"What! I'll be right back! "

Knowing that Xiao Yaxin is trapped in the fire, Qin Feng is very nervous.

He's on his way back.

And in the room.

Xiao Yaxin, who had just fallen asleep, heard a huge explosion.

She sprang out of bed with a start.

Immediately, he smelled a smell of burning things.

At that time, Xiao Yaxin was still in a confused state, and she woke up in an instant.

Xiao Yaxin is aware that it's not right. She gets out of bed and plans to escape.

But the fire came out of her way.

"Help... Help!"

Xiao Yaxin shouts out of the window.

But she's in a position where she can't just jump out of the window.

"Yaxin, Xiao Yaxin!"

Luo Shan downstairs found Xiao Yaxin standing by the window.

"Yaxin, don't be afraid. The fire engine will come soon. I want to go in and rescue you, but I can't get in at all..."

The makeup on rosan's crying face was all gone.

"Don't worry. I'm fine now. I have to find a way out."

With that, Xiao Yaxin left the window, looking for a chance to survive.

The fire around has been rising all the time, and it's difficult for Xiao Yaxin to go downstairs.

Gradually, her room began to get into the black smoke from the outside.

Xiao Yaxin quickly finds a towel and moistens it to cover her nose and mouth.

To add time to the rescue.

The fire was so fierce that the curtains in the room started to light first.

Xiao Yaxin rushed up to put out the fire, but before she came forward, the fire spread quickly.

There was no water in the room, and she soaked the towel with the only half glass of water.

Xiao Yaxin can't help worrying. According to the current fire situation, she has no chance to escape.

You can't wait to die in it. She must make hope for her escape.

But just when Xiao Yaxin plans to rush out.

Unfortunately, the beam fell down and blocked her escape.

"It's over. I can't escape even if I want to."

"What to do? Am I going to die here? "

Xiao Yaxin becomes anxious. She doesn't know how to escape.

The fire is getting bigger and bigger, and Xiao Yaxin is terrified.

She felt the temperature rise around her and the smoke was growing.


Xiao Yaxin can't help coughing when she is choked, and her eyes can't be opened because of the smoke.

"Help, help!"

She cried out for help, but no one responded except for the fire and smoke.

Now the only thing that can save lives is the wet towel.

In the face of the strong black smoke, her towel had no effect.

"Help... Help..."

Xiao Yaxin was a little tired and her voice became hoarse.

She crouched in the corner waiting for help.


The fire spread again, this time directly to Xiao Yaxin's side.

She moved quickly, but there was a beam in the way.

Xiao Yaxin didn't escape much.

"What are we going to do? Am I going to die here today? "

At this time, Xiao Yaxin immediately messed up.

"Qin Feng, where are you... I'm so scared..."

Xiao Yaxin felt the fear. The only person in her mind at this time was Qin Feng.

Before, whenever she encountered difficulties, Qin Feng would come out to help him for the first time,

But this time, he couldn't show up.

Xiao Yaxin looks at the fire in front of her in despair.

"Ha ha, it seems that I am going to die this time."

In desperation, Xiao Yaxin had to laugh at herself.

At the moment, she felt desperate and burst into tears.

"Why me? Is there no hope for that? "

Xiao Yaxin cries helplessly, because she has smoked a lot of smoke, her voice becomes hoarse.

Gradually, her physical strength began to be a little unsustainable.

Finally, Xiao Yaxin falls to the ground, and she has no strength to escape.

Xiao Yaxin looks at the burning fire and her consciousness becomes more and more blurred.

After murmuring a few words, she fainted in the dark.

Originally thought that everything is so finished, but at this time, a familiar figure broke in.

"Yaxin, Yaxin..."

Qin Feng shouts Xiao Yaxin's name.

No response, Qin Feng had to search around for her figure.

Finally, behind the beam.

Qin Feng finds Xiao Yaxin who faints on the ground.


At this time, Xiao Yaxin had no consciousness at all.

Qin Feng picked him up and rushed out of the fire.

Rosan, who was waiting anxiously outside, turned around anxiously in the same place.

At the same time, her heart is also praying silently.

"Yaxin, you must not have an accident."

"It's all my fault. If I had known, I would have insisted on going shopping with you."

Guilt and remorse burst out at the same time.

Rosan's hands and feet were cold, and her tears flowed out.

"Qin Feng has been in for so long. Why hasn't he rescued Yaxin?"

Rosan's heart came up to her throat.

She worried that Qin Feng could not go in to save Yaxin, but he himself became a burden.

Worried, rosan finally saw a figure coming from the gate.

Look carefully, it's Qin Feng!

He successfully rescued Xiao Yaxin.

Seeing that Qin Feng is in danger, Luo Shan rushes in to save Xiao Yaxin.

Her attitude towards Qin Feng has finally changed.

Qin Feng puts Xiao Yaxin in the shade and gives her a general inspection.

"Yaxin, don't scare me. Wake up quickly..."

"Xiao Yaxin, you are my best friend. You must not have an accident..."

Luo Shan takes Xiao Yaxin by the hand and starts to cry bitterly.

Qin Feng is speechless. He takes the prepared water to feed Xiao Yaxin little by little.

"Don't cry. Yaxin is OK. She just took some smoke and fainted."

Hearing Qin Feng's reply, Luo Shan finally stopped crying.


"Really, it'll be OK after a rest."

After a short rest, Qin Feng takes Xiao Yaxin to the hotel.

I can't stay any longer at home.

Today's fire is no accident. It is obvious that someone did it intentionally.

Their target is Xiao Yaxin, and these people should have been prepared.

Rosan went to the hotel with her.

She looks at Xiao Yaxin who is still in a coma and is worried.

"I should have followed those two suspicious people I saw at that time."

Rosan was remorseful. She suspected that the fire had something to do with the two men.

Hearing what Luo Shan said, Qin Feng became alert.

"What kind of two people are they?"

"I noticed that the two men were furtive. They didn't care too much and drove away."

Sure enough, Qin Feng guessed that it was done on purpose.

Everything will be settled, Qin Feng this time to dial the white tiger's phone.

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