"Let me go, let me go!"

After Li Quan was caught, he was still struggling madly, roaring.

Seeing this, Qin Feng didn't want to get used to him. He slapped him in the face.

"Pa" of a, Li Quan is directly hit by this slap to muddle, half face because of this redness.


"Now, if I ask you anything, you can answer honestly, otherwise, I will kill you immediately."

Qin Feng opened his mouth without any emotion. Li Quan was shocked by his death like appearance. He nodded quickly.

"Tell me, how many deals have you made with the Nelson family and how much they have benefited you."

Qin Feng came to the point and asked directly.

"I... I didn't!"

Li Quan hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth.

He knew the means of the Nelson family. Once he said it, he would suffer terrible revenge, and the whole family would be restless, so he would not say it at all.


Qin Feng was not angry, but calm.

But the more so, the more terrible oppression Li Quan felt, and he could hardly breathe.

"I'm not treason, and I don't have any improper dealings with the Nelson family!"

Li Quan quibbled that he directly denied his family's treason.

Hearing his words, Qin Feng couldn't help laughing twice, and his murderous spirit gradually emerged.

"You can say that without treason. Take a good look at what it is!"

Qin Feng said, and directly took out the evidence that Ding Jian had given him about the collusion between the Li family and the Nelson family and put it in front of Li Quan.

"You'll see."

"It's all evidence that you collude with the Nelson family to secretly monopolize the steel market resources of Daxia for export profit. What else do you have to say?"

Qin Feng asked coldly.

"I... I didn't. You're making a fake!"

Li Quan gritted his teeth and said that he would not admit it even though he was sophisticating.

Seeing this, Qin Feng slapped him directly. This time, he even used his real Qi. He slapped Li Quan in the face.

"Do you want to be tough with me? Let's see if your mouth is harder or my slap is more powerful!"

Qin Feng yelled, slapping Li Quan's two front teeth.


Li Quan where suffered such a beating, suddenly half a face are twisted into a ball, simply can't speak.

Seeing that Qin Feng was slapping again, he was extremely frightened and ran away.

However, how could he escape from Qin Feng.

At the next moment, a ray of terrible Qi erupted between Qin Feng's fingers, like an invisible blade.

Then, they heard Li Quan give out a dull hum, and they fell down straightly. There was no more movement.

"We've solved all the Li family. If we don't leave one, we'll go to the next."

Qin Feng's face was expressionless and said without any emotion.

The Li family colluded with the Nelson family and sold Daxia's interests, which was already a felony of treason, so he directly ordered the killing.


Green Dragon dare not careless, immediately called a lot of people to come to implement.


Soon, Qin Feng's back then rang out the Li family's cry, this heartrending scream resounds, startles the house source ten miles inside wild animals all ran out.

Before long, Qin Feng was on the next list.

Without extra words, Qin Feng didn't ask for any useful information, so he directly asked Qinglong to eradicate these families.

"Sir, there's one last home left."

After solving most of the families, Qinglong looks at the list and says to Qin Feng.

"Where is it?"

Qin Feng asked.

"Rong's house is in a valley. It's a villa. It's very hidden."

"What's more, according to intelligence, it has become a meeting place for the Nelson family, often meeting there."

Qinglong looked at the information on the list and said.

"That's just right. We can do it all. Let's go now."

Qin Feng said that, then took the green dragon to go immediately.

At the same time, Rong Kaian, the owner of the Rong family, who is tens of miles away, has been informed that Qin Feng has begun to liquidate the family connected with Nelson.

Now, it's coming to them.

"Shit, what's going on?"

Rong Kaian saw the wire after the heart immediately flustered, did not expect Qin Feng's action should be so fast.

"Come on, let's call some of the adults of the Nelson family who are still in the meeting."

Rong Kaian said to his confidants.


The man realized that in his eyes, he didn't dare to delay anything, so he went to do it immediately.

Soon after, the eldest son of the Nelson family, skasa, came. His father was Nelson Ratti, who had been killed by Qin Feng. But he didn't know that such a big thing had happened in his family.

"What's in such a hurry?"

Skasa came out with a relaxed face.

Seeing this, Rong Kaian quickly came forward and explained: "my Lord, the event is not good. Qin Feng, the king of Tongxia, will soon come to settle us. Now he is on his way!"

Rong Kaian was very frightened at the moment and said.

To this, skasa didn't care and said with a disdainful smile:

"Don't worry. He won't come here. We are so hidden here. You can rest assured!"

"Don't worry about this matter for the time being. Hurry to do what I've given you. Give me all the resources. I'll hand in the task soon."


When Rong Kaian heard this, he settled down a little.

However, before he had time to start, the sound of fighting came from outside the gate, and then the gate was smashed open by the bodyguard's body, making a loud bang!

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