"A bunch of trash, what are you doing?"

Seeing that so many people on his side couldn't take Qin Feng, Nelson ratty was a little impatient and said angrily.

Because now he has completely torn the skin with Qin Feng.

Once Qin Feng wins, it's him who will suffer. I'm afraid it will be worse than death.


These experts in black looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

I can't help it. Nelson ratty is their buyer. All their achievements now depend on Nelson ratty. They can only work for him.

Thinking of this, these people in black reappeared their fierce look and released their murderous spirit to kill Qin Feng.

"Come back, don't you fear death?"

Seeing this, Qin Feng hummed and shook his head slowly.

The next moment, he runs the real Qi, takes the initiative, and claps directly in front of him.


A man in black couldn't respond to Qin Feng's speed at all. He was directly patted in the chest, and then sank down, making a crisp sound of bone fragmentation.

Then the man in black fell to the ground and died.


Seeing a brother die, the rest of the people in black are more crazy. They rush to burst out all their strength and want to kill Qin Feng.

However, the gap between them and Qin Feng is too big.

Qin Feng's body is as fast as a ghost, leaving a series of shadows behind him. Each time, he just takes a hand.

But even so, no one can bear his hand. After being photographed, he vomited blood and fell to the ground. All the viscera in his body have been broken, and he lost his breath soon after falling.

Seeing this scene, hadku was also afraid and said to Nelson ratty with fear:

"My Lord, it seems that the situation is not good. Shall we avoid it?"

At the moment, he was afraid to see Qin Feng's death like figure in the field. He just wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

Hearing his words, Nelson ratty's face was gloomy. He was not reconciled, but he had to admit that Qin Feng was really strong, and these experts didn't see enough in front of him.

With only five or six men in black left, Nelson ratty finally made up his mind to withdraw first.

Because if you don't leave, it's too late.

"You want to go? Why don't you watch more plays? "

Just as hadku and Nelson ratty turned to leave, Qin Feng's voice sounded behind them.

When nadaku heard the demonic voice, he was so scared that he couldn't let out the atmosphere, let alone push Nelson ratty to escape.

The next moment, Qin Feng appeared in front of them.

In his hand, he was carrying a man in black with a broken neck, which was as simple as carrying a chicken.


Seeing this, Nelson ratty was scared to have a heart attack.

What kind of killing God is necessary to achieve this step? He had never heard of such terrible strength!

"Surprised, didn't you want my life just now?"

Qin Feng sneered and sneered at each other.

So Nelson ratty was gnashing his teeth, but he couldn't help it.

"Don't be happy too soon, I have a master who can deal with you!"

Nelson ratty roared to Qin Feng, and when his voice dropped, he asked hadku behind him to push him to escape. He didn't want to stay in front of Qin Feng for a moment.

"Trying to scare me when I don't see it?"

Qin Feng's face sneered, only a flash appeared in front of them again, blocking their way.

After that, he lifted Nelson ratty out of his wheelchair, and his killing intention was endless!


"You can't kill me. I'm the head of the Nelson family. If you kill me, you will be punished!"

Nelson ratty trembled all over his body. He was so scared that his words had no deterrent power, which made Qin Feng feel like a joke.

"I don't care who you are, now I just want you to answer me a question."

"Tell me what your purpose is!"

Qin Feng disdains a way, completely did not put him in the eye.

"I... I also follow the orders of others. How can I know what the purpose is?"

Nelson ratty said, trembling.

"Oh? So there's someone behind you? "

Qin Feng felt more interesting and wanted to ask immediately.

But at this time, hadku went around behind Qin Feng and suddenly took out a cold shining dagger to stab him down the neck. He wanted to steal the opportunity!

However, Qin Feng's reaction was so quick that he knew everything behind him in a flash.

Before hadku could raise his hand, he had already raised his foot and kicked it out, and never looked back.


Hadku was unprepared. He did not expect that Qin Feng was aware of his existence.

When this kick came, he had no time to react, and was directly kicked out and hit a big stone heavily.

Then, hadku's face was bleeding, and he was obviously out of breath!


Nelson ratty, who was caught by Qin Feng, saw that his right-hand man was kicked to death by Qin Feng, and his face turned to gray. Then, he was completely frightened, and his whole body couldn't stop shaking.

"Now you can say that there is someone behind you?"

Qin Feng sneers and questions Nelson ratty.

"Yes, it is. In fact, it is because of the support of other forces that the Nelson family is so huge."

"But I'm just following orders. I don't know the details."

Nelson ratty replied truthfully.

"Is it?"

Qin Feng carefully considered in his heart, weighing the truth of the matter.

And when he wanted to keep asking about other things, the accident happened.

A shot rang out not far behind him. The bullet brushed his shoulder and missed him.

However, the bullet hit Nelson ratty's heart accurately and took his life with one shot!

"Who is it?"

It is impossible for Qin Feng not to be angry when he sees an important figure being killed.

However, when he looked back, he only saw a figure disappearing in the dark.

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