With that, Shen Hui picks up her mobile phone and is ready to call Qin Feng.

But before the number was broadcast, it was stopped by Shen Zhufeng.

"No, I can't tell Qin Xue and Qin Feng about it!"

Shen Zhufeng's attitude is clear. If he really wanted to do this, he would have informed Qin's sister and brother.

"Father, things have come to such a point, why can't we move Qin Xue out?"

"Yes, she is now the God of war. If she had been asked to help, the problem would have been solved long ago."

Although puzzled, I don't know why Shen Zhufeng didn't agree that Qin's brothers and sisters came to help.

"It's the enmity between the Shen family and the Feng family. I don't want them to come and die."

"The Feng family is very powerful. They will do whatever they can. It's useless to frighten them with Qin Xue."

Three people fell into meditation, they understand Shen Zhufeng's meaning, did not continue to force.

"Even if they force us to kill us tomorrow, we should have the courage to fight them to the end."

Shen Zhufeng orders to the three.

"If you don't fight for steamed bread, you have to fight for breath. Our Shen family will never give up easily."

"Don't worry, we will die with them at that time, and we will never compromise."

Several people reached a consensus that they had never obeyed the Feng family from the beginning.

Now, even if they have the upper hand, the Shen family will never give up.

The news that the rosefinch people came to Yanbei was soon learned by Zhan Feipeng, Minister of the War Department of Yanbei.

After learning the news, Zhan Feipeng was very excited.

With Qin Feng's help, they can no longer be suppressed by the Feng family.

Over the years, Yanbei War Department has been under pressure.

Even if they want to fight, there is nothing they can do.

Now they watch the Shen family being bullied by the Feng family, but they can't do it. They see it in their eyes, only in their hearts.

When he learned that Qin Feng had sent someone to talk about Yanbei, Zhan Feipeng was very excited and immediately called a meeting.

"Yanbei can be saved this time. Qin Feng has sent people to support us."

"We must cooperate seriously, listen to Qin Feng's opinions, obey the command and carry out the task together." Zhan Feipeng was also patient with the Feng family.

Before they also thought about seeking support, but they went to the Feng family to warn them, so they had to suffer.

It's not so much the War Department of Yanbei as it's just decoration.

It's hard for someone to come and help. How can they miss the chance.

Immediately, they are ready to go and join the rosefinch and others.

But the men were worried.

"Minister, it must be a good thing to have someone to help us, but we will certainly make the Feng family suspicious."

"Yes, and the Feng family is backed up by powerful men. Even if we have help, we can't defeat the forces behind it."

It's not impossible for them to worry. The power of those powerful men can't be underestimated.

If they are involved, there will be a big war.

Moreover, there are eight powerful men in Daxia, two of whom are in Yanbei.

If those two gatekeepers are angered, they must be able to deal with them.

"Minister, we'd better think twice before we act. If we provoke those two powerful men, Yanbei will definitely trigger a war, and the losses will be more."

What he said is not unreasonable, and Zhan Feipeng has not considered the problems before.

But it has come to this point. If they don't resist, Yanbei will fall into their hands sooner or later.

At that time, the people in Yanbei will suffer.

Compared with this, even if there is a big war, so what.

"Don't think about it. Since Qin Feng sent someone to come, it means they are sure enough."

"We must believe him. Please cooperate with Qin Feng's order and help the Shen family out of danger as soon as possible."

Zhan Feipeng now puts all his hopes on Qin Feng.

As long as the Feng family and those powerful men can be eradicated, Yanbei will be able to restore its former appearance.

"Since the minister said so, we must be ready."

Zhan Feipeng nodded: "OK, we must take down the Feng family this time."

They have been arrogant for a long time, and they don't pay attention to the war department at all.

They must take advantage of this opportunity to give them a warning.

Zhan Feipeng sent people to contact Zhuque.

The next afternoon, everything was ready and everyone was assembled.

"Now we only owe Dongfeng, and we'll certainly catch all the Fengs at that time."

Qin Feng hasn't arrived yet, and everyone is waiting for him.

At the same time, there was new activity in the Feng family.

Feng Tong see time almost, Shen family still did not respond.

If not, he took a group of people into the Shen family.

The Shen family plans to fight against the Feng family to the end.

Even if they were all killed today, they would never bow to the Feng family.

Outside Shen's house.

Feng Tong stood outside with the crowd.

He could not help but sigh.

"It's a pity that some people's lives are cheap. They have been given so many opportunities, but they don't know how to cherish them."

"Listen to me, all of you. You must kill all the people of the Shen family. You can't let go of any of them."

Feng Tong orders to his men.

"Yes! We will finish the task, and we will never give them a way out. "

All of a sudden, the Feng family's corporal spirit was rising, and they were waving their weapons, ready to go.

Under the leadership of Feng Tong, his subordinates followed him into the gate of the Shen family.

At the entrance of the hall, Shen Zhufeng had already led his children to stand there.

They all glared at the Feng family, and their faces were extremely dignified.

"Oh, I didn't expect you. I'm dying, and I don't forget to go out to meet us. "

"Don't worry. I'll cut the mess and let you end the pain as soon as possible."

Instead of responding to Feng Tong, the Shen family continued to hate each other.

They have already made a decision and intend to fight with the Feng family to the death.

Even if they fail, they have a clear conscience.

"Ha ha, the road is your own choice, now one by one is still looking at me like this."

"Don't think I'll be afraid of you if you do that. What's that?"

Feng Tong cursed the Shen family, and his face became gloomy.

"If you dare to step forward today, we will kill you all!"

Shen Zicheng yells at Feng Tong.

"When you've all come to this point, what face is there to yell at? Can you deal with the people behind me?"

"It's too much for you to resist. I don't think you want to live any more."

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