Soon, Zhuque, Qinglong and others came, quietly waiting for Qin Feng's order.

"What's the progress of your investigation on the U.S. spy before? Is it going well?"

Qin Feng did not immediately say his plan, but asked the two humanitarian, if the progress is great, then he will not have how to prepare.


Green dragon and rosefinch look at each other, and they are both ashamed.

Then he said, "Sir, these American spies are very good at hiding their tracks. Almost all the people we sent out got nothing."

"So, the progress is not big, but please believe that if you give us a little more time, we will certainly catch the clue!"

Qinglong is nervous and ready to be taught by Qin Feng.

However, Qin Feng just nodded and didn't mean to blame them.

"It's OK. If there's no progress, we can work together. It's not a workload that can be completed by a few of you."

"Judging from the current situation, we need to invest more human and material resources in order to find out the American spies."

Qin Feng pondered.

The green dragon and the rosefinch both nodded and thought it was.

"According to Mr. Yi, what should we do next?"

Green Dragon asked.

The difficulty of this investigation lies in the fact that the secret agents can't make a big fuss. Once the secret agents are alerted, they will be alert. Maybe they will never show up again.

Therefore, all this must be done in the dark, and it's better to be able to catch all these secret agents in the dark!

"If you want me to say, it's better to act separately now."

"Before the arrest, I must first find out the number and distribution of these spies. This is the most basic, so that we can have a greater grasp of all the spies."

"Therefore, this task is left to you to complete."

After thinking about it, Qin Feng said that he had a dignified look, and every step was a plan after extremely careful consideration.

"Yes, the rosefinch is sure to live up to your expectations!"

The rosefinch was a little excited and immediately saluted.

Then Qin Feng said to Qinglong:

"In order to cooperate with rosefinch, it's better for you to continue to investigate the situation of the Nelson family now. After all, you have a lot of resources in your hands. I'm more confident to be more familiar with them."

"Remember, we must investigate who the Nelson family colluded with and worked for!"

"But has not the Nelson family been destroyed?"

Qinglong immediately asked.

"No, I just eradicated their leaders and high-level officials. There should be a lot of leaky fish to survive. You can follow these clues."

Qin Feng said here and took a deep breath.

The incident of Nelson ratty's being shot in the black has always bothered him so much that it's hard for him to let go now. He has to investigate who is behind the Nelson family.

"Green dragon knows!"

Qinglong's voice is strong and kind. He knows that Qin Feng has deliberately reserved his hand.

Immediately, the two left with their own tasks. Once they had any news, they would come back and report it to Qin Feng.

After giving them the assignment, Qin Feng was relieved for a while. He told the elder and went back to his grandfather's house.

"So soon? Is everything going well? "

As soon as he got back to the Shen family, his grandfather Shen Zhufeng came up to inquire.

"It's OK. It's nothing serious. Thank you for your concern."

Qin Feng said with a smile, while eating the rich dinner that Shen Zhufeng asked people to prepare for him.

However, there are still many doubts in his heart. Even if he has tried his best to restrain himself, Shen Zhufeng is aware of them.

"Are you still worrying about your mother?"

Shen Zhufeng saw his thoughts and asked, with a kind and kind face.

"Yes, I was thinking about how my mother's body disappeared and why there was no news from then on."

Qin Feng said his doubts and sighed.

On one side, Shen Zhufeng couldn't bear it. He didn't want to worry about it. After thinking about it, he said:

"In fact, if you really want to know, you can start with the relics left by your mother. Maybe you can get some harvest and find out."

"And now I'm more and more convinced that there's a great chance that your mother is still alive!"

"How do you say that?"

Qin Feng heard his grandfather's words and was immediately surprised. He immediately asked.

In fact, he also felt that his mother was not dead, but Shen Zhufeng also said so, there must be some basis, he would like to know.

"It's just some doubtful points found in the process of investigation. Through some doubtful points, I have this kind of judgment."

"But don't think about it. It's not settled yet."

Shen Zhufeng patted Qin Feng on the shoulder, relieved.

"But if my mother didn't die, why didn't she come out and recognize us?"

Qin Feng frowned tightly and said, annoyed and distressed.

Shen Zhufeng naturally understood his inner doubts, for which he could not provide any useful information. He just sighed.

Soon, it was late at night, and Qin Feng went back to his room to have a rest.

But he couldn't sleep all night, tossing and turning in bed.

Because at this time, he had a lot of thoughts in his heart, which seemed to be deposited in his heart like a mess, and it was always difficult to solve them.

At last, he thought of something. He took off his coat and found that the red mark on his abdomen was more bright and obvious. It looked like a pool of blood flowing out of his abdomen. It was very creepy!

"It's a strange mark."

Qin Feng muttered to himself that he could not understand when the red mark appeared on him.

At the next moment, he tried to urge the real Qi to dissolve, but he could not really touch the red mark, as if it was naturally integrated with his flesh and blood.

"The red mark seems to have something to do with the strange dream I had before. Is it related?"

Qin Feng was puzzled and could only think in this way.

After all, he didn't have the red mark on his body before he made those two strange dreams.

After that, the red mark became more vivid and obvious, which made him have to associate with it.

After a final thought, he was a little tired and fell asleep.

Soon, the strange dream appeared again.

This time, he was on a battlefield, surrounded by a scene of two armies fighting, which was extremely magnificent.

As in previous dreams, he was just a spectator of the war.

But he can see that there are soldiers from Daxia and soldiers from Outland on both sides of the war, which is not the scene he has experienced before.

Seeing this, Qin Feng couldn't help but wonder. Is this a kind of prophecy?

And just when Qin Feng was puzzled, a wisp of white clothes appeared in his field of vision and came lightly.

As like as two peas before he came to him, he could see that the woman's appearance was exactly the same as her mother's, even at first he thought he was his mother.

"Who are you?"

Qin Feng found that this woman was the only one who could detect her existence, and asked.

The other side ignored his question and warned:

"The future is dangerous. You can't go on investigating about the Nelson family."

Having said that, the woman in white left like a wisp of wind.


Qin Feng shouts to make it clear.

But at the next moment, he suddenly woke up, wiped his forehead, and realized that he was sweating.

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