But Qin Feng had to send Xiao Yaxin to the company.

Xiao Yaxin is reluctant to part.

"Qin Feng, come back as soon as things are done."

She did not ask Qin Feng too much, after all, they have enough trust.

"I know!"

Downstairs, Qin Feng watched Xiao Yaxin go upstairs.

This time, he must teach the good life of the Yu family a lesson in order to relieve his hatred.

Before leaving, Qin Feng went to Zhou Junwei.

"During my absence, you must take good care of Yaxin. No more accidents will happen."

"Don't worry! I'll take care of the company. "

Qin Feng is reassured about the company, the only worry is Xiao Yaxin.

Yesterday's fire must have had a big shadow on her.

After dealing with the Yu family, he will make up for the trauma in Xiao Yaxin's heart.

After explaining everything, Qin Feng immediately went to the airport.

The car is speeding on the road.

We have received information from the airport that a private plane has been waiting for a long time.

Qin Feng got on the plane under the leadership of the staff, and the whole time was less than five minutes.

Looking at the city at the foot of the smaller, Qinfeng toward the provinces and cities.

Everything has to be in its own plan.

After a rest, Qin Feng finally arrived in the province where Yu's family is located.

"Ha ha, today next year will be the death day of your family!"

Qin Feng left the airport and got into a taxi.

"Master, go to Yu's house!"

Yu's family is one of the best in the city, almost everyone knows.

Hear the address that Qin Feng says, driver master looked at Qin Feng specially from rearview mirror.

"Ha ha, this gentleman must have come to celebrate the birthday of the Yu family."

Qin Feng doubts, he immediately reaction come over, originally today is Yu old son's birthday.

He couldn't help thinking, "it seems that it's a good time to come today."

Following the driver's words, Qin Feng said, "yes, I'm here to congratulate you today."

"There is no one in Yu's family now. I'll take you to the hotel directly."

The driver is very enthusiastic, and the people who can get on with the Yu family are absolutely big people.

Who dares to offend?

The driver took Qin Feng to the most luxurious hotel in the city, Tai Hotel.

At this time, many distinguished guests have already come to the Tai Hotel to celebrate the birthday of Yu.

Yu Zhishen stood at the door of the hotel to welcome the arrival of the guests.

He has been busy for a long time about Yu's birthday party.

The people who come here today are all big families who are rich or expensive.

For this reason, Mr. Yu's birthday party is a big deal, even a sensation in the city.

"Today is Mr. Yu's birthday party. I would like to congratulate him on his good fortune and longevity."

"I'm here to wish Mr. Yu the tree of life evergreen and the water of life flowing forever!"

"I wish Mr. Yu a happy and healthy life, a boundless life, a long smile and a long life!"

People have sent blessings to master Yu.

It makes Mr. Yu's heart blossom.

"Thank you for your blessing. Please forgive me for the poor reception."

Yu Zhishen was modest, and the scene was extremely luxurious.

The entire Thai hotel was reserved by Yu family, and it cost tens of millions to entertain these distinguished guests alone.

As long as you can be happy, you are worth it.

Mr. Yu's birthday party caused a sensation in the whole city, and various media reported it one after another, which instantly became the headlines today, earning Mr. Yu enough face.

"Sir, in front of you is Tai Hotel. Everyone in the Yu family is busy in it."

Qin Feng looked at the hotel in front of him, and sure enough, the scene was extremely luxurious.

When Qin Feng arrived at the gate, Yu Zhishen and others had already entered the venue, and there were only a few guards at the gate.

Qin Feng got out of the car and went straight in.

But just to the door, he was stopped by the guards on both sides.

"Please show me your invitation, sir."

Qin Feng stopped and was stunned.

He's here for revenge. What's the invitation?

Immediately, he found an excuse to prevaricate in the past.

"I came out in a hurry today and left the invitation at home."

For Qin Feng's answer, the guard didn't buy it.

"Then please go back and get it."

The guard refuses Qin Feng. They have a mission.

No matter who it is, if there is no invitation, no one is allowed to enter.

Let alone Qin Feng, a special face they had never seen.

"If I go back to get it now, I'm afraid it's too late."

"So what! We only recognize invitation cards, not people

The guard has a tough attitude and insists on not letting Qin Feng in.

"Don't think I don't know. People like you dress like human beings. In fact, they just want to go in and eat and drink."

"Yes, don't waste your time. It's true that you have a fake invitation and want to get involved! I've seen a lot of people like you. "

"We won't let you in. Let's go!"

The guard waved to Qin Feng and motioned him to leave quickly.

But Qin Feng never left, but insisted on going in.

"Why don't you listen and force us to do it?"

The guards at the gate were a little impatient when they saw that Qin Feng didn't leave.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Asked the guard.

"Then I'll go in."

Qin Feng has a clear attitude. He has to enter today.

The guard was annoyed: "no one is allowed to enter the Yu family's birthday party. If you insist on going in, don't blame us for being rude."

"If you really start, you may not be my opponent. It's better to let me in, so that I can show mercy to you."

Qin Feng didn't give in at all. Instead, he warned the guards.

In the face of Qin Feng's warning, the guards were even more angry.

"What are you? We will never let you go if you dare to have a big birthday party. "

Qin Feng's eyes were cold, and he didn't pay attention to the two guards at all.

"To tell you the truth, I didn't come here today to celebrate, but to ask Yu Zhishen for an explanation."

"Don't you see it's Mr. Yu's birthday party today? Please distinguish the occasion. "

"I'm here to ask for an explanation. Do I have to choose a day? What about the birthday party? I will turn it into a funeral party! "

With these words, the guard felt that things were not so simple.

"As long as we're here, you can't get into the ballroom."

"Ha ha, it's a big tone, so you can try it."

Qin Feng didn't pay any attention to the guards' warning.

Seeing Qin Feng's arrogant attitude, they naturally couldn't see it down.

If Qin Feng is put into it, it will lead to disaster.

At that time, Master Yu will blame them, and they will not be able to get away with it.

The guard glared at Qin Feng: "I'm looking for death!"

Then the guard immediately rushed up to fight him.

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