Now, without a word, Xiao Yaxin is going to divorce and remarry?

She is worthy of him!

Xiao Yaxin has a pale face and struggles with guilt.

There was no answer, but my heart almost collapsed.

Think back to the scene where grandma left her to talk yesterday——

"Yaxin, you had to thank your grandfather for picking it up from the ice and snow, otherwise you would have died."

"The Xiao family hasn't treated you badly for so many years. You are in charge of the company. Now it's your turn to contribute to the family."

Xiao Yaxin was not Xiao's daughter.

The reason why Mrs. Qin raised her was that she always wanted to help her family by marriage!

But what did the Xiao family do to her?

If you can't make it to the table, take her as your servant.

In fact, she was forced to marry Qin Feng three years ago.

For three years, Xiao's family was sucking her blood.

She worked hard to run the company and support the whole Xia family without complaint.

It's just because the Xiao family has nurtured her.

But when she heard her grandmother talk about divorce and remarriage, she refused, but she couldn't say it.

Even if the Xiao family regarded her as a tool, she had to repay her kindness.

With a sad smile, she bowed her head and agreed.

"This is the last time I work for the Xiao family."

"In the future, I will never owe anything to the Xiao family!"



Recalling this, she was too tired to talk.

Xiao Yaxin goodbye Qin Feng's anger and hatred, full of resentment is burst out!

Do not give up the guilt to go, instead of full of angry accusations!

"Qin Feng, if you didn't accomplish nothing, I would compromise and divorce?"

"After three years of marriage, have you ever done anything that a man should do besides turning around me?"

"I've been stabbed in the spine repeatedly because I've been scolded as rubbish. Have you ever thought of clarifying?"

"Yes, when you were Qin Shao, you had boundless scenery. But that was before! Now the Qin family has been destroyed! "

"You wake up, without the Qin family, you just can't help the mud on the wall!"

Xiao Yaxin said, her face full of grief and despair.

Three years with Qin Feng, people are not plants, who can be merciless?

However, Qin Feng is not striving.

Whenever she finally mentioned a little confidence, she would be exhausted and disappointed by his cowardice.

Qin Feng doesn't think about it. It's not that he is too useless. How can he leave him!

When would she like to?

The family is in danger, and grandma is pressing forward.

The two mountains pressed her out of breath!

She really doesn't know what to do!


Qin Feng was stunned, as if he had known the woman for the first time.

After three years of marriage, he never seemed to know her.

"You said I didn't want to touch you?"

"Well, I'll let you have it now."

As the words fell, Xiao Yaxin also took off her clothes.

Beautiful body, a little presented in Qin Feng's eyes.

Xiao Yaxin pulls Jiang ran, helpless and sad in her eyes.

She has no way to go, can only use this way, blocking the mouth of outsiders.

If Qin Feng wanted her, no one would laugh at him as a eunuch.

If Qin Feng becomes her real husband, she can resist the family without fear!

Xiao Yaxin has a peerless face.

Her sexy and invincible body makes her like a fairy.

No one can resist her charm.

Qin Feng is dull.

But he soon woke up.

He is the successor of the Qin family.

He has been gifted since he was a child, and he has been cared and grown up under the guidance of the famous family teacher.

However, he did not want to forge ahead, to be a dandy who made trouble, and to neglect cultivation.

Only when the Qin family was destroyed did they wake up.

No one knows that the Qin family's "seizing the book of heaven" handed down from generation to generation is recorded in his heart.

To be Xiao's son-in-law and endure humiliation is to lower the enemy's guard, and also to focus on the cultivation of "seizing the Scripture of heaven".

It's also because "seizing the Scripture of heaven" wants to be successful and must keep the body of the boy!

The blood feud of the Qin family must be avenged!

In Qin Feng's eyes, the edge is clear.

Quietly operate the mental method to calm down the evil fire.

However, in Xiao Yaxin's view, she was extremely disappointed.

Make a mockery of it.

"I'm naked. You can't do anything. Others say you're a rubbish. It seems that you're right."

"If I had known this, what else would I expect?"

The last hope for Qin Feng was completely shattered.

Xiao Yaxin looks cold and points to the gate.

"Get out of here, I never want to see you again!"

Words fall, turn head no longer look at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng looks gloomy and looks at her for a while.

Or sigh, turn away.

As soon as the door closed, Xiao Yaxin's tight tears finally fell.

In three years, she had already moved the true feelings to Qin Feng.

No matter what the fate is, they are still predestined.

What she can do now is to ask Qin Feng to leave far away.

Without the Xiao family, he was free and would not be troubled by rumors.

This is also a reward for the Qin family's help to the Xiao family.


Outside, Qin Feng's eyes were red and angry.

After three years of hard work, Quan Yongning's people regard him as a son-in-law.

But who knows that in just one more day, he will be able to break through the first level of "seizing the book of heaven"!

Since Yaxin will have to remarry Pei Feiyang tomorrow, he just broke through and let everyone see if he is a waste!

Even if the people of the Qin family, who were destroyed at the beginning, knew that they were in the Xiao family, he would still be in danger.

So what?!

He will never wait for the green hat to be on his head!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng came up with a valiant figure.

Frown tight, or pain determination!

"I'm sorry, sister."

"The hatred and future of the Qin family are up to you."

Determined, Qin Feng looked coldly at the direction of Crystal Palace.

Three years of forbearance, tomorrow he does not intend to continue to endure!

Dare to marry Xiao Yaxin?

Unless you step on his body!

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