"Are you from Mingsheng group?"

Hearing Qin Feng's arrogant words, Su Hu's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, staring at Qin Feng and others.

Beside Qin Feng, there are rosefinch and Zhou Junwei, all high-level figures in the war department. They are hidden one by one, so that Su Hu can't see the depth in front of him.

"Yes, we are from Mingsheng group. Aren't you trying to kill us? We've been waiting for you for a long time."

Qin Feng laughs contemptuously, and then looks over Su Hu to Qian Hongru and others.

At this time, Qian Hongru had already come to him. Because he didn't know the identity of Qin Feng, he was still a little surprised. He didn't know why they were blocking his way.

"Su Hu, what are they doing?"

Qian Hongru came up and asked, staring at Qin Feng, puzzled.

"Master, they are from Mingsheng group. They have been waiting for us here for a long time. Do you want to kill them all now?"

Su Hu said that he made a gesture to kill, and had already moved his heart.

Because, Qin Feng that disdain and scornful eyes let his heart upset, want to quickly kill Qin Feng.


He learned from his subordinates that Qian Hongru sneered twice, and then looked at Qin Feng and others.

"The people of Mingsheng group dare to block the road here. I don't know if we are here to kill you. Although we didn't meet the boss of Mingsheng group at the first time, we are able to see you first!"

Qian Hongru said that he had a strong sense of killing.

At the same time, a group of people behind him also took out their weapons, aiming at Qin Feng who seemed lazy and disdainful in front of him.

"That's unfortunate, but what I want to tell you is that I am the boss of Mingsheng group you are looking for."

Qin Feng opened his mouth and faced Qian Hongru squarely.

"You are?"

Hearing that Qin Feng said that he was the boss of Mingsheng group, Qian Hongru and a group of his subordinates couldn't help laughing. Naturally, they didn't believe it.

Because Qin Feng is so young that he doesn't look like a person who has experienced the world, let alone a senior manager of Mingsheng group.

Of course, Qian Hongru has never seen the boss of Mingsheng group, so he can't see it.

"That's right, I am. You know the current affairs well. You come here with a coffin. Are you afraid that others will not take it back after you die?"

"But I can tell you, don't worry. After killing you, I'll have your body taken back. Of course, it's this coffin. I think you like it very much."

Qin Feng opened his mouth and joked that he didn't pay attention to the owner of the Qian family.

"Ha ha."

"You're just a suckling boy. You dare to say that in front of me. It seems that you've never died. I'll give you one last chance to tell me your true origin, or I'll kill you now!"

Qian Hongru sneered, and his face was a little ugly, because Qin Feng was deliberately mocking him for taking the coffin to the road.

As the head of a big family, he couldn't bear such ridicule. He was ready to let his subordinates come up to kill Qin Feng.

"As I said, I'm the boss of Mingsheng group. Don't you understand?"

Qin Feng replied with a smile, anyway, time is more, just can play with each other, he does not mind.

"Well, well, since you don't say it, don't blame me for being impolite. Then I'll let you know what regret means!"

This time, Qian Hongru decided not to waste time with Qin Feng, but to kill them directly. This is because he can see that Qin Feng and others are members of Mingsheng group, even if they are not helpers.

"Tell me who killed my son and where I can still keep his whole body!"

Qian Hongru was arrogant and didn't pay attention to the people present.

Hearing this, Qin Feng just smiles but doesn't speak. The rosefinch beside him stands out with a smile. There is a sense of killing in the smile, which makes even Su Hu shudder.

"So what if it's me? I kicked your son to death, but he didn't resist the beating, and he disappeared all at once."

Zhuque deliberately provocative way, naturally let Qian Hongru heart anger surging, chest ups and downs, the mouth issued a wheezing voice.

"Ha ha ha."

"No matter whether you are or not, you all have to die. None of you can live today!"

Qian Hongru snorted coldly. He glanced at Qin Feng and others and found that their number was only 100, so he despised them even more. But for the sake of safety, he let all his subordinates rush up.

"Go ahead, kill them all, especially this suckling little bastard, tear his mouth out for me!"

Qian Hongru ordered that thousands of people behind him immediately took action, took out weapons and swarmed on.

But the people on Qin Feng's side were not moved. There was only a rosefinch standing in the middle of the road. The inexplicable breath had gradually burst out, which was frightening.

"Don't say we bully people. I'll deal with you alone this time."

Rosefinch wrote lightly, while talking, while wearing gloves, so as not to dirty their hands.

Seeing this scene, Qian Hongru was even more angry. At last, he was so angry that he laughed back. He never thought that there was such a rampant person, just one person, who dared to speak such big words in front of thousands of people.

"It's killing me. You're alone. No matter how strong you are, you can stop thousands of people here. Don't say they've been together. Spitting alone is enough to drown you."

"Young man, I advise you not to dress up, or you will die even worse!"

Qian Hongru said coldly, ignoring the rosefinch in front of him.

Next to him, Su Hu, who had always been arrogant, didn't allow himself to be so provoked, so he rushed up with people.

"Let me see if you really have such great ability to stand in front of us alone!"

Su Hu cheered coldly. The long knife in his hand sent out a cold light. With a sense of terror, he almost wanted to strangle everything in front of him!

Voice down, he is about to rush in front of the rosefinch, but rosefinch face with a strange smile, when he is about to close, instantly disappeared in place.

When the rosefinch reappeared, there were ten corpses lying at his feet, all of them were killed by slapping, and all the ribs on his body were broken, like a team of dead meat.

"Here it is

"How can it be?"

Su Hu and Qian Hongru wanwan did not expect such an outcome, because they just did not even see how rosefinch did it, so dozens of their men were killed and their bodies were lying on the spot.

"Those are all experts with great strength. How can they be killed instantly by him?"

Qian Hongru was so shocked that he murmured.

These masters were all cultivated by him, which cost a lot of resources. But in front of the rosefinch, he could not resist even one move.

At this time, Qian Hongru's body has gradually emerged a little cold, because it can be seen that rosefinch is really powerful, maybe what he said is true, it can really beat thousands of people by one person!

If so, he was afraid that Su Peng would die just like this. Thinking of this, Qian Hongru could not help but clench his fist. He was unwilling to admit it.

"No matter what, there is only one person in him. I don't believe it. There are thousands of people here. I can't help but kill you all!"

Qian Hongru roared again, urging his subordinates to kill him.

Hearing this, Su Hu took the initiative to stand out again, because he was directly evaded by the rosefinch just now, which made him feel very uncomfortable and wanted to weigh the real strength of the rosefinch.

"If you have seed, don't hide, don't let me look down on you!"

Su Hu cold way, body murderous, pointing to rosefinch will kill him.

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