As Xiao Shuo's voice magnifies, people passing by look at him with curiosity. As a result, they all change color after seeing Xiao Shuo. They feel sorry for Qin Feng and Jin Yijin.

"Xiao Shuo is a famous dandy in Shuangtao city. Relying on the Xiao family's contacts in Shuangtao City, he is lawless. Whoever gets into trouble is in trouble."

Someone shook his head and left with a sigh.

Qin Feng listened to all these words, always calm.

Xiao Shuo may be able to do this kind of unreasonable behavior to anyone in Shuangtao City, but it's useless for him. Don't take a dime away.

"As I said, it has nothing to do with me. I don't believe you can check the video by yourself. It's you who deliberately scraped it up. Many people can see it for all."

"If you want to blackmail me, I'm afraid you've got the wrong person."

Qin Feng calmly said, then with Jin Yijin to leave, don't want to entangle with him and nonsense.

However, since Xiao Shuo has decided to rely on him, he can't let him and Jin Yijin leave so easily, especially Qin Feng's indifference makes him angry and want to find face.

"Stop, I didn't let you go."

"You just said that everyone can see it, then you see who can stand up to testify for you, ridiculous!"

Xiao Shuo directly blocks Qin Feng and Jin Yijin and stops them, sneering.

As a famous bully in Shuangtao City, he has long been famous. Even if they saw him, they didn't dare to say much, because he was backed by the Xiao family and had a lot of contacts. No one dared to offend him.

"You're not finished?"

Qin Feng frowned and looked at Xiao Shuo in front of him with a trace of coldness. If it wasn't because he didn't want to care more about him, he would have slapped him in the face.

"Is that how you talk to me?"

"Do you know my identity? I'm the eldest young master of the Xiao family. You can't afford to exist. I'm going to raise your family if I don't lose money today!"

Xiao Shuo extremely clamorous Zhang Dao, once again repeated his identity.

In his opinion, his Xiao family has a great career and a profound foundation. He only needs to say that he is a member of the Xiao family in Shuangtao City, and no one dares to resist, let alone contradict.

However, Qin Feng didn't even want to look him in the eye.

"I'm sorry, I haven't heard of the Xiao family. If you want me to lose money, you don't deserve it."

Qin Feng cold response way, this time tone is very strong, has not put Xiao Shuo in the eye.

In front of him, Xiao Shuo was completely infuriated when he heard Qin Feng's words. His chest fluctuated violently, and his nostrils enlarged, wheezing.

You know, he has always been the apple of the Xiao family's eye. No one has ever dared to speak to him like this. No matter where he goes, he is respected and afraid. What he wants is only one sentence.

But here in Qin Feng, he kept tasting the frustration, the heart has been extremely angry.

"You ignorant trash, such a poor man dare to talk to me like this."

"At the invitation of the Jin family, I came to marry Jin Yijin this time. You don't know what your status is, and you dare to stand in front of me and talk wildly. You don't even know how to write dead words!"

Xiao Shuo said angrily and let out a low roar.

Hearing this, Jin Yijin, who is beside Qin Feng, is surprised. Then she feels aggrieved and angry. Her uncle makes decisions for herself without her permission.

Think of here, Jin Yijin eyes red again, at the same time eyes firm, never willing to be so manipulated.

"You have a dream. I will never marry a man like you. It's impossible to die!"

Jin Yijin refused, a silver teeth will be broken.


"It turns out that you are Jin Yijin. Oh, I can't see it. It turns out that you are just a dissolute woman. You should go out to play with a man casually. I thought what Jin Zhengxin said was so good, but that's all."

See Jin Yijin mouth, Xiao Shuo eyes flash a trace of malicious, and then directly export sneer.

At the same time, he has some anger in his heart. Qin Feng is just a poor man. He can get ahead of others and make his anger expand. He doesn't want to let Qin Feng go easily.

"What are you talking about?"

When Jin Yijin was said like this, her strong self-esteem was hit immediately.

Because, from childhood to adulthood, she is a girl who loves herself very much. She has never had anything out of line with anyone. Now, she is stigmatized by Xiao Shuo for no reason, which makes her innocent. Naturally, she is extremely angry.

"Hehe, I'm right, and I'm angry?"

"I didn't know before. It's good that I didn't dislike you so much. I dare to stand up and insult myself."

Xiao Shuo sneered, and his voice was deliberately amplified, so that people around him could hear it clearly.

For a moment, passers-by cast surprised eyes.

Feeling these hot eyes, Jin Yijin is angry and aggrieved in her heart. Her tears revolve in her eyes, but she can't help it.

At this time, Qin Feng stood up and shifted the topic to avoid making Jin Yijin suffer more losses.

"You're a rotten man. You talk a lot of nonsense. When you get into trouble, you slander others at will. You really deserve to be a member of the Xiao family."

Qin Feng's tone is a bit of yin and Yang. He not only scolds Xiao Shuo, but also belittles the Xiao family.

Hearing this, many passers-by showed a happy smile.

Compared with what Xiao Shuo said, they are more willing to believe that Xiao Shuo is farting. After all, he has done this kind of thing, so he will not look at Jin Yijin with colored glasses.

"Presumptuous, how dare you talk to me like that?"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Xiao Shuo's face changed again and roared.

Then, he went up, grabbed Qin Feng's collar with one hand, and raised his palm to teach Qin Feng a lesson.

However, he is just an ordinary man, he can't shake Qin Feng at all.

Moreover, as soon as Xiao Shuo's palm was lifted up, Qin Feng took a quick step, raised his palm first and directly fanned him down.


This slap was loud and clear, which directly confused Xiao Shuo.

"How dare you hit me?"

Xiao Shuo's hand was still in the air, and he had stopped.

After being slapped by Qin Feng, he couldn't believe it. The five fingerprints on half of his face were very clear and deeply imprinted.

You know, since he was a child, he has been praised by the stars, and he has never been scolded. Now he is slapped by Qin Feng in public.

This is not only the loss of his own face, but also the face of the Xiao family, all disappeared under this slap.

Just standing here, Xiao Shuo already felt the ridicule of passers-by around him and was watching his own jokes.

"What about beating you? Are you great? "

Qin Feng gave a cold hum and his eyes were cold.

To deal with Xiao Shuo in front of him, he doesn't need to use the real Qi in his body. He can easily take him down with the power of his body.

As he spoke, Qin Feng raised his hand again and slapped again.


Another crisp slap sounded. This time, Qin Feng used five parts of his strength to Fan Xiao Shuo out.


"You have seed, you wait for me, I'll call someone to kill you right away!"

After Xiao Shuo was fanned away, he let out a scream.

Never suffered such grievances, he immediately dialed his family's phone, let the family immediately bring people to solve Qin Feng.

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