Dior returned to the line with the rest of his men and immediately summoned all the war department leaders to a meeting.

As soon as these talents entered the conference hall, they could already feel the cold breath from Dior, and they were obviously very angry.

After seeing Deuel's gloomy and angry face, everyone had a premonition that a storm was brewing and was ready to be scolded.

"Chief, what's the matter, so embarrassed?"

"Shh, the leader himself and his army wanted to annihilate the War Department of Daxia, but they were surrounded. I heard that they almost couldn't come back!"

Someone spoke cautiously, telling what Deuel had experienced.

"When is summer so strong? How can we defeat the army of the United States? "

After hearing this, several other top leaders of the US war department were shocked and couldn't believe it.

Because, before that, they had been pressing on Daxia, so that Daxia could only defend the border.

As a result, since the previous war, the strength of Daxia has improved rapidly, making everyone unprepared.

"Shh, stop it."

Someone made a warning and made a silent gesture.

All the people present preparing for the meeting were shocked and did not dare to speak any more, waiting for diyol to speak.

At this time, deuer's face was angry and gloomy, and his eyes slowly scanned all the people present.

The next moment, he crushed the water cup into a ball of powder!

"This time, the loss of our country is extremely serious. I didn't expect that Da Xia had already seen our plan ahead of time and had made preparations."

"Almost, I can't even come back!"

Dior said angrily, the more he said, the more angry he was.

Now although he came back alive, the army under his hand was half dead, even he was full of scars.

Especially at the thought of Qin Feng and the elder's actions, he was even more disgusted.

"This... Leader, Daxia is so powerful now?"

Some people don't dare to talk.

This is also the question of all the people present. They know that Daxia is much stronger than before, but it is not as strong as the U.S. Army, is it?


When asked this question, Deuel became even more angry and hammered the table angrily.

"I don't know when Daxia has made the ultimate hot weapon, and the number has reached as many as nine!"

"In addition, there are hundreds of fighters suddenly appeared in the summer. If not, my people would not have been defeated!"

"What? Does summer have extreme hot martial arts

Hearing diyol say this, the high-level of the U.S. war department at the scene was even more shocked and felt incredible.

You know, there are only a few countries in the world with extreme hot weapons, all of which are the top powers.

Among them, naturally, the United States has a share. Otherwise, the United States will not be the leader of the alliance, and it has a strong military capability that the whole world envies.

But now, Daxia also has extreme hot martial arts, which has to make them re-examine the gap between themselves and Daxia.

"Who knows?"

Deuel said angrily.

"I didn't expect that Daxia was so hidden that it didn't come out to deter us until the end, which led to the failure of all my plans!"


The senior leaders of the war department who were present at the meeting looked at each other and did not know what to say.

"What should we do next, chief, in your opinion?"

Someone asked carefully.

"I'm thinking!"

Deuel snorted, and now he was full of anger.

Because, before that, as the chief of Outland alliance, he has always been high above others, and has never been chased, let alone in such a mess as now.

Because of this, his heart is very dissatisfied, like a mess.

And just as he was venting his anger, a dark shadow appeared in the hall.

The shadow was silent, as if it had appeared out of thin air. There was no breath leaking out of the body.

It was not until he appeared in front of the public that he was completely discovered!

"Who is it?"

The high-level of the War Department on the scene was startled. Unexpectedly, someone could sneak into the conference hall of the Outland alliance quietly, and suddenly became extremely nervous.

But diuel, seeing the mysterious man in a suit, dissipated his anger and turned to be full of respect.

"My Lord, why are you here in person?"

Dior got up and said respectfully that there was no arrogance before.

Then he said to his subordinates:

"Don't you all sit down? What's the fuss about? "


When they heard what he said, the top leaders of the War Department sat down, and most of their doubts dissipated.

At the same time, they were surprised to know who the mysterious man in suit, who even dyul would call an adult, could make dyul so respectful!

It was at this time that the mysterious suit man spoke.

"I've heard that you've lost a lot this summer?"

With both hands on his back, the man in the suit said that he was introverted and didn't leak half a cent, but it made people change color. It felt like he was facing a dormant giant beast!


Dior said with shame. Just as he wanted to tell the story, the man in suit had raised his hand to stop him.

"There's no need to say more nonsense. I know everything."

"Judging from your actions this time, you are too reckless."

"My Lord said so."

Dior did not dare to be disrespectful in front of this man. He nodded repeatedly, thinking about how to plead guilty.

"But I can't blame you all this time."

"The man named Qin Feng in Daxia seems to have a big problem. He is very mysterious and needs to be investigated. Before that, you'd better not act rashly."

The mysterious suit man said slowly.

"My Lord, I understand."

"That's good. I hope you can do well this time. Don't let me down again."

"In addition, now you should pay attention to the National Games, don't happen the same thing as before, I don't want to see it again!"

The mysterious suit is more serious and cold.

In the end, dyul's body can't help shaking, obviously under great pressure.

"I understand. I understand. I will never let you down this time!"

Deuel fell to his knees in fright, sweating cold on his forehead.

When he raised his head again, he found that the mysterious man in suit had disappeared, just like when he came, without any breath, like a gust of wind.

"Hoo --"

At this time, Dior took a long breath and felt relaxed.

Immediately, he immediately called his confidants, whispered a few words, then let them do it immediately.

Meanwhile, Qin Feng has returned home.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Xiao Yaxin jumped in her heart and ran to open the door.

After seeing Qin Feng, she was more surprised and happy, and her face was full of joy.

"Honey, you're back at last. How's it going this time

While asking, Xiao Yaxin checks Qin Feng's physical condition for fear that he might be injured.

Before that, she had been at home for a long time, suffering every day.

Now see Qin Feng intact home, she naturally ecstatic.

"Yaxin, I'm fine."

Qin Feng was deeply moved. At the same time, he was absolutely in debt to his wife, with a trace of shame.

"That's good."

Xiao Yaxin's eyes were ruddy, so she hugged Qin Feng for a long time.

Before long, she thought of a strange thing she had recently encountered and said to Qin Feng:

"Honey, when you didn't come back a few days ago, a mysterious old man came to me and gave me something."

Xiao Yaxin said with some doubts.

"Old man?"

"What did he give you?"

Qin Feng is surprised. He is afraid of dangerous goods and asks Xiao Yaxin to take them out.

"It's a flower. It's for me."

Knowing that Qin Feng was worried, Xiao Yaxin took it out.

After seeing the flower, the look on Qin Feng's face immediately changed, and he was very surprised.

"Red pearl flower?"

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