My Way To You

Chapter 167 - Saving the Nahia Family Part 3

"However, we didn't expect the entire family to be here." Gregory whispered. "Gregory we're looking at 40 members." Ariana said as her eyes trembled. "It's going to be alright. We just need to buy you some time." Gregory said as furrowed his brows. A deadly glint appeared in his eyes, he was mentally preparing for battle. "Rahul, please let everyone know what is going on, quickly. I'm afraid we may need to move to our contiguous plan and involve Halina's family, Aroha I leave that to you. Hell is going to break loose and we can not afford to lose a single member of this family." Ariana commanded. Loralei opened a gap in the barrier. Rahul and Aroha quickly moved.

Ariana watched as Rahul raced upwards, she kept her gaze glued to the clouded sky. "What's their ETA?" Gregory shouted as the rain started to pour harder. "They are just out side of Tetsu forest. If they can move like before then fifteen minutes." Ariana shouted. Suddenly thunder echoed through the area. Ariana smiled as she counted the amount of lightning that flashed above. "One, two, three, four. Alright now I hope Aroha could convince the Nahia family." Ariana said as she brought her gaze back down. "Can Duko tell who is leading the members? Is there a way to gauge their magical proficiency? We need as much information as possible." Gregory asked.

Ariana looked at Duko and her entire face paled. "Duko said he's not sure. It looks like they are using some wind magic to levitate the group from the ground. He can't track their movements anymore!" Ariana shouted. "Calm yourself! There is always a way. Duko, the trees are incredibly thick here. It's as if they were made of iron themselves, can you can vibrate the trees to see if there are any irregularities." Gregory asked as he turned to Duko.

"He said no. The rain is interfering with his tracking ability." Ariana responded. "So our advantage became our disadvantage. Then we go in the moment we have visual." Gregory said as he turned to the open field right before the house. "I'm going in. Loralei." Ariana said as Loralei retracted her barrier. Instantly Ariana and Gregory we're engulfed in the heavy down pour. "What are you doing?!" Gregory shouted. "You said this is a test right?! You can't just take everything on yourself and hope that you're strong enough! Lives are at stake and we don't need you to deviate from the plan!" Gregory yelled as he grabbed Ariana's shoulders.

Suddenly they heard an explosion from deep within the woods. Loralei set up the barrier again, as Ariana and Gregory held their breaths. The rain was too heavy and they couldn't hear any screaming but the explosion meant that the group ran into their first trap. Gregory released Ariana and wiped the rain from his face. 'Ariana, some people landed onto the ground. No trees were toppled over, seems they were not that far from the ground if they were able to set off the bomb.' Duko reported. "No, something is wrong. If they were levitating then how did they trigger the ice bombs? Confirm the number of church members on the ground." Ariana ordered.

"Leigh must have sensed something wrong and went to go meet them. Gregory muttered under his breath. "No! I need to go!" Ariana said as she tried to escape again. Gregory quickly grabbed her right shoulder. "Leigh is more experienced then you are. Chances are James, Roland and Tillie have left their posts and scattered to see if they are trying to surround us. They will know what to do when they run into a member of the church. This mission will not fail." Gregory explained. Ariana clicked her tongue and called back her memories.

"Aroha says we need to contact my grandmother immediately. Once we have the Nahia's location we need to immobilize Roland, James, Leigh and Tillie. From what Aroha has seen during my training sessions is that they were once soldiers? She not entirely sure but they will be invaluable." Ariana communicated on Aroha's behalf. "Close enough. Tillie, Roland and my aunt they all have a military background while Leigh and James... the were abducted when they were children to be trained as killers. If my aunt hadn't liberated them..." Gregory was explaining.

"How sick is this world?" Ariana asked. "You have no idea. So many people have died wanting to protect their loved ones but what about the ones held against their own will? Death seems like the best option, especially when your held in a research facility. Human testing, organ cultivation, battle arena, human trafficking, child soldiers, assassins and killers, the underground is not a joke. Neither is the church." Gregory said.

Ariana came back to the present and looked at Gregory with a deadly glare. "All the more reason to provide support for them! They are not just some tool for war or battle. They are my family and I hope you see them that way too." Ariana said coldly. "Moron, you would just be in their way!" Gregory growled as another loud explosion was heard. This time it was in another direction, sparks flew upwards and Ariana could feel her chest tighten as she instantly thought of Tillie. "It looks like the members of the church did split up.... Alright, we are going to have to use bait. We need to hurry this along, who knows how long Thor will last before he runs of of juice." Gregory said as he slowly let Ariana go.

'Ariana!' Rahul shouted as he raced back down. 'Thor is starting to tired to go on, he is pushing himself. However he can not keep this up much longer!' He continued to shout. "Go back and tell him to rest. Davita can protect him." Ariana barked. "Are you ready?" Gregory asked Ariana. "The moment it stops pouring I will run." Ariana said as she gave him a single nod. Suddenly the rain stopped and Duko changed into his giant, golden wolf self. Ariana jumped on his back and held onto the tuffs of his fur as he raced towards the center of the field in front of the Nahia estate.

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