"If the price is higher, I can understand that there is a shortage of resources after all."

Now the company is in urgent need of equipment, and now it's hard to have a manufacturer willing to supply, so Xiao Yaxin naturally wants to grasp it.

"Miss Xiao, you are a pleasant person. I won't beat around the bush with you. The price of those equipment is not low."

Hearing Yu Feng's reply, Xiao Yaxin pauses for a few seconds.

"What's the specific price, please?"

See Xiao Yaxin hook, Yu Feng lion big mouth.

"In addition to Mingsheng group, many other groups are also staring at me at the same time."

"The price of these devices is three times that on the market. If you are sincere, you only need to pay half of the deposit."

Xiao Yaxin estimated the price in her heart, but she hesitated.

Hearing the silence on the phone, Yu Feng smiles insidiously.

Xiao Yaxin is hesitating. This is not a small number.

But now she really needs these devices to prove herself.

"If Mingsheng has been cooperating with you in the future, can it be cheaper in terms of capital? And I'm in urgent need of these devices. "

"It's really not cheap. In addition to your group, there are other groups in urgent need of these equipment. I'm interested in the credibility of your company, so I'll take the initiative to come to you."

Xiao Yaxin is in a bit of a dilemma, and she urgently needs to prove herself.

After a brief consideration, Xiao Yaxin plans to agree.

But at this time, Yu Feng took the initiative to open the mouth.

"Miss Xiao, you'd better think it over. After all, if you miss this village, there won't be this shop. I have other things to do. If you think it through, you can call me back. My name is Yu Feng."

Finish saying, Yu Feng hang up the phone decisively.

Yu Feng's purpose is to make Xiao Yaxin completely helpless. No matter what conditions she opens, she has to agree for the company.

On the other hand, listening to the busy voice on the phone, Xiao Yaxin sighed helplessly.

She can't watch the company lose a lot. She has to find a way to get through it.

Xiao Yaxin knows that Yu Feng definitely wants to compare the goods among the three companies. In the end, he will sell the goods to whoever comes out with a higher price.

But what can we do about it? Who let others be suppliers.

When it's time to get off work, Qin Feng appears downstairs as usual to pick up Xiao Yaxin.

But he did not wait for Xiao Yaxin to go downstairs.

This made Qin Feng worried.

He immediately dials Xiao Yaxin's number, but no one answers for a long time.

Just when Qin Feng is not at ease and plans to get out of the car to find Xiao Yaxin, Xiao Yaxin finally appears.

"Yaxin, why did you come down now? I thought something happened?"

Xiao Yaxin sat in the car and said nothing.

Seeing Xiao Yaxin's gloomy face and low mood, Qin Feng immediately realizes that something is wrong.

Qin Feng is about to ask about the situation when Luo Shan goes to the car.

She knocked on the window and motioned Qin Feng to open the door.

Qin Feng was speechless and had to obey.

"What's the matter with Yaxin? Why does she look so depressed?"

Qin Feng asked Luo Shandao softly.

"It's not because of the company," she sighed

"What about the company? What's the matter? "

Qin Feng is at a loss. He has no idea what happened to the company.

Rosan gave him an impatient look.

"Do you understand or can you solve it? Don't ask, drive

"How do you know I can't solve it? Did you forget about the workshop last time? "

Qin Feng mentioned what happened last time again, which made Luo Shan speechless.

"I don't know what happened recently. CNOOC Group, which cooperated with the company before, suddenly announced that it would not provide us with equipment. After that, we contacted many manufacturers and got the same result..."

Luo Shan tells Qin Feng what happened.

After learning the news, Qin Feng looks at Xiao Yaxin.

"Yaxin, is that true?"

Xiao Yaxin was silent, but nodded her head gently.

Immediately, the tip of her nose was sour and she cried.

Seeing Xiao Yaxin cry, Qin Feng is more distressed.

He quickly comforted: "Yaxin, don't be sad. It's not your fault."

Xiao Yaxin sobbed: "it's all my fault. I haven't found any equipment suppliers willing to cooperate. If it goes on like this, the company will collapse sooner or later."

Qin Feng gently wiped her tears.

"When the boat comes to the bridge, it will be straight. Believe me, I can handle this matter. I'm sure I can solve it."

Hearing Qin Feng's promise, Luo Shan laughed with disdain.

"Please don't make a promise. You don't know anything. How can you solve it?"

"If you have this ability, you will be able to idle around here?"

Qin Feng turns to look at rosan in the back seat.

"What if I do?"

"Absolutely impossible. Don't say hi here. The situation is not as simple as you think."

"I don't know anything. I'm still trying to be brave here. If it's really so easy to do, what else do I need so many employees to do?"

Rosan is very busy with the company.

Now I have to listen to someone who doesn't understand anything bragging here.

"You just think it's too complicated. You can trust me to do it. I'm sure I can finish it."

"Ha ha, we think it's complicated? I think you have a simple mind! "

Luo Shan is speechless and doesn't want to talk to Qin Feng any more.

"Don't worry. You'd better drive." Rosan urged impatiently.

But Qin Feng didn't pay attention to Luo Shan.

Although the car started, he didn't mean to leave.

Rosan's temper came up in a flash.

"Are you going or not?"

"No Qin Feng replied impolitely.

"Oh, you have seed!"

With that, Luo Shan gets out of the car and pulls Xiao Yaxin away.

"What kind of person, not the diamond, who does porcelain work? As for a few words, he is not happy

"Let's leave him alone. I'll see how he solves the problem."

Luo Shan takes Xiao Yaxin and complains as she walks.

Then they stopped a taxi by the side of the road and left.

Qin Feng is helpless. He knows that there must be someone behind the company's back.

He called Zhou Junwei in a hurry.

"Deal with the equipment of the company!"

Zhou Junwei, who received the order, immediately went to do it.

After that, Zhou Junwei directly contacted the head of the equipment section of the military factory, sun Mingwang.

Zhou Junwei only explained a few words, and sun Mingwang immediately agreed.

And ensure that all the equipment will be delivered to Mingsheng safely tomorrow.

The matter has finally been solved. No wonder Qin Feng is so confident.

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