When Zhuque, Chuyi and others wait outside the door, Qin Feng is closing the door inside the house.

He sat in the middle of the room, his body was full of Qi, and his body was covered with bright golden light, which seemed to turn him into a little golden sun.


In Qin Feng's body, as he used the secret method to operate, the Qi in his tendons kept going round and round.

After a short time of breathing adjustment, all the injuries in Qin Feng's body have almost recovered.

Taking advantage of this time, he began to recall all kinds of things that happened before, and pieced together the fragments of memories that seemed like dreams before.

"Before me, it seems that I went back to the era of the Dragon Dynasty with the help of jade bracelets?"

Qin Feng thought about the most important thing and suddenly thought of something.

"Isn't it a coincidence that I went back with the help of jade bracelet, but because it happened to be my previous life, so I won't be excluded and become the God King of the Dragon dynasty!"

Qin Feng underestimated the way, more and more feel like this.

At this point, he wanted to know more about what had happened before.

At the next moment, the real Qi in his body began to boil, running wildly in his muscles.

"Back, back again, I want to know everything!"

Qin Feng began to use his powerful power to trace his memory, which was his special ability after he became a half step and half god.

Because, this is reincarnation inheritance, after the awakening of blood, the brand entered his blood, everything is completely awakened, as long as the strength reaches a certain degree, it can be traced back to the memory of the previous life.


As the golden light on him became more and more bright, the power of half step and half god had been brought into full play by him, and countless memories began to pour into his mind.

At first, he felt the pain in his head. After all, he suddenly awakened a lot of memories, which made it difficult for him to adapt at the first time.

However, with the patchwork of these memories, he gradually fell into it.

"Originally, in my previous life, I was Tenglong, born in a small town on the border of Longchao."

"It all starts here!"

Qin Feng closed his eyes and frowned, as if he had fallen into some painful memory.

In the memories of his childhood in his previous life, he saw countless people being bullied in the small town, including his family and himself.

At that time, he secretly vowed in his heart that he would overturn the rule of the Dragon Dynasty and never let such bullying happen again.


Qin Feng saw some bad scenes in his memory, which touched his nerves. Even if it had nothing to do with his life, Qin Feng also gave out a roar of anger.

In these memories, he saw his relatives died and his friends left one after another, all because of the chaotic rule of the Dragon Dynasty.

At this moment, the breath of his body in the silent climb, bright golden light in the diffuse, accompanied by wisps of killing.

"Go back and open it for me!"

Qin Feng roared and two tears fell quietly on his cheek.

He recklessly used his strength to trace the hidden memory fragments in his blood, and forced them to piece together.

Soon, Qin Feng completely replaced the role of Tenglong in the previous life, like a new life experience.

"How could that be?"

"Even in the previous life, my mother was also strangely missing. What's more, my father was executed by long Chao on a false charge!"

Qin Feng clenched his fist and recalled.

In the memory, he was Tenglong, who watched with his own eyes that his father was arrested and then bound to Xingtai.

At that time, he was still young, unable to fight against those people. He could only watch his father leave and could do nothing.


Qin Feng roared, and his golden light burst out. In an instant, he rushed to the sky and scattered a large cloud.

Obviously, his mood at the moment has been completely affected, because he is Tenglong, experiencing everything in his previous life, which has affected his mood.

The next moment, he is full of tears, silent cry.

"Back, again!"

Qin Feng is now desperate to use his power to recall the memory in his blood, so that everything in his previous life will flow into his heart.

Soon, he saw another scene. After the uprising, he became the leader of a certain branch, leading his strong men to overthrow the rule of the Dragon Dynasty.

Most of this memory is about killing.

After several years of war, he had a considerable military strength, and became the king of the world.

"Empress Lin!"

In memory, Qin Feng looked back and saw the familiar figure at a glance. The familiar smile is empress Lin.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Hou is always around him. No matter what kind of dangerous situation he is in, he is only around him.

In this memory, Qin Feng felt unprecedented tenderness and love, and it was hard to extricate himself.

But time is not long, with the advance of memory, his memory of the last enemy, but also the biggest enemy - dunhai Wang.

"It's you!"

Qin Feng can't help but roar. Even if it's in memory, some painful memories can't help but emerge. He thinks of everything outside Nanqing pass.

At this moment, he could not help but burst out a murderous intention. His momentum was even more fierce than just now. I wish he would now appear in that era and fight with dunhai king again!

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