Seeing that all the masters who ambush in advance are killed by Suoxi, it's impossible for Zhuque and Chuyi to be shocked.

Because Suo Xi is obviously seriously injured, but he is still able to do this step, which shows that there is a huge gap between the two sides, which can not be overcome by the advantage of the number of people.

Think of here, rosefinch clenched his teeth, clenched his fist, the heart is not willing.

"No, we can't let them go easily. Once we leave the border, people from other regions will come to meet us. These are two big clues. We must take them!"

At this time, Chu also said that he had made up his mind to sacrifice.

What's more, it's the people Qin Fengqian urged to win. As the twelve Knights of Outland, they must have many secrets.

"OK, let's go together!"

After hearing this, the rosefinch looked dignified and nodded.

In order to live up to Qin Feng's expectations, they decided to continue to stop soxi and price from escaping until Qin Feng arrived.

Think of here, rosefinch body breath burst out again, more powerful.

"Everyone, kill me together, stop these two Outland dog thieves, and never let them escape the border!"

Rosefinch at this time roared, the first to kill out, using the strength of the whole body condensed in two fists above.


His two fists were shining with a white light and a terrible intention to kill, as if to kill everything.

Seeing this scene, Suo Xi didn't take it for granted. He always had a indifferent smile on his face and didn't pay attention to the attack of Zhuque and others.

"It seems that you are determined to stop us before you reach the Yellow River."

"Don't think I don't know what you're up to, trying to hold us back for follow-up support, but I'm afraid you guys won't last a minute."

Suo Xi sneered and said that the light light on his body is interwoven, which is the embodiment of the rich Qi to a certain extent, in the continuous evolution.

"So what, it's time to delay you a little bit!"

The rosefinch roared, and his fists thundered, making a dull sound. He burst out towards Suoxi.


At the moment, the blood in rosefinch's body is surging, like a frenzy, and the power above his two fists is blessed to the peak.

Just a wisp of fist light leaked out from above, which directly cracked the ground.

Seeing this, Suo Xi just sneered, and then bent his fingers to gather a large amount of Qi in one finger.


He burst out a bright light between his fingers, which was clearly just a particle-sized light spot, but with the power of incomparable terror, it made rosefinch skin painful.

But rosefinch ignored it, gritted her teeth and pushed it up.


The two forces broke out and intertwined, which immediately set off a huge storm, and the whole land trembled, like an earthquake.


Rosefinch was defeated in the end. He was attacked by Suoxi's Qi, and several parts of his body were split in an instant.


Seeing the rosefinch flying over, the first few people quickly stepped forward to help him. They were surprised to find that his whole body was covered with blood, and even white bones were exposed in some places. We can see how terrible Suo Xi's attack was.

"Leave me alone. Stop them. Don't let them run away!"

Rosefinch supporting the body, clenching his teeth, regardless of the wound on his body.


Chu Yi was extremely worried, but he knew better than that that that the urgent task was to stop Soxhlet and price until Qin Feng arrived.

After a short time of thinking, I have made up my mind at the beginning.

"The rest of the people will join me. Soxhy and price can't escape easily and stop them at all costs!"

Chu also roared, taking the lead.

Then, the rest of the masters also moved, all burst out the most powerful breath, and joined hands to kill soxi and price.


They yelled, blood boiling inside, rushing up regardless of life and death.

Seeing this, Soxhlet couldn't help frowning.

"Daxia is really troublesome. If you know you're going to die, you'll have to rush up. I'll help you!"

Suo Xi at this time incomparable indifference way, moved to kill heart, determination no longer have any reservation.


In Suoxi's body, the surging Qi began to work, and the mysterious and obscure incantation in his mouth began to break out.

The next moment, a huge breath rushed out of his body, as if to cover all the fields and kill all the enemies!


Suo Xi sent out a light hiss in the mouth at this time, directly killed to go up.

When you raise your hand, a strong genuine Qi condenses and forms a huge palm print in front of you. You can slap it down directly.


The huge palmprint fell, and then directly killed two of the masters, even the whole body was not left, the body directly exploded, turned into two groups of blood fog!

And this is not over, soxhy turned around and swept by, like a flash of lightning in the crowd, instantly cut off the people rushing up around him!

"Puff, puff, puff!"

Several pieces of blood fog, the scene of extreme bloody and terrible, people fear.

"And you

After solving the people around, Suoxi stares at the rosefinch and Chuyi, who are killed together. There is no hiding of the fierce color in his eyes.


Rosefinch and Chu also completely let go, desperate to force out the potential in the body, just to kill Suo Xi in front of them.

However, their strength gap is bigger than imagined.

With Suo Xi's full strength, they were directly fanned away, and their viscera and muscles were seriously damaged. They were almost in danger of death.


Two people heavily fall on the ground, the mouth gushes blood, already did not have any combat ability, can only stare at Suoxi.

The next moment, Soxhlet rushed in front of them and looked down at them.

"If I were you, I would never do such a stupid thing. I hope you will be smart again in your next life."

Suoxi grinned coldly, then raised his hand to kill them.

But at this time, an inexplicable Qi appeared and covered him, making him cold all over.

"What is this?"

Soxhy had never been so frightened, as if he had been watched by death, and could not move.

However, he didn't have much time to think in his mind. He saw a flash of gold before his eyes and then flew out. But he clearly saw that his body was still in place, but he had no head.


At that moment, the powerful Soxhlet was killed, and the blood gushed from the head and body.

"If you want to kill me, first ask yourself if you have the qualification!"

Qin Feng appeared. The golden light just now came from him. With his half step and half spirit, he could easily kill Suo Xi.

As his voice fell, he turned and penetrated two pure Qi into the body of rosefinch and Chuyi to help them protect their heart.


Seeing that Qin Feng finally arrived, the two seriously injured people were so excited that they burst into tears and couldn't help themselves.

"It's OK. I'll take care of it."

Qin Feng comforted the two humanitarians so that they didn't have to worry.

Then he turned his head and saw that price was running for his life. Obviously, at the first time when Suoxi was killed, he had already reflected and knew the existence of Qin Feng.

So, without any hesitation, he turned and left.

However, he was seriously injured and extremely weak. How could he escape from Qin Feng?

The next moment, Qin Feng steps forward and appears in front of price, intercepting him.

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