After a rush, Qin Feng arrived at the border city on time at noon.

At this time, the situation outside the city was not optimistic. The two sides came and went back, and they fought each other no less than a hundred times. They once fell into a stalemate.

"Lord warlord!"

"The LORD God of war is coming!"

Seeing the arrival of Qin Feng, the soldiers of the war department in the city immediately yelled excitedly.

Now, Qin Feng is undoubtedly a god of war in their hearts. They believe that as long as Qin Feng is there, everything will be OK!

"Here comes my little brother!"

When Qin Xue heard the news, she was so surprised and happy that she was the first one to arrive.

When they met, they seemed to have endless words.

"Elder sister, now we can rest assured that the hidden danger of the gatekeepers has been completely solved. We can deal with the foreign enemies wholeheartedly!"

Qin Feng can't wait.

He believes that Qin Xue's heart must also be very anxious, and he is very annoyed by this matter.

"So fast?"

Qin Xue some can't believe, at the same time on the face with can't hide joy.

"Well, with the help of the elder and the second elder, everything will be solved naturally."

"Now, I come to the border to take part in the war in order to solve the problem more quickly and give a stable environment in the summer."

Qin Feng nodded and then asked:

"Three elders and Lang Yuanlong, how can they not see them?"

"As soon as they got to the border, they went to war immediately. Now they are still fighting with foreign enemies outside the city."

"However, these three elders are really powerful. They have won many battles and won a lot of foreign troops in one move, which makes the army of foreign countries lose heart!"

Qin Xue said excitedly.

Although she didn't know the origin of Lang Yuanlong and others, she admired them for going to the battlefield to kill the enemy in person when they were so old.

"The strength of these three predecessors should not be underestimated."

When Qin Feng heard that they were OK, he put down his heart.

"Since nothing serious has happened for the time being, I'll put up with it in the city first. When I need reinforcements, I'll take people to kill them, so as to surprise the foreign allied forces and make them feel painful at one time!"

"Well, I'm going to mobilize the best soldiers in the war department for your dispatch."

Qin Xue had no doubt about her brother, otherwise she would not give him the general God of war.

With that, they went to the reserve barracks of the war department.

At the same time, outside the city, the two armies met.

Zhuque, Qinglong and others are taking their men to fight against the enemy and stop this wave of foreign allied forces, but they will be defeated because of the shortage of manpower.

Fortunately, at this time, Lang Yuanlong and his three men arrived with reinforcements, turned the defeat in an instant and defeated the foreign allied forces.

"Thank you for your help

Rosefinch and green dragon salute.

After so many days of getting along, both sides have already known each other well, and know that they are doing their best to contribute to Daxia.

"You're welcome. I don't care about that."

Lang Yuanlong waved his hand and said.

Then he asked again.

"Why do I feel that the strength of foreign allied forces has increased significantly in the past two days?"

"What's more, the fighting power is not the same as before. It's a bit hard!"

Lang Yuanlong worried.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid there will be big problems again.

"It's true, so I've investigated it."

"According to the investigation results, since dill, the leader of the coalition, was beheaded and defeated last time, the Japanese coalition, one of their coalition forces, has sent more troops to support them."

"Let a lot of soldiers form a vanguard, constantly interfere with us, consume our forces!"

Said the rosefinch, telling the truth behind it.


"More troops?"

When Lang Yuanlong heard this, he was more worried.

Because among the foreign allied forces, the Japanese allied forces are the most difficult to deal with.

It is not good news that the Japanese allied forces have even sent more reinforcements.


"Even though we are now close, we are actually at a disadvantage."

"And the most important problem is that the vanguard of the enemy never appeared, just constantly sent soldiers to interfere with us."

Rosefinch added.

"That's tricky. Be more careful!"

Lang Yuanlong said, rosefinch and Green Dragon nodded heavily.

And at this time, an intelligence soldier suddenly rushed over, sweating.

"Report to the three elders, there's a big deal!"

"Say it

Lang Yuanlong looks at Chao Huazang and Yuan Bojian, and he has a bad feeling in his heart.

"A short man came out of the foreign allied forces and claimed to be a pioneer in the Japanese allied forces."

"Now he's got more than a dozen soldiers in our war department. He's fighting outside, saying yes, saying yes..."

"Say what?"

Lang Yuanlong glared. His men were startled and had to say it.

"The man said, take down the heads of the three elders in front of everyone!"

Hearing this, Lang Yuanlong was angry. He had never seen such an arrogant person before.

"Good guy, it's just a pioneer. How dare you be so arrogant? It seems impossible not to give him any color to see!"


With that, they set out on the road together.

At the same time, rosefinch and Qinglong followed, and they went to see if the situation was true.

Sure enough, as soon as they got to the battlefield, they saw a Japanese standing in the middle with the bodies of soldiers of the war department at their feet.

At the moment, he is extremely arrogant and arrogant.

"Oh, is this Daxia? There is no one who can fight."

"I've been here for a long time, and all of them are shrimp soldiers and crab generals. Is it not that Daxia's generals are afraid to hide when they hear my reputation of Osaka ichiki!"

The voice falls down, the real Qi of terror bursts out on him, and his strength has reached the peak of Xuan level!

After that, he kicked away the corpses of the soldiers at his feet, sniffed and didn't care.

See this scene, rosefinch and green dragon can no longer help, directly rushed up.

Because these soldiers of the war department are all from Daxia. They are insulted by the dwarves of Japan even after they die. No one can bear it.

Even if only one person died in the hands of the Japanese allied forces, they felt that their hearts were dripping blood, let alone so many.

"Dwarf of Japan, your grandfather, I'm here, and I won't die!"

Rosefinch eyes canthus to crack, full of anger, issued a roar, eager to tear a small sakaka tree!

At the same time, Qinglong also moved. For fear of his accident, he took some soldiers from the war department to the rear to support him.

"Ah, at last someone is coming."

Kosaka sneered, looking at the fast approaching rosefinch, green dragon and other four.

"Let go of the bodies of my soldiers, or you will die on the spot today!"

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