After his death, Jeremy's body softened quickly, and soon became stiff.

At the same time, the shadow of his soul disk gradually became weak, and only a wisp was left.

In this regard, Qin Feng did not let it go, and directly absorbed it with his true Qi.

"Hoo --"

It has to be said that the virtual shadow of the soul disk is a great tonic for the practitioners. After all, it is the thing condensed by the strong of the same level, with the most original and pure power.

After swallowing, Qin Feng obviously felt the strength of his body increased, much stronger than before.

"It's a pity I can't ask more."

Qin Feng snorted coldly, looking at Jeremy's body as if thinking.

In order to get as much information as possible, he directly turned Jeremy's body over to search.

And he was not disappointed. As expected, a satellite phone came out of Jeremy's pocket.

"It's so secretive. It seems that there's something in it."

Qin Feng sneered and easily turned on the satellite phone.

Then he saw that there was a number in the phone, which was also the only number in the phone.

Without much hesitation, Qin Feng dialed the encrypted phone number directly.

He believed that the phone call would reach the mysterious man behind Jeremy!


At the same time, alco, far within the Green family in the United States, is deploying sophisticated plans.

In his opinion, as long as Jeremy gets rid of Qin Feng and successfully gets two good luck, everything can go on smoothly.

In his heart, he believed in Jeremy very much, otherwise he would not answer his request directly.

"What's the plan now, my lord?"

A man came up and said respectfully.

His name is TESP, and he is a very valued confidant around olko. He often shares his worries and thinks of ways for him.

"It's all expected."

"However, we'd better be prepared. Once Jeremy regains his luck, we'll start to attack Daxia immediately and let Daxia fall apart completely!"

Olko sank, confident.

In his opinion, Jeremy wants to complete the task is very simple, and Da Xia in his eyes is vulnerable, can easily break, achieve their supreme plan!

"However, Daxia is now very prosperous and its strength has been greatly improved. If we despise Daxia, I'm afraid we will pay a great price."

"It's not without worry," he said.

At his words, alco raised his hand and shook his head slightly, indicating that he didn't have to worry.

"I didn't want to have a direct encounter with Da Xia. You know, what we want is the luck of Da Xia. If I get this, I can make great progress in three months and become the supreme demigod. It's no surprise to touch the legendary gods!"

Olko's eyes are shining with confidence.

As long as you become a demigod, then you want to turn the other side to smooth out the summer, it is just a matter of raising your hand, you can easily do it!

"I see. It's worthy of your honor, or it's thoughtful of you. I'll do it now!"

Tess suddenly said, the same joy in his heart.

At the same time, all the other people present cheered, complimenting olko and calling him "demigod" in advance

When olko heard these compliments, he was naturally very happy, with an undisguised laugh on his face.

And just then, the phone call ended his fantasy.


Olko inquired, and the man who answered the phone immediately ran over with the phone, his face full of excitement.

"Report, sir. It's Lord Jeremy!"

"Well? So soon? As expected, I have lived up to my trust in him. "

Olko said with a confident smile, more and more excited in his heart.

Then he got through immediately.

"Jeremy, how's it going? Has luck come back?"

Before anyone on the other end of the line could speak, olko could not wait to ask.

Because it's related to his becoming a demigod. No matter how calm he is, he can't be excited.

"Sorry to disappoint you. I'm not Jeremy."

At the other end of the phone, a strange voice rang out. It was Qin Feng.

"Who are you?"

Olko did not expect to call a strange voice, instantly alert, ask each other's identity.

To this, Qin Feng just sneers.

"Don't you always want to take back the good fortune of the eagle kingdom? You've specially sent someone to die. You should know who I am."

Qin Feng sneered on the phone.

On hearing this, alco recovered from his surprise and became angry.

"So it's you, Qin Feng?"

There was anger in his voice that could not be concealed.

It's obvious that Jeremy is dead, otherwise the phone will never be in Qin Feng's hands.

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