After eating in the hotel, they went home to have a rest, because Xiao Yaxin and Jin Yijin had to go to work the next day.

Early the next morning, Qin Feng sent Xiao Yaxin and Jin Yijin to work as usual. Qin Feng left after watching them go in.

As a new sales experience, Jin Yijin just arrived at her post and received a new task, to sign a contract with a large company, and it is a more urgent contract.

Feel the invisible pressure on the shoulder, Jin Yijin dare not have the slightest carelessness and carelessness, after a simple arrangement, he set out.

This time, she has to face a big company, Huanyu Group, which has just come to the city. It has deep strength and strong foundation.

Dealing with such a large company requires great care.

At the same time, Qin Feng has also learned about the tasks Jin Yijin will complete this time. Considering that she has just become the manager of the sales department, she may be nervous in the face of such a big customer and so on, Qin Feng decides to let Zhuque follow her closely.

"Today you can follow Jin Yijin. You can observe in the dark without showing any trace."

"If you find that she has some problems or difficulties that are difficult to solve, you can help her appropriately."

Qin Feng said to the rosefinch.

On the one hand, it is to avoid mistakes, on the other hand, it is also because Jin Yijin is just a beginner, which will inevitably produce some contradictions with customers.

Of course, the most important thing is that Qin Feng is worried about Jin Yijin's safety, and also for a simple test of the Huanyu Group.

"Don't worry, sir. Rosefinch will finish the task."

Zhuque saluted respectfully, and then disappeared in the same place. Qin Feng naturally put down his heart.

At the moment, Jin Yijin has arrived at the contract signing place agreed in advance, feeling a little nervous.

"This is the general manager of Huanyu Group. It's the first time I've met such a big man. I must win this contract steadily!"

Jin Yijin took a deep breath and gave her encouragement in her heart.

Since Qin Feng directly promoted herself to manager, in order to repay Qin Feng, she knows that only by doing her best can she make Qin Feng happy, or she will fail Qin Feng's good intentions.

Thinking of this, she plucked up her courage, swept away the slightly mischievous look before, and became solemn and serious, with a trace of professionalism and alertness, but still slightly green and astringent.

After a brief preparation outside, Jin Yijin knocked on the door.


When the door opened, there was a man in his 30s and 40s, wearing a valuable black suit. He was Xie Xinghuo, general manager of Huanyu Group.

As soon as he saw such a beautiful girl as Jin Yijin, his eyes lit up and he started to think.

"Hello, I'm Jin Yijin from Mingsheng group. I'm here to discuss the contract with general manager Xie Xinghuo this time."

Jin Yijin very polite mouth way, the mood is just right, neither humble nor overbearing.

"I'm Xie Xinghuo. I've been waiting for you for a long time. Please come in."

Solution star fire eye before a bright, just some careful thinking at the moment to enlarge.

Jin Yijin did not notice that Xie Xinghuo let her in at the same time, the corners of her mouth slightly up, with a trace of obscene smile.

Then, the door closed, Xie Xinghuo followed Jin Yijin, two eyes are very dishonest in Jin Yijin's back walk, see all over.

"Just sit down. We'll sit down and talk. Everything's easy to say."

After arriving inside, Xie Xinghuo said with a smile. He covered up his greed and took a chair for Jin Yijin.

At this time, he had all kinds of ghost ideas in his heart, ready to make a good plan and get Jin Yijin.

"Thank you very much."

Jin Yijin didn't realize each other's mind, just put all the attention on the work.

After sitting down, she immediately took out the paper contract in her bag.

"This is the contract for our cooperation this time. I believe that if we can succeed, it will be a leap forward development for both companies."

Jin Yijin said slowly, showing her professional side.

After the simple beginning, she began to talk about all kinds of related matters in the contract, and magnified the advantages of cooperation between the two sides.

During the period, Xie Xinghuo also picked up the contract and looked at several pages, but his attention was obviously not on the contract. A pair of eyes glanced at Jin Yijin from time to time, so that after Jin Yijin finished, he didn't listen much to the content.

However, he thought that the contract was signed by himself, so he could take this opportunity to win Jin Yijin.

Thinking of this, Xie Xinghuo immediately agreed to come down.

"I don't think it's a problem. It's our honor to cooperate with such a big company as Mingsheng group."

Solution spark in jinyijin finished immediately agreed to come down, without the slightest hesitation, let jinyijin all Leng for a while.

"General manager Xie, is that true?"

Jin Yijin at this time incomparable surprise, heart Bang Bang straight jump.

Because this is her first customer since she worked, and it is also a customer of a large company. If she can win it, it will definitely be a great incentive for her, and her self-confidence will soar.

"Of course, can it deceive you?"

Xie Xinghuo said with a smile that at this time, he gradually revealed his real tusks.

After Jin Yijin got a positive reply from the other party, she felt unprecedented excitement and joy.

However, she also knew that she was still facing big customers, so she naturally suppressed her inner joy and just showed a faint smile.

"Thank you, general manager Xie. I hope we can cooperate happily."

Jin Yijin's sweet smile makes Xie Xinghuo's heart restless and has an inexplicable impulse.

"Of course."

"However, you see that our big contracts have been confirmed. In order to celebrate the upcoming cooperation, how about I treat you to a meal?"

Xie Xinghuo said, with a trace of greed under his peaceful smile, he showed his true claws.

Hearing his words, Jin Yijin hesitated, but he nodded at the thought that the other party had so readily agreed to sign a big contract and helped Qin Feng complete such a big task.

However, she didn't realize the other party's evil intention, thought it was just an ordinary meal, and didn't think much about it.

"Well, Miss King, please follow me."

The smile on Xie Xinghuo's face is more brilliant. I didn't expect that Jin Yijin would be hooked so easily.

While talking, he looked at Jin Yijin's figure, and his greed became more intense. He wanted to take Jin Yijin down now.

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