"It's disturbing you two to come so early."

Three elder didn't rush to open a mouth, smile a way, obviously isn't have what urgent matter.

Seeing this, Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and thought that something had happened at the border.

"No, it's our honor that the three elders can come."

Qin Feng also said with a smile.

The three elders laughed and said nothing. Then they opened the door to the mountain road

"I come to you today because you have made great achievements on the battlefield before, so the emperor is ready to promote you and make you king of Tongxia!"


When Qin Feng heard this, he was even more surprised and quickly refused.

"Elder three, it's absolutely impossible. In fact, I just did my part."

"In terms of military achievements, which soldier on the battlefield is no better than me? I can't stand it

He kept waving his hand, surprised and surprised.

Because there are few princes in the whole Daxia kingdom. Any one of them is a powerful person with unimaginable details and strength.

What's more, he was named the king of Tongxia. The word "Tongxia" means a lot and represents the supreme glory of the marquis. Facing this sudden promotion, he was caught off guard.

"You are too modest."

The Third Elder said.

"As we all know, if you didn't have your command on the battlefield and your resourceful response, I'm afraid the foreign allied forces would have moved in long ago. How could we have such a peaceful living environment?"

"Therefore, this canonization is imperative. It was the Emperor himself who opened it."

"When you are canonized, your status will be the same as that of yourself. Anyone who sees you in the summer will be like seeing the Lord himself. He must treat you with the etiquette of the Lord!"

Three elder continue to say, smile on the face more thick, sincerely feel happy for Qin Feng.

"But I really don't want to be honored."

"I just want to do my best for Da Xia. I didn't do it for the glory."

Qin Feng still said.

Xiao Yaxin, beside her, was confused. She was shocked when she heard that the emperor wanted to canonize Qin Feng, and then began to wonder.

However, before she had time to ask, a group of people in black appeared and quickly surrounded the three people in the middle.

"Who are you?"

The three elders didn't expect that someone would disturb them at this juncture, and they were unhappy.

Qin Feng seems to have expected that, just coldly looking at these people.

But what he didn't expect was that these people in black didn't say a word. They came up and started at Xiao Yaxin beside him. They wanted to kill her!

"How dare you do it to my people!"

Qin Feng was so angry that he killed him.

Because, Xiao Yaxin is his bottom line, he absolutely does not allow anyone to hurt her.

"I advise you to mind your own business!"

One of them, a man in black, saw Qin Feng coming forward and warning.

However, as soon as his voice fell, Qin Feng swept over and broke his waist.

Later, Qin Feng is a series of hands, the rest of the people are all disabled.


Those people in black were shocked. They never thought that Qin Feng was so strong. A dozen people were not his opponents.

"What are you doing?"

"Tell me, who sent you?"

Qin Feng asked coldly.

"You don't want to know!"

The man in black, the leader, was very tough and said with a stiff neck.

But the next moment, he made a heartrending scream.

Because, Qin Feng directly crushed his kneecap bone with one foot, and made a crackling sound, which was frightening.


The man's legs were deformed and twisted horribly.

"Say it or not?"

Qin Feng continued to question. He had already raised his foot and wanted to step on it again at any time.

"I said, I said."

This time, the man in black didn't dare to be tough, even busy, don't want to be so tortured.

"We are all sent by yuan family and Sun family to kill her. Please don't kill me."

The man in Black said truthfully.

"Yuan family and Sun family?"

Qin Feng is not without doubt, or three elders tell him who these two families are.

"These two families, like the pan family, are the four major chamber of Commerce families in Yuhang."

"Now they're sending people to kill people around you. I think they want to do it first."

Three old ways.

"How can it be? I haven't found them yet, but they started on me first. It seems that they don't want to exist any more!"

Qin Feng moved the intention of killing, making people cool all over.

"Let me take care of it. Two small chambers of Commerce will not let you do it yourself."

The three elders also said with anger, and then they took direct action.

At this time, Qin Feng's anger calms down a little, and turns to put the frightened Xiao Yaxin in his arms.

After Xiao Yaxin returned to the house to have a rest, Qin Feng began to contact Zhuque.


Rosefinch's speed is very fast, quickly in front of him.

"Take people to the sun's and Yuan's families now, and kill all the people in their families. Don't leave any survivors!"

"If you dare to attack my people, I will make them regret their birth!"

Qin Feng ordered, his voice cold.


After hearing this, rosefinch looked dignified and immediately took people to the sun and Yuan families.

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