
Seeing that the elder really swallowed up the national transportation of the country, all the experts of the War Department of the country gave a roar.

Because the national movement is the foundation of a country's strength. Once it is swallowed up and completely crushed, then the foundation of the country will be gone, and the whole country will not be able to stand in foreign regions.

At the next moment, the experts of the War Department of the kingdom of France rushed up and tried their best, their eyes turned red.

"Kill the old man, while he's just swallowed up, he hasn't been absorbed completely. Kill him quickly!"

Countless experts in the War Department of the Republic of France are crazy, and they are desperate for their country's good fortune.


In the chaos, swords and swords roared together, making a harsh sound.

The remaining experts in the kingdom of France regard the elder as their only goal. They just want to kill him.

Seeing that these powerful people in the country of France are crazy, the two elders can't stand by and immediately take people to protect the elder in the middle.

"Hold on, this group of Outland dog thieves won't last long. Once the elder succeeds in absorbing the fate of the country, they will die!"

The second elder roared.

While speaking, he slowly pushed out a palm, burst out a terrible Qi, instantly swept across a large area.


The second elder's palm was extremely powerful, and with the real spirit of terror, he was about to kill several experts of the kingdom of France who were charging in front of him.

However, at present, the rest of the experts in the country are crazy. Even if they die in front of them, they are not moved. They just want to stop the elder from absorbing the fortune of the country.

At this time, Clemens, as the only commander of the War Department of France, had recovered from the shock.

When he saw the eldest general devouring the national fortune of the country, he was filled with anger and was full of killing intention.

Because he knew that once his country's national destiny was completely absorbed, it would not be far from extinction.

If this is the result, he might as well die.

Now he saw that the elder had just swallowed up and felt that there was still a chance, so he perked up.

Then he ordered: "all the masters who are still alive, if they have a breath, rush up and kill the old man for me!"

"In any case, we must not let him completely absorb the Qi of our country!"

Clemens roared, ready to die.

Today, there is no choice but to successfully recapture Qi Yun, or to die here with all the people in the war department!


After hearing Clemens' command, those experts became more fierce and rushed to kill them regardless of everything.

For a moment, the soldiers of the war department in Daxia were hard to resist, because they were brave and fearless, and rushed over regardless of the pain.

To this, two elder just cold hum.

"You are going to be destroyed today. You can't have any chance to turn over!"

After that, he shot again and killed many experts in the kingdom of France.

At the moment, the elder is sitting on the ground after swallowing the Qi of the kingdom of France. He is slowly turning the Qi for refining.

However, after all, this is the vital energy of a country. Even if it is extremely weak, it is definitely not something that people can easily absorb and refine.

Even if the elder is powerful and reaches the middle stage of prefecture level, refining is extremely difficult.

In his body, this qi movement was extremely difficult to suppress. With the power of terror, he went through the river and sea in his veins, and nearly burst the elder's veins several times.

Fortunately, the elder all supported and gathered the whole body's true Qi to suppress.


During the period when the elder forced to refine the Qi transportation of the country, there was a strange phenomenon in the sky. A bolt from the blue rang out and disappeared quickly.

At this moment, a very bad premonition rose in the hearts of all the strong people in the country.

They know that the elder is about to succeed in refining!


"Let's all rush. Kill the old man quickly!"

Clemens see, more crazy, command around the remaining strong break.

At the same time, after he had finished speaking, he also rushed up with his true Qi.

However, at present, the morale of the country is weakening, and the strength of all of them is also declining. Even if he is angry, he can't see it at all.

The two elders are in the middle now, and they are brave. No matter how many strong people try to rush through him, they are killed.

Seeing that there was not much time, Clemens had no time to think, so he rushed to the second elder himself, trying to delay some time.

"Kill that old man, kill him, and I'll hold him back!"

Cried Clemens, with a ferocious face, completely oblivious of the rest.

Seeing this, the two elders just sneered.

"Don't say that you are not my opponent even if your strength is not weakened. Now your Qi will be absorbed and refined thoroughly. Do you still want to fly moths to the fire?"

With that, he burst out a strong real Qi, only in this way, Clemens has been forced back, we can see how big the gap between the two sides.

You know, the two elders are the strength of the prefecture level in the early stage, while Clemens is only at the top of the Xuan level. The strength of both sides is not on the same level from the beginning.

"No way!"

Clemens has completely gone mad at the moment. In order to protect the national destiny of the country, he directly swallowed a pill to enhance his strength at all costs.

The next moment, the real Qi in his body will expand rapidly, and soon it has far exceeded his peak combat power, close to the second elder.

However, he also paid a heavy price, Qiqiao began to bleed, obviously in exchange for his own strength.

After this war, even if the two elders did not kill him, he would die because of excessive blood loss.

"What if I take the pills, you are still not my opponent."

The second elder said coldly.

While speaking, he was still paying attention to the movement around him, not letting anyone near the elder.

Then, he shot directly, with a huge amount of real Qi in his hand.


At this moment, the ground is broken and cracked under the ravages of Qi.

Clemens is not afraid of death. Seeing the two elders rush up, he has the idea of dying together.


The real Qi of the two people collided and raged in all directions.

In the end, Clemens couldn't defeat the elder. After all, the Qi in his body was just rising suddenly. It was so watery that he couldn't stand a blow before the elder.

The next moment, he coughed up blood, then fell to the ground heavily, and his breath became weaker and weaker.

At this time, the elder let out a low roar, which covered the whole battlefield.

"Here it is

At this time, all the remaining strong people in the country changed color and were terrified.

Because, they see the sky has a light to the extreme virtual shadow, that is their luck.

But in the next moment, this virtual shadow will disappear into a piece of light and rain.

This means that the elder has completely absorbed the national fortune of the state of France!

For a moment, the experts of the War Department of the kingdom of France who were still alive fell into decadence.

From this moment on, the foundation of the country has been completely broken. No matter how lucky it is, it is only a short time before it is completely destroyed.

At the same time, after the eldest generals absorbed the air transportation of the country of France, the air transportation over the summer was boiling, unprecedented fierce!

In a trance, a red dragon appeared over the summer, looming in the clouds.

If you look carefully, you can see that there is something struggling in the belly of the red dragon, and soon there is no movement at all!

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