Xia Haoming was excited to open the tent, but when he saw who was coming back, his face changed from ecstasy to fear.

"Qin Xue... How can you... How can you still be alive?"

Seeing Qin Xue not only alive, but also safely back, Xia Haoming's face is pale and his body is crumbling.

"Did I live beyond your expectation?"

Qin Xue replied with a sneer, while Qin Feng, who was standing nearby, glared.

Qin Feng wanted to cut his sister to pieces.

However, Qin Feng didn't do it. This kind of person should be punished by Qin Xue himself.

"Minister Ding, assemble all members of the team!"

In the eyes of Xia Haoming's panic, Qin Xue orders everyone to gather.

Soon, the expedition was assembled.

The soldiers stood in front of Qin Xue.

"All the soldiers, we will die in the front line, and we will not hesitate to throw our heads and blood to kill the enemy."

"However, some people are willing to betray us for their own sake."

"What should we do with such a collaborator and traitor?"

Qin Xue's words just fall, many soldiers immediately angry reply.

"Split up, kill him!"

What Daxia soldiers hate most is collaborators and traitors. They hate more than enemies.

Qin Xue suddenly a Xia Haoming, Lang Sheng said.

"This is the man who collaborated with the enemy and betrayed the country, deliberately luring me into the enemy's trap."

"If it hadn't been for my brother Qin Feng's timely rescue, now I would have died in a foreign country."

Hearing that Xia Haoming had betrayed his country, all the soldiers glared.

If eyes can kill, Xia Haoming has been killed thousands of times by many soldiers.

"Split up, split up!"

Many soldiers roared with one voice, looking forward to the immediate execution of Xia Haoming.

"In that case, prepare to execute!"

Qin Xue waved, and a group of soldiers rushed to Xia Haoming like hungry wolves.

"You can't kill me. I'm from the Xia family of the four families."

"If you kill me, my Xia family will not let you go."

When Xia Haoming heard that he was going to be divided into five parts, he was scared to pee his crotch.

He kept retreating, turning and trying to escape, but was firmly held down by the soldiers.

One rope was tied to Xia Haoming's limbs, and finally the rope was tied to four off-road vehicles.

This is outside the territory, there is no horse, so it is replaced by an off-road vehicle.

After everything is ready, four off-road vehicles drive slowly in four different directions.

"Let me go, let me go!"

Xia Haoming's body was suspended in mid air when the rope collapsed.

Four SUVs drive very slowly, which can make Xia Haoming more painful.

"Let me go... Woo... Ah!"

Feeling the pain of limbs splitting, Xia Haoming screamed bitterly.


Finally, the off-road vehicles driving in different directions tear Xia Haoming's limbs and scatter his chest viscera.


After dismembering, Xia Haoming didn't stop breathing immediately. This is the most painful time. Every minute is suffering.

After three minutes, Xia Haoming was completely out of breath.

"Good death!"

For the death of Xia Haoming, there are no soldiers, no sympathy, only hatred.

This is what happens to those who cooperate with the enemy and betray their country.

With Xia Haoming's painful death, Qin Xue's anger gradually calms down.

The extraterritorial task has been successfully completed, Qin Xue led the troops back to the territory.

After returning to China, Qin Xue wrote a report on everything.

Three days later, the Daxia government issued an order.

"Qin Xue was granted the title of God of war, and he was hereditary."

Qin Xue was finally honored as the God of war and became the first female god of war in the history of Daxia.

Honoring the God of war is not an overnight achievement.

All these years, Qin Xue has accumulated too much credit, and many credit combined, which prompted the government to issue orders.

"Sister, you are the God of war at last. It's a great honor for the Qin family!"

After receiving the God of war's edict, Qin Xue and Qin Feng's brothers and sisters hold each other tightly and laugh.

This is not only Qin Xue's personal glory, but also the supreme glory of his family.

With a smile, Qin Xue tears.

"If only my father and mother were alive, they would be very happy, too!"

The sister and brother were whispering when someone called on them.

The man who came here is an old man with white beard. The old man looks very old, but he has a good spirit and a straight back.

Qin Xue obviously knew the old man. When she saw him, Qin Xue helped him to meet him.

"Mr. Liu, why are you here?"

The old man, named Liu Hua, was once the top commander of the War Department, but now he has retired.

"I heard that Xiaoxue was granted the title of God of war. Naturally, I would like to congratulate you. I not only congratulate you, but also want to host the canonization ceremony for you in person!"

The God of war in the great Xia Dynasty is very rare. Every canonization is a major event, which needs a grand canonization ceremony.

This time, Liu Hua came to host the God of war ceremony for Qin Xue.

In Liu Hua's expectation, Qin Xue shook her head.

Qin Xue did not refuse Liu Hua to preside over the ceremony, but refused to hold the ceremony.

"Mr. Liu, now the hall of soul eating is very popular outside China. Although I lead the team to defeat this time, I have a hunch that they will make a comeback."

"So I hope to speculate about the canonization ceremony. I will continue to be in charge, and then deal with the slaughter of the soul eating hall."

"Wait until the hall of soul eating is completely destroyed, and then carry out the canonization ceremony!"

Qin Xue's explanation made Liu Hua sigh.

"Good boy, I'm still thinking about Daxia at this time. Because of this, I didn't humiliate the name of God of war."

If someone else gets the honor of God of war, he may immediately want to hold a ceremony, and the more grand the ceremony is, the better. He wants to be famous all over the world.

But instead of seeking fame and fortune, Qin Xue took the initiative to postpone the ceremony. By this alone, Qin Xue was more impartial than many others.

Liu Hua sighed and left. Before he left, Liu Hua specially told him to look for him in case of any trouble. Qin Xue nodded and agreed.

After being honored as the God of war, Qin Xue could have a private army.

The soldiers who used to follow Qin Xue to kill the enemy bravely are now Qin Xue's righteous subordinates.

Qin Xue led Qin Feng to watch the military parade of the God of war.

After the parade, Qin Xue announced in public that any soldier under her name, seeing Qin Feng as if seeing himself, must obey the order.

Tens of thousands of soldiers obeyed the order, which made Qin Feng equally excited.

After three days with Qin Xue, Qin Feng is worried about Xiao Yaxin.

He knows that the four families will definitely wait for revenge. Now that Qin Feng is away, he will naturally take revenge on Xiao Yaxin.

Qin Xue sees Qin Feng's worry.

Qin Xue took the initiative to escort Qin Feng back to Yongning.

However, on the way, the sister and brother met the assassination incident.

On the highway, Qin Feng's brother and sister are chatting in the car.

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