When the news of Jiang's retirement spread all over the country, all the groups and forces were in an uproar and sighed. At the same time, they kept guessing the real reason behind Jiang's retirement.

Originally, there were still some people who wanted to contact the Jiang family, but they found that the Jiang family had already closed their doors and refused to contact anyone outside.

This makes many underground forces who are still dormant feel desperate. Without the support of the Jiang family, they are just like a pack of scattered sand, which is no different from the little gangsters in the market.

Over time, these little gangsters will dissolve themselves, which is not enough for fear.

At the moment, Qin Feng has brought an Junliang back to the company safely. Jin Yijin is very happy when she gets the news.

Since learning that an Junliang is missing, she hasn't slept well for several days. If it wasn't for Qin Feng, she would have taken people to look for him in person.

Then, the company returned to normal operation, the company's product sales day by day higher.

But the next day, Jin Yijin suddenly received a bad news, which surprised her.


"Are there any workers injured in the process of product operation? Is there something wrong with the machine? "

Jin Yijin was very surprised when she received the phone call, and then she felt tight in her heart. She knew that she would go to the factory to check the situation anyway. She picked up her coat and went outside.

"The situation is not clear for the moment, but the worker was injured just now!"

The person in charge at the other end of the phone said anxiously that he was in a hurry.

"OK, don't worry. I'll be right here."

Jin Yijin looks dignified, then hang up the phone, driving to the factory as soon as possible.

As soon as she arrived at the factory, she saw a lot of noise inside. All the workers stopped production temporarily and left their posts to check the situation of the injured employees.

At this time, the injured employee fell to the ground, dying, even eyelids can not open.

Seeing this, Jin Yijin was flustered, because it was the first time to deal with such a sudden accident, and she didn't have time to ask where the problem was, so she asked the person in charge if the ambulance had come.

"The ambulance is on its way. It should be there in a minute or two."

Even the person in charge of the busy way, he was also flustered, after all, if something happened, he could not escape the relationship.

"That's good."

Jin Yijin tried her best to calm down and prayed that the staff would not have an accident. Then, she was ready to go to see the machine that had an accident, but before she took two steps, someone from outside the noisy crowd arrived. It was the relevant security department who came to investigate.

"We received a report that there was a safety accident here."

The head of the security department said that he swept the faces of the surrounding employees without expression, and then looked at the wounded on the ground.

Hearing the sound, Jin Yijin hurriedly came out and came forward with a worried face.

"I'm in charge. Please help us to have a good look at what's wrong."

Jin Yijin said.

Of course, the people in the investigation team can't be idle. Since they have received the alarm, they want to find out the cause of the accident and find out other hidden dangers in time.

Soon, the members of the investigation team began to take action. They were respectively responsible for one place and checked with the detection tools in their hands from time to time.

Before long, they had found out the cause. The person in charge of the Bureau of investigation came up and said:

"The reason has been found out, is your machine suddenly broke down, and do not rule out other machines have the same situation."

"Machine failure? How come? "

Jin Yijin felt extremely surprised.

Because her machines are inspected and maintained every week. It is reasonable to say that such diligent inspection will not cause problems.

Therefore, when the person in charge of the Bureau of investigation said this, she didn't believe it in her heart. She guessed whether it was someone deliberately planting and framing.

"You'll have to ask yourself this. Our duty is just to come and investigate, and then other people will come to you."

The person in charge of the investigation group said coldly, let Jin Yijin want to explain, there is no place to say, can only watch them leave.

At the same time, people from all major media have arrived. In fact, the moment they learned of the accident in the factory, they arrived ahead of time to catch the news.

After all, today's Zhongxin group was at the top of the storm. First it was unknown, and then it didn't know how to get Mr. an Junliang's personal endorsement.

Under such circumstances, the actions of the Zhongxin group naturally affected the hearts of all parties. When the Zhongxin group had an accident, the media quickly rushed over and released what the investigation group had just said.

Knowing that there was a problem in Zhongxin group's factory, which hurt its employees, the outside world was in an uproar again for a while. When we examined Zhongxin group's products, we could not help but be on guard.

"I knew that this sudden company would not do any good. The factory would have problems. I was afraid that the products would not be as good as an Junliang said."

"It's reasonable. This company has never heard of it before, but it suddenly won the endorsement of an Junliang. I'm afraid there are some shady activities in it."

For a time, the news from the outside world was boiling, and all kinds of conjectures were flying all over the world. Public opinion soon began to ferment in the negative direction of the popular group, and the voice became more and more loud.

At this time, other departments of Zhongxin group also had to stop all production, because to accept the investigation of the Bureau of investigation, hidden dangers need to be eliminated.

But in this way, the whole Zhongxin group will be paralyzed. All products will stop production for a while, which will have a great impact on the whole company.

In the face of such a situation, Jin Yijin is more at a loss and wants to call Qin Feng for help, but at this time, the people of the special group have come.

The head of the ad hoc group is Pang Tian, the leader of the provincial and Municipal Security Bureau, and many people are behind him, which shows the importance of this incident.

After hearing that Pang Tian had come, Jin Yijin went out in person to meet him.

"Who's in charge here?"

Pang Tian inquired directly after entering the room. He looked at all the people in the room with dignified eyes and gave them a chill.

The cousin was also in the crowd. When she saw Pang Tian, she was scared out of her wits. For fear of being investigated on her head, she quickly stood up.

"She's in charge of our company!"

Cousin said, at this time, she is more timid than anyone else, although Jin Yijin will stand up and admit her identity, but see her this appearance, can't help but feel cold in the heart.


Pang Tian turned his head and looked at Jin Yijin, who nodded.

"Yes, I'm in charge of Zhongxin group."

Jin Yijin said, try to calm down and face.

"Very good. Please come with us and accept the investigation. In addition, your factory has to be closed down immediately, waiting for the full investigation."

Pang Tian immediately said that the people behind him immediately came forward and stood on both sides of Jin Yijin.

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