At the same time, when Qin Feng and Shen Zhufeng call, Jeremy, the paladin of Huopan in Outland, has already started.

"Oh, since you are willing to trust me and give me this task, I will take down Qin Feng's head."

Before boarding the plane, Jeremy sneered and said that Qin Feng was the only target in his eyes.

Then, he boarded the plane. When he was close to the border of Daxia, Jeremy saw that the soldiers of Daxia were heavily guarded, and suddenly had other thoughts.

"Let me go down and weigh the strength of the soldiers guarding the city at the border in summer. I want to see if they are really so difficult."

Jeremy said to the people around him.

Before that, the foreign Union launched several attacks in a row, but failed, and was strictly guarded by the Daxia border.

Therefore, this time, he was full of fighting spirit and wanted to experience it in person.

"But my Lord, Lord olko's order is that we'd better not make too much publicity and take killing Qin Feng as our main goal."

At his side, a confidant reminds a way.

Jeremy was a little impatient and frowned

"No matter what I do, I have the strength to take the guy named Qin Feng and go back to be ordered. Now let me warm my hands first!"

"All right."

Seeing this, the confidant did not dare to say anything more, and immediately let the captain land.

Soon, Jeremy's figure will appear in the summer outside the border city, the body's breath is also rising.

"Stop, who are you? You must show your passport if you want to enter the city!"

When the soldiers saw Jeremy, they didn't flinch because of his breath. They asked directly with a cold face.

See, Jeremy did not disdain, because he saw that the strength of these people to stop themselves is very weak, he can easily win.

"Joke, I come as soon as I want, because you want to block my way?"

Jeremy sneered.

The next moment, he suddenly put out his hand, and with a wave of his big hand, he threw a summer soldier more than ten meters away.

"How dare you do it?"

Seeing that his companion was thrown out so far, the other guards were furious and came up with weapons.

And at this time, that was thrown out of the summer soldiers full of horror, covering the pain of the chest to stand up.

Because, Jeremy's strength is really strong, with his big size, just rely on strength to throw him out so far.

If Jeremy was killed just now, it's unimaginable. He can definitely blow his head out with one blow!

Thinking of this, the soldier was in a panic, but for the sake of safety, he immediately went to inform the officer,

"Ha ha ha ha, do you want to stop me? Why don't you go and call out your officer? "

Jeremy laughed and ignored the soldiers beside him.

Obviously, this time he just came for the sake of making a big noise, and wanted to weigh the average strength of the summer.

Hearing this, the soldiers who surrounded him were all angry and showed their intention to kill.

"Presumptuous, our officer is not you want to see can see?"

One of the soldiers in the War Department yelled angrily, and then killed them together with others. He didn't want to be blocked at the gate of the city and provoked.


The weapon in his hand made a sound and flashed cold light.

In this regard, Jeremy did not care, looking at the opponent in front of him was like treating a group of babies who had not been weaned, but the real Qi in his body shocked them all.

Not only that, Jeremy grabbed a man's collar and threw it out again.

This time, the man bumped against the wall and vomited blood, which made all the city guards angry again.

"Pull the alarm, there's an enemy attack!"

The soldier yelled. When he heard his voice, the others rushed to sound the alarm to let more people pay attention to the movement outside the city.

The sneer on Jeremy's face became more intense. What he wanted was such a result.

The more people there are, with his strength, he will be able to easily sweep a large group of people, thus making Da Xia lose face.

"Guard, guard the city!"

After the alarm went off, all the soldiers in the war department above the city gate got nervous. Looking at the city gate, they found that there was only one enemy.

However, they did not dare to have any carelessness and took the most tense fighting posture.

At this time, Jeremy, who felt that the time was almost right, started to move again.

"Ha ha ha, the more people, the better. That's just what I want."

"I'm not afraid to tell you that I'm one of the twelve paladins of Outland, the paladins of fire rock. You want to hold back the iron hooves of Outland alliance?"

Jeremy laughs as he moves on.

At this time, the real Qi in his body was surging, and his breath became more and more powerful. Where he passed, all the soldiers around him were afraid to stop him.

"A group of losers, how strong are the people I should beat back our Outland alliance soldiers? It turns out that's all it is!"

Jeremy snorted coldly. His eyes were murderous and provocative.

On hearing this, all the soldiers in the war department were excited. How could they stand such provocation.

"You think you can ignore us alone? You weren't there at the time of the fighting. You didn't see how your own people were chased by us. "

A War Department veteran came forward and countered.

After that, all the soldiers in the war department around were excited, because it was the best record to prove everything. They really defeated the attack of Outland alliance.

At the same time, Jeremy's face darkened, apparently irritated.

"It's just a bunch of rubbish. What can I say?"

After that, his real Qi burst out in his body, and he immediately smashed a person's head.

Then, he threw away the body of the soldier in the War Department, which was very light.

Seeing this scene, any bloody Daxia soldiers couldn't bear it, and they all drank angrily to kill the front of the mountain to avenge their brothers.

However, the gap between them and Jeremy is too great.

When Jeremy slapped his hand, his real Qi broke out, and he easily repelled a group of people, even forced them to cough blood and keep retreating.

"Ridiculous, you are like mole ants, but you want to kill me. It's ridiculous!"

Jeremy disdained to say that he had killed several people again.

At this time, Xiao Wenbin, the War Department commander who was responsible for guarding here, finally came with a group of elite soldiers.

As early as before the alarm was sounded, he had learned from his injured subordinates that there was a clamorous outlander outside the gate of the city who wanted to break into the border city.

As the commander of this place, Xiao Wenbin naturally can't sit back and ignore, and immediately comes to support with the elite of the war department.

As a result, just as he arrived at the gate of the city, he saw the scene of falling to one side. He was angry and murderous.

"Stop, who are you? How dare you come to the border of Daxia?"

Xiao Wenbin yelled angrily and let Jeremy's hand move.

Then, he raised his head and looked at Xiao Wenbin coldly.

"Oh, who am I?"

"I'm one of the twelve paladins of the United States. Today, I want to know how powerful you are. Don't you agree? Get down on the ground

Jeremy snorted coldly. He was ready to kill.

The next moment, in front of Xiao Wenbin, he pinches a soldier of the war department to death, and then throws it out like garbage.

"I don't care what kind of Knight you are. If you dare to go one step further, there will be no amnesty!"

Xiao Wenbin roared, the elite around him entered the alert state at the same time.

Because they all see that Jeremy is a tough opponent and can't be treated with common sense.

"Ha ha ha!"

Hearing Xiao Wenbin's words, Jeremy raised his head and burst into laughter.

"Then who are you, and who are you qualified to say that to me, eh?"

Jeremy is so proud that he doesn't pay attention to Xiao Wenbin.

"I'm Xiao Wenbin, commander of Daxia border city. I'm in charge of guarding this place. This is the boundary of Daxia. I'll give you one last warning. Intruders will die!"

Xiao Wenbin's indifferent response has secretly made his men well prepared.

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