My Way To You

Chapter 172 - Truly... Part 2

"The child of the priestess! The child of the priestess! The child of the priestess!" The members of the church chanted as the one that could bowed to their heads to the ground. "Mother how could you." Malachi muttered. "How could you do this?! You know that Naomi could have been saved!" Malachi shouted. "Theo is your brother!" Mrs. Nahia shouted. "Naomi is your granddaughter!" Malachi shouted back. "Malachi! I understand how you feel but there are others who want this child's help!" Mr. Nahia shouted as he pointed towards the members of the church.

"They tried to kill our family why would the girl help them?! They are nothing but scum bags!" A male voice shouted from the Nahia group. "If she is the child of the priestess should should feel obligated to help out her own rather than our family so of course she would create a miracle for Theo!" Another male voice shouted. "Norbert! How dare you agree with mom's selfish decision!" A new male voice shouted. "Shut it Nathaniel!" Norbert shouted back. "The girl should be unbiased and fair! Grant us all miracles!" A female voice shouted.

Ariana could feel anxiety starting to rise with in her. She turned to face the other Lumas and met their distant gazes. 'This is why you should have never revealed yourself. The selfishness of man is something that is unparalleled to anything else in this world.' Aroha said as she watched the show unfolding from the sidelines. 'Greed is the driving force in man. Without settings limitations on their possibilities they allow said greed to make all their decisions.' Rahul said as he started to lay down. 'Showing them something that they could have had and not offering a hand can be considered as a tease. Soon resentment will sent I their hearts and death will surely follow.' Loralei said as she protectively held the baby panthers in place. 'Yes, destruction will take place.' Duko said as his golden eyes stayed fixated on the Nahia family. Soon the whole family started to argue while the members of the church kept chanting and bowing.

"I can't believe our one chance for a miracle was given away to a traitor!"

"What about my mother-in-law! My wife is devastated that she can't walk anymore!"

"Our child could have had their magical infinity boosted! You know how weak he is!"

"How dare you speak about your mother-in-law! We all know you hate the old bat and just want to appease your wife!"

"Why should your child be the only one blessed! We could have asked for the whole family to be blessed with vitality and good fortune!"

"Good fortune?! Good Fortune?! She is not some kind of gold gifting magical creature! The girl is the daughter of the jewel eyed priestess! How dare you think so little of her true value! Do you want this whole family to be cursed because of your selfishness?!"

"The child of the priestess, the child of the priestess, the child of the priestess!"

"She could have taken in my child as an apprentice! My child could have gotten a promising future!"

"Your child is daft and couldn't find herself out of a wet paper bag! If anything you should have gotten her to bring up your child's IQ."

"Take it back!"

"The truth hurts!"

"Forgive my sins! Please put my mind at ease and help me think of the important things first."

"Please enough! I'm so sorry for what I did! I don't even know how to make it up to all of you!" Theo shouted as he dropped to his knees. "Theo I don't even think I could look at you ever again!" A female voice shouted. "Darling please be reasonable! Theo made a mistake and the child of the priestess has forgiven him!" Norbert shouted.

"The child of the priestess, the child of the priestess, the child of the priestess!"

'I warned you all she had no idea what she was doing. She just rushes in head first, without thinking about any of the consequences. We should have stuck to my plan. Better yet we should have allowed this disgusting family to be eliminated.' Aroha lectured. 'You pledged your allegiance Aroha.' Vasu said loudly as he glared at Aroha from behind Ariana. 'So what if I did! I am still aloud to give constructive criticism.' Aroha replied as she turned her head upwards in arrogance.

"The child of the priestess, the child of the priestess, the child of the priestess!"

"You only ever loved Theo because he was apprenticing in the jewel eyed priestess! Now that we all know that it was a giant lie how can you even have a place for him in your hear mother? Think about everyone else! Give your love to us instead of this good for nothing!" Nathaniel shouted at his mother as two males held him back.

Ariana could feel all the energy around her started to build up as her anxiety rose. Her heart was pounding while the Nahias were creating more chaos. Ariana watched as a fight broke out, Mrs. Nahia was brought to tears. Mr. Nahia tried to stop his children from fighting. "Please stop..." Ariana whispered as she brought her hands up and hugged herself. "Please.... stop." She said a little louder but it useless. Her voice was being drowned out by countless other voices.

Ariana's breathing became erratic. "This is all my fault, all my fault!" She said to herself as more energy started to flow around an into her. "Please stop!" Ariana finally yelled but again no one heard her. Theo was shocked. He barely heard Ariana's voice but felt the urge to look up at her. "Are you alright?" Theo asked as his gaze locked onto Ariana. Theo's eyes grew wide in fear.

Ariana's body was starting to glow brighter. It was practically blinding. Ariana felt hot, she needed to disperse her left over energy but her anxiety got the better if her. She was completely frozen in place, doubting her decision as everyone argued and chanted. She made a mistake and the scene before her muddled her concentrate. "Please stop! It hurts!" Ariana cried out as she hugged herself, trying her best to keep the energy from escaping her body. Vasu sighed as he closed his eyes and placed his face next to Ariana's cheek. "Mother, father! Stop! Everyone stop! The child is in pain!" Theo shouted as he rose from the ground. "STOP!" Theo screamed at the top of his lungs.

Unfortunately the anxiety, the fever, the fear and energy circulating within Ariana's body had already reached its limit. "I can't stop it!" Ariana screamed in agony. 'You do not have to stop it. Just take a deep breath and let it flow out of your body when you exhale. Let it carry your will and you will be fine.' Vasu said softly.

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