"Qin Feng, it's you!"

The enemy is very jealous when they meet.

Zhang Yafeng looks at Qin Feng like a giant beast that chooses people to eat.

"Boy, you're just in time. I want you to pay for my son's life!"

Zhang Yafeng immediately ordered to surround Qin Feng and beat him to death.

But then he thought that there were so many guests at this time that it would be hard to say if he killed Qin Feng in public.

After all, it's a society ruled by law. Although the four big families are powerful and don't know how many lives they have killed, they can't be so rampant on the surface.

"Qin Feng, I don't want to see you. You are not qualified to step into the gate of my family. Get out of here and spare your life."

Zhang Yafeng gritted his teeth. Although he wanted to kill Qin Feng immediately, he had to endure at the moment.

In the lobby, a group of guests attending the funeral were in high spirits to see jokes.

The old lady of the Xiao family and Xiao Yongbo are also among them.

Xiao Yongbo stares at Qin Feng with red eyes.

"Don't let this rubbish go, kill him and avenge my son!"

Xiao Yongbo kept roaring in his heart, but he didn't dare to shout out.

In front of Zhang Jia, the Xiao family is nothing and has no qualification for him to speak.

Qin Feng came here for a purpose when he broke into the funeral of Zhang Jia. Now the goal has not been completed. How can he leave.

Qin Feng sneered, and his eyes were full of sarcasm.

"Zhang Jia's master, your son and I are good friends. He died. As a friend, I naturally want to participate in the funeral."

The head of the Zhang family looked more angry.

Zhang Chao was killed by Qin Feng. Now he says that he is a good friend of Zhang Chao, which is like slapping Zhang's face.

Ignoring Zhang Yafeng's gloomy face, Qin Feng continues to sneer.

"I will not only participate in Zhang Chao's funeral, but also give him a big gift!"

"You can't accept this big gift if you don't want to."

Qin Feng goes to the present carried into the center of the hall and waves away the thing covered by the black cloth.


When the black cloth was lifted, all the guests saw the gift and couldn't help exclaiming.

Qin Feng's gift turned out to be a big bell.

"Master Zhang, the present I give you is the clock!"

"Today, I'm here to give you a bell!"

Qin Feng couldn't bear the hatred in his heart any longer, and his eyes were awe inspiring, staring at the people of Zhang Jia.

He broke into the funeral for revenge.

Qin Feng once said that anyone who took part in the massacre of the Qin family would have to pay the price of bleeding.

Today is the time for Qin Feng's revenge, and Zhang Jia is his first target.

Qin Feng confronts with Zhang Jia alone, and all the guests are in an uproar.

"Is this boy blinded by hatred? Do you want to deal with Zhang Jia alone

"Zhang Jia is powerful and one of the four big families. He's dead today."

"It's his courage to deal with Zhang Jia in a dignified way, but he is as stupid as a pig."

A group of guests gloated and looked at Qin Feng, looking forward to a good play later.

"Kill him, kill this trash!"

Among the crowd, Xiao Yongbo was the most excited.

He thought that Zhang Jia would let Qin Feng off today, but he never thought that Qin Feng would die.

"Killing Qin Feng will not only avenge my son, but also the company will belong to my Xiao family!"

"When the old lady is a hundred years away, all the property of the Xiao family is not mine."

Xiao Yongbo not only wants revenge, but also takes a fancy to the company that the Mo family gave to Qin Feng.

Mo's generous hand, the company's value is far more than 10 million.

How can Xiao Yongbo not care about the interests that move people's minds.

Thinking that the company belongs to him, Xiao Yongbo can't help laughing.

Zhang Yafeng was trembling and his face was very gloomy.

He has never wanted to kill a person like this in his life, but due to various reasons, he can't do it now.

"Qin Feng, don't think your sister dares to be so rampant because she has made great achievements!"

"Now your elder sister is not the God of war. If you annoy me, you and your elder sister will die without a burial place!"

"I'll give you three minutes to get out of my face, or you'll stay and bury my son!"

Zhang Yafeng growls hatefully, but Zhang has not yet made a move, which is not only due to his commitment to Mo Hai, but also partly due to his fear of the power behind Qin Xue.

Zhang Jia has already arranged in secret. When the right time comes, Qin Xue can be removed.

Qin Feng didn't expect Zhang Yafeng to be so patient.

According to Zhang's arrogant style in the past, we should have started now.

Zhang does not hand, Qin Feng decided in the next record of medicine, do not believe Zhang does not hand.

"Zhang Yafeng, are you a tortoise? Keep shrinking your head. "

"Your son Zhang Chao was killed by me alive. Your father was able to talk to me for so long."

"It seems that you are not a tortoise, but also a bastard!"

Qin Feng's words made all the guests look wonderful.

Many guests were still guessing that Zhang Chao died suddenly when he was young. It turned out that he was killed by Qin Feng.

All of a sudden, the guests in the hall talked about it.

Zhang Yafeng's face has changed from black to red, which is the expression of anger to the extreme.

"Waste, it turns out that you killed my brother. I will avenge my brother

A young man suddenly rushed out and pounced on Qin Feng.

Youth is Zhang Yafeng's second son, Zhang Chao's younger brother, named Zhang Fang.

"There was a little turtle!"

As soon as the young man came, he was taken down by Qin Feng.

"Trash, let me go, or I'll let you...!"

Zhang Fang, like Zhang Chao, is obviously a rich second generation who likes leisure and dislikes work.

After being taken, Zhang Fang not only did not beg for mercy, but threatened Qin Feng, which made Qin Feng sneer.


Qin Feng hated Zhang people to the bone. With a little effort in his hand, Zhang Fang suddenly gave out a sad, like the cry of killing a pig.

Qin Feng broke one of his arms.

"Let go of me, or I'll make you die!"

Hearing his son's shrill cry, Zhang Yafeng's eyes were red.

He has only two sons. Zhang Chao, a sophomore, is dead. If Zhang Fang, his second son, goes wrong again, Zhang Yafeng will be cut off.

"Qin Feng, let him go. If you dare to touch my son again, I'll kill you. I want all the people who have something to do with you to die."

Zhang Yafeng is completely angry, but Qin Feng's mouth brings up a smile.


Qin Feng did not make any reply, but responded with practical action.

The palm of his hand was transferred to Zhang Fang's other arm, and he suddenly exerted his strength. In a flash, Zhang Fang's heartrending pain roared.

Qin Feng broke Zhang Fang's other arm again.

The eyes of all the guests were shocked, and Qin Feng's decisiveness and ruthlessness surprised everyone.

After a dull moment, Xiao Yongbo looked frightened and suddenly came forward and yelled.

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