Qin Feng's straightforward operation not only made Ding Liding look stupid, but also made the members of the soul eating hall look stupid.

A moment later, people in the soul eating hall woke up.

"You are Qin Xue's younger brother. If you don't go to heaven, you will come to hell."

"Take this boy down, you can use it to coerce Qin Xue."

Hearing this, Qin Feng's face sank.

"Can't it be that the soul eating hall has captured my sister, so it wants to take me down and bully my sister?"

For a moment, the Qin wind Association gave birth to a lot of conjectures, but all of them were unknown.

"Maybe they haven't caught my sister yet, they just lied to me, so they said so."

Qin Feng constantly comforted himself and kept his mood stable.

"I'll give you another chance to tell you where my sister is now and how she is doing?"

"If you dare to cheat me, everyone will die!"

Qin Feng's face became cold. In the face of these murderers who attacked his sister, Qin Feng wanted to kill everyone.

"Ha ha, idiot, there are only two of you, and we have many warriors."

"If you want to win more with less, do you think you are God?"

All the members of the soul eating hall sneered, thinking that Qin Feng was not smart.

"I'm not God, of course, because I don't believe in God at all."

"Since you believe in God, I will send you to heaven to see him now!"

The members of the soul swallowing hall didn't reveal Qin Xue's news at all. Qin Feng's face was cold and decided to use real means.

"Protect yourself!"

After telling Ding Liding, Qin Feng is ready to take action.

"The boy wants to do it. Ha ha, let's teach him a lesson!"

The staff of soul eating hall took the lead in attacking Qin Feng.


A warrior opened his heart, picked up a huge stone from the ground and threw it at Qin Feng.

"Go away!"

Qin Feng stretched out a finger and gently stopped the flying boulder and kicked it back.

The huge stone flies backward at a faster speed. It seems that the warrior didn't expect this. In a daze, he is pressed into meat cake by the huge stone.

"Good boy, dare to fight back and kill him!"

Seeing that Qin Feng killed a companion in a flash, the staff of the soul eating hall were very fierce.


The members of soul eating hall urge Zhenqi to attack Qin Feng together.

"Well come!"

Qin wind also erupted, and the powerful Qi in the middle of xuanjing surrounded the whole body, which protected Qin wind closely.

"The real Qi is out of the body... It's not good. It's a warrior in xuanjing!"

Seeing Qin Feng's true Qi protecting his body, the faces of the members of the soul eating hall suddenly changed.

"No, we can't beat him. Run!"

"Retreat, retreat!"

The members of the soul eating hall, seeing the powerful power of Qin Feng, are about to flee immediately, but how can Qin Feng let them leave.


With a roar, Qin Feng claps it.

The real Qi instantly condenses into a huge palm. The palm seems to fall from the sky and slap the ground hard.


The real Qi palm claps, the earth shakes, more than half of the members of soul eating hall are smashed by this palm clap.

"God... What did I see? His strength is terrible!"

The rest of the members of the soul eating hall stood trembling.

They were completely frightened by Qin Feng's hand and did not dare to escape.

"Qin Feng, your strength...!"

Not only the members of the soul eating hall were frightened, but Ding Liding was also surprised.

He never thought that Qin Feng was so powerful.

"With Qin Feng's help, Qin Xue will be saved."

After the surprise, Ding Liding was ecstatic.

Qin Feng didn't pay attention to people's fear, so he came to a member of the soul eating hall.

"I ask, you answer, or you die!"

Under Qin Feng's awe inspiring eyes, the member nodded in horror.

"Where is my sister Qin Xue now?"

The members of the soul eating Hall who were asked suddenly grinned strangely.

"Your sister is dead. She died in our hands. You will never find him!"


Qin Feng was completely enraged.


The angry Qin Feng blows out, and Sheng blows the man up.

Flesh and blood were flying in the air, and the body of the man was everywhere.

After killing this man, Qin Feng comes to another member of the soul eating hall.

"I ask you, where is my sister?"

This member of the soul eating hall also laughed strangely.

"Your sister is dead, you..."

Before his words were finished, he was killed by Qin Feng.

Qin Feng asked several members of the soul eating hall, but they all said that Qin Xue was dead.

As a result, they were all killed by Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's concern is chaotic. These members of the soul eating hall are obviously telling lies, but they are so many in a row, which makes Qin Feng's heart really give birth to a false cognition that his sister Qin Xue has been killed.

"I ask you, is my sister alive or dead?"

Qin Feng asks a member of the soul eating hall again.

"Your sister Qin Xue died, and she died miserably!"

It was the same result, which Qin Feng couldn't bear.

"No way, my sister can't die!"

Qin Feng blows up the members of the soul eating hall and roars at the sky.


Qin Feng, in his anger, didn't find that at the moment, the seizing Scripture in his body was running madly because of his grief.


Qin Feng's body seems to have a cracking sound, as if a pass had been broken.

Seizing the meridian of heaven automatically urges Qi to surround Qin wind. At this time, Qi is more powerful than before.

"I... what's wrong with me?"

Feeling the Qi running automatically, Qin Feng was separated from his grief.

"It seems that seizing the true Qi of the natural classic is much stronger than just now?"

"How can my strength break through from the middle to the later stage of xuanjing?"

After waking up, Qin Feng suddenly found his strength and broke through in his just excessive grief and indignation.

Now Qinfeng is in the late stage of xuanjing, infinitely close to Dijing.

There are many warriors in the world, but as far as we know, the most powerful one is at the prefecture level.

Heaven level realm appeared hundreds of years ago when the aura was abundant, but now the aura is declining, and there has been no heaven level warrior in the world for a long time.

"Did I just go crazy?"

Qin Feng was afraid after a while. Because of his emotional excitement, there were a lot of incidents of being possessed.

Once possessed, the warrior has a great chance to commit suicide.

Even if you don't commit suicide, you will become insane.

Just now, the members of the soul eating hall kept stimulating Qin Feng, in order to make Qin Feng go crazy.

After understanding all this, Qin Feng settled down.

"My sister won't die. She's a warrior in the middle of the earth."

"I can easily clean up these members of the soul eating hall. How could my sister die in their hands?"

As a general, Qin Xue is naturally powerful.

However, what Qin Xue practiced was not the seizing Sutra handed down by the Qin family, but other skills.

When Qin Xue was a child, she tried to practice and seize the Scriptures. Unfortunately, she couldn't practice at all, so she changed to other methods.

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