In the gap between Qin Feng and Yu, there is a car in the distance.

The car was very unusual, with blood stains, sparks and lightning all the way.

The soldier in charge of the sentry met him and intercepted him, but after seeing the mark on the car body, he immediately let him go.

"Boss, there's a situation!"

The people in the car rushed out without even stopping.

It can be seen that he is extremely anxious and has something important to report.

"Why are you back, not at the border?"

Yuchuan fixed a look, found that this is his hand, before he was sent to the border garrison, do not know why suddenly ran back.

At the same time, Qin Feng and the elder also rushed over when they heard the news. They thought that there was something new on the other side of the alliance.

"What's the matter? Take your time

Qin Feng handed him a glass of water and said.

Looking at the man's clothes carefully, I found that he was covered with dust and dried up blood.

Seeing this, he immediately knew that this man did not come because of the alliance of the gatekeepers.

"Thank you, Lord God of war."

The man said gratefully.

Then he showed his anxiety and said everything at one go.

"Boss, there are new situations outside China."

"Just a few days ago, when we were patrolling the border, we were suddenly attacked by foreign soldiers."

"After a hard fight, only I escaped."

"The most terrible thing is that I saw a large number of troops assembled outside the territory!"

He said in horror.

Hearing these words, Yu Chuan's face changed, and there was something wrong with Qin Feng's and elder's face.

"There's no more information. Let's talk about it in detail!"

Yu Chuanlian is busy.

At this critical juncture, there are new situations outside China, which is fatal.

Because they have all the forces of the war department gathered here to fight against the gatekeepers.

Now people from other countries are coming back, and the border city is empty. I'm afraid something big will happen!

In any case, it can't be delayed!

His staff also understood the relationship between gain and loss, and continued:

"Before my subordinates came back, they found out an amazing fact."

"It turns out that the foreign soldiers we encountered before are only a small part, and the alliance gathered together is not powerful."

"This time, however, there are as many as eight foreign allies."

"Now, they are fighting outside the border. They are planning to annex the border city. I'm afraid they won't be able to withstand it!"

"So fast? Are there any casualties on our side? "

Qin Feng asked in a voice.

At the moment, he frowned and felt very difficult.

What worries him most is Qin Xue, his elder sister at the border. With the manpower there, it is impossible to block the eight foreign allied forces!

"There are some casualties. Now the foreign allied forces should have begun to attack the city."

"Not only that, they are still provocative, trying to get the war department to fight."

The man replied earnestly.

Hearing this, Qin Feng suddenly understood.

This time, the foreign coalition forces are so powerful that it seems that they will break through the border of Daxia.

The most important thing is that they want to be shameful, first draw out the effective forces of the War Department, and then annihilate them at one stroke.

However, if the war department does not fight, the border will be quickly broken.

Thinking of this, he frowned deeper, obviously very distressed.

Around him, the four elders also realized the seriousness of the matter.

The elder said, "Qin Feng, the situation is urgent now. It's better to solve the urgent problem of the border first, and then to attack the powerful men."

"How can I do that?"

Qin Feng didn't agree. He was still thinking hard about countermeasures.

The elder said, "you can rest assured that there are four of us here."

He wants to let Qin Feng settle down, but Qin Feng has an idea in his heart and still refuses.

By his side, Yu Yi and others who had just arrived asked to fight one after another.

"Qin Feng, let's make a contribution. It's just that we can break through our strength and show our skills!"

"That's right. It's just a group of foreign butchers. I've long wanted to cut these annoying guys with my hands!"

Yuyi's brothers are very excited and confident.

After all, now their strength can reach the later stage of Xuanji level. Even among the martial arts, they are also the top ones. They are not afraid of people from other countries!

"You don't have to do that. Please don't be upset."

Qin Feng calmed them down.

Then he looked at Yu Chuan's men and continued to inquire:

"You just said they wanted the war department to fight. Do you know what happened to the war department personnel guarding the border before?"

He thought of the War Department experts he had left in the border city. Their strength was excellent.

If there is such a big fight outside the territory, these War Department experts will go out of the city first to resist.

Both sides of the situation, the strength gap can be reflected from them!

"All the people in the war department were defeated and almost died outside."

"This time, the strength of the eight foreign allied forces is particularly strong. There are eight top powers in the metaphysical level, and each of them is responsible for one of the war departments of the foreign allied forces."

"As soon as they made a move, they crushed the experts who appeared in our border city."

He went on to say that he looked miserable. It was obvious that the initial battle was very fierce, which made him have a shadow in his heart.

"It turns out that there are eight top experts in Xuanji. No wonder."

Qin Feng had a bottom in his heart.

If it's the peak of Xuan level, no wonder you can crush the experts you sent in the border city.

Although these people are strong, they are far from the level of Xuanji. They don't have enough to see in front of these Xuanji top experts.

However, these people are the same thing in his eyes, and he doesn't take them seriously.

"Eight Xuan level top experts, how can they resist?"

Hear Yu Chuan hand say so, four big elder and feather one etc. all change color for it.

The existence of Xuanji peak is unimaginable in the martial arts. Everyone's power is too strong!

Feather a few people are more sigh, because they have just broken through to Xuan level late, still have a distance from the peak.

And this little distance can't be underestimated at all.

In front of the peak, the experts in the later stage of Xuan level are not enough to see. How many people go to the top together only have the end of Xie Cai.

"What shall we do, sir?"

"This time, the eight people from the top of the Xuanji class join hands to fight together. I'm afraid it's going to be a big deal!"

Yu Chuan is very worried and nervous.

Compared with him, Qin Feng is very relaxed, because he has the bottom of his heart and has the countermeasures.

"Don't worry, leave it to me next."

Qin Feng said confidently.

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