After getting rid of Jeremy, the fire knight, Qin Feng asked rosefinch to deal with the scene. He didn't miss the chance to use Jeremy just because he became a corpse.

On the contrary, he felt that he could find something out of Jeremy's body, even if it didn't matter.

After arranging these, Qin Feng went back to rest first.

However, as soon as he got home, he was once again attracted by a series of urgent telephone rings.

"Three elders?"

Seeing the caller's name, Qin Feng was surprised at first, and then sank slightly. He thought that the three elders must have called him because of something important.

Thinking of this, he immediately connected the phone.

"Elder three, what can I do for you?"

Qin Feng inquired directly, without any hesitation.

"There's something really important."

On the other end of the phone, the elder said in a heavy voice, obviously because something happened.

Hearing his words, Qin Feng tensed up and down again, ready to go to the war department at any time.

"Listen to me first."

"According to the investigation conducted by our secret agents within the United States, it is found that there has been a lot of internal unrest in the United States in recent days, and civil strife has taken place in some places."

"The general situation is that the hidden forces inside Daxia and some inherent forces have set off a lot of contradictions. It seems that there are signs of seizing power."

Three elder said in the telephone, this news let Qin Feng unexpected.

"So it seems that the civil strife in the United States is really a bit strange."

"As far as I know, hidden forces generally operate behind the scenes. No matter what, they will never be put on the stage."

Qin Feng said in a deep voice, thinking in his heart.

The hidden forces in the United States are very deep. Since there will be unrest, it must have the strength to do so.

But even that is not necessarily a good thing for them.

"Generally speaking, it is true, but what happened in the United States this time is really strange."

"There's another thing you need to pay attention to, which is also very important."

The three elders said immediately.

"Three elder please say."

"According to our secret agents in the United States, the United States has sent people to the interior of Daxia. I don't know what I want to do."

The Third Elder said.

Qin Feng immediately thought of Jeremy, who had been killed by himself.

"Don't worry, elder three. I know that."

"Not long ago, a strong man from other regions came to me, but now he has been killed by me."

Qin Feng said slowly that he not only knew that someone from Outland had come, but also had a hand with the strong in Outland ahead of time. The situation was not optimistic.

"What?! You've dealt with the Outlands? "

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the three elders were shocked and asked if he was hurt.

"Don't worry, elder three. It's not a problem to solve a strong man in foreign regions with my strength."

"However, the only thing that puzzles me is that this man calls himself one of the twelve paladins of Outland. I forgot his specific name. It sounds like something."

Qin Feng added that he was calm from beginning to end.

"Twelve paladins, I've heard some names."

"It's said that this represents a powerful force in Outland. Everyone can't be underestimated. I didn't expect that you have lost one person in your hands."

The three elders were a little surprised, and then sighed.


"But now only one person has died. It's said that there are still eleven knights. It may be a bit tricky."

Qin Feng then said, to remind the three elders.

"It should be so, and I have received sufficient intelligence, and the strong foreign experts have come to our summer."

"Now that you have killed a strong man in Outland, you should be very tired now. You can have a rest first, and I'll arrange the interception for the rest."

The Third Elder said.

This time, he had enough intelligence and even mastered the route of the other side. He was very confident.

However, Qin Feng frowned slightly and was not optimistic about it.

"Elder three, what I have to tell you is that the strength of these strong men in foreign regions can't be underestimated."

"Take the strong man in Outland who was killed by me not long ago as an example. His strength is no less than mine. If such a strong man is sent to Outland, I'm afraid the people in the War Department alone will not be able to resist it."

Qin Feng warned that he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"It's OK. You can rest at ease. You have been underestimated the power of our war department. It's more than enough to intercept this group of people."

The three elders said with a smile that Qin Feng was too nervous.

After all, even if there are people as strong as Qin Feng, there are only a few. It is impossible to have more than one person at a time.


What else did Qin Feng want to say, but he was interrupted by the three elders immediately.

"Don't worry. I'll make adjustments as soon as there's something abnormal. I'll take care of the rest."

Three elder comfort way, this just let Qin Feng in the heart that a silk not good premonition reduced a lot.

"Well, how careful you are, the three elders."

"Wait for the good news."

Three elder smile, immediately hang up the phone.

At this time, the three elders immediately began to act, and asked their men to track the trace of these outlanders who came to Daxia.

"Remember, this time we're going to make a perfect plan. We're going to try to catch people from other places in the shortest time, and we're not going to make a big deal. Do you understand?"

The three elders told a group of subordinates to be more careful.


"In addition, from now on, you will closely monitor the major domestic airports, strictly control the order of each airport, etc., and find all suspicious flights."

"Ambush as soon as you find the target!"

Three elder then again told a way.

"I understand!"

A group of subordinates saluted, and immediately began their own busy, to investigate each line.

At the same time, in a large airport in Outland America, thunder knight, roaring wind knight and boulder Knight are ready to start.

In order to quickly recapture Qin Feng's good fortune, they were well prepared this time without any carelessness.

"My Lord, according to our investigation, the shortest distance from us to the city where Qinfeng is located is Haizhou in Daxia. We can find the trace of Qinfeng soon!"

One of his men came up to the thunder Knight Suoxi and said, holding a detailed road map at the same time.

Soxhlet was not interested in this, he just threw the road map aside.

"It doesn't matter how we go. What's important is that we should kill him as soon as possible, not only to avenge Jeremy, but also to get back the good fortune of the eagle kingdom for the adults!"

Soxhlet's face was cold, without emotion.

The other two knights nodded at his words.

"Yes, we are twelve paladins. Each of us is bathed in countless blood and has gone through countless battles to get to this step. How can such identities fall in the summer? We have to take revenge!"

Roaring wind Knight echoed.

"Yes, for the sake of Jeremy, and for the sake of Lord olko's great ambition, we should succeed in everything we say!"

The stone Knight also said, looking excited.

Then, the special plane for the three took off for the summer.

At this time, the three elders who were far away in Daxia had already mastered the road map of the three men coming to Daxia. Knowing that they were going to land in Haizhou, they immediately arranged for their men to go to Haizhou to set up defense and prepare to capture and kill the three men.

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