Blood splashed on the wall, and Gerald fell from the tower.

Gerrard, who was still breathing, swallowed on the spot when he fell off the tower.

Looking at the scattered corpses on the ground, there is no wave in Qin Feng's heart.

"You have to find your own way. That's the end."

Qin Feng coldly dropped this sentence and went on his way.

Not long after Qin Feng left, Ding Liding led his troops to the scene.

Ding Liding looked at Gerrard who had been cut throat and had no sign of life.

He can't help but sigh: "who in the end can kill Gerald, who has been stationed in jianghongguan all the year round."

"You look for it quickly. Is Qin Feng at the scene?"

Ding Liding looks at the corpses on the ground, but at the same time he worries about Qin Feng's injury.

After a search, the people did not find the trace of Qin Feng.

Ding Liding came forward to check on Gerrard.

The size of the cut on Gerald's throat is exactly the same as the dagger Qin Feng carried with him.

It can be concluded that Qin Feng killed Gerald.

It's a pity that they are a little late. It seems that Qin Feng has already left the scene.

"I didn't expect that Qin Feng was so powerful. He was really the younger brother of the God of war."

"With such strong strength, there is no pressure to deal with that group of foreign soldiers."

Ding Liding was finally able to put down his mind. At first, he was worried that Qin Feng could not cope with it.

But the further back, the stronger those behind will be.

He must catch up with Qin Feng.

"Time is pressing. Let's get going."

Ding Liding then led the students to the second pass.

But when they reached the second pass, Qin Feng had already left.

The second pass is the same as the first pass, with bodies lying on the ground.

"I'll go. Qin Feng's strength is OK. I didn't expect that he would kill all the people at the second checkpoint so soon."

"Vice Minister Ding, shall we continue to set out next?"

"Of course, you can tell me that we must not let Qin Feng have an accident. We must keep up with him."


Qin Feng's strength has completely exceeded Ding Liding's imagination.

He thought that Qin Feng would be blocked at the second pass, but who knows that he not only did not have an accident, but also solved this group of people.

All the enemies were subdued by Qin Feng, and Ding Liding led the elite soldiers to follow without pressure.

Ding Liding led his men on.

Sure enough, the next pass will be the same.

Qin Feng cut six generals through five passes without any effort.

All the people at these checkpoints have been solved.

Ding Liding's admiration for Qin Feng is that he has five bodies.

I'm afraid it would be very difficult for them to pass these passes.

But Qin Feng is very easy to take all these people.

"The next situation will be quite dangerous. We can't relax." Ding Liding specially reminded.

Although Qin Feng solved these people, dangerous times will happen.

The three passes in front of the alliance are unified, but it does not mean that Qin Feng will go on smoothly.

Ding Liding people have been following Qin Feng's footsteps.

At the same time, Qin Feng has reached the last pass.

Qin Feng stood in front of the gate.

"Now there's only the last pass left. Ha ha, a group of useless people deserve to fight with me?"

Qin Feng observed the situation around him, and found that the last pass was quite different from the previous ones.

There was no one at the gate. It looked very cold.

But the more so, the more Qin Feng felt that things were not so simple.

Instead of walking directly, he used listening to observe.

Qin Feng knew that the later he went, the stronger these people would be.

The eve of a storm is usually calm, but there are lots of murders around him. He must be careful.

Suddenly, a voice broke the silence.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that someone could hold on to the last pass."

He is also one of the foreign experts, Jeter.

His strength is equal to that of Qin Feng, both of which belong to the early stage of prefecture level.

"It's the first time I've seen someone rush to the last pass. I thought no one would show up in my life."

"That's not what you want, because today will be your death."

Jett glared at Qin Feng: "don't think you are great after you pass the first few passes. I'm your real opponent."

"Not necessarily."

Jeter sneered: "what are you arrogant about? I'm an expert in foreign regions. If you are wise, you should give up your life. Maybe I'll be merciful to you. "

"There's no need for you to be merciful here, because it can't happen at all."

For the choking sound of Qin Feng, Jeter was very angry.

"It's a mule, it's a horse. If you take it out, you'll know!"

Said, two people already ready to hand in.

The strength of two people is equal, they are tit for tat, not give up each other.

After a short fight, the two ended in a draw.

Knowing Qin Feng's general strength, Jiete has a score in his heart.

"You can only draw with me at most. What are you proud of?"

"It's just a draw, but that doesn't mean I can't kill you." Qin Feng retorted.

This made Jeter laugh.

"Don't talk big now. You can't deal with me by your own strength."

"My subordinates can't bear to fight with you for a long time. When the time comes, plus my strength, you must be the loser of our subordinates."

Jeter's confidence increased, and he immediately ordered his men to show up.

"What do you compare with me? Now I have nearly 100 people under my command. If they go on at the same time, you may not be able to deal with them. "

"But you're just one person. I don't know how you killed those people before, but you fell into my hands. I won't let you succeed."

Jett has already seen through Qin Feng. He is just sharp in his mouth.

Even if we fight again, his strength and the strength of those subordinates will surely defeat Qin Feng.

But Qin Feng didn't mean to be timid.

"There's no need for you to make a decision for me here. I've come this far and will never look back."

"What if there are so many of you? It's enough for me to deal with you alone. "

"You'd better think about how to escape. I'm afraid the scene will be too bloody and affect my mood."

Seeing that Qin Feng was not afraid of death, he deliberately provoked himself.

Jeter gritted his teeth angrily.

"Good! You wait for me, and today I'll give you a taste of being taught. "

With that, Jett attacked Qin Feng in front of him again.

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