My Way To You

Chapter 181 - Library Part 4

Ariana finally understood that magic was not all what it was cracked up to be. It hindered the evolution of human kind and kept the world that she was now residing in practically in the dark ages. "I wonder if what you are looking for is at Capital University." Xander said as he closed his book. "I doubt it." Icarus said as he crossed his arms and closed his eyes. "Honestly it seems like something dangerous. Borderline anarchy." He said. "How so?" Ariana asked. "Well think about it. If something that seems so amazing successfully replaces something that is miraculous who would lose the most?" Icarus asked as he opened one eye and looked at Ariana.

"... The church." Ariana replied with great hesitation. "Exactly!" Icarus proclaimed as he pounded the table. "It wouldn't be by much though. I mean the jewel eyed priestess has not performed as many miracles as she had done in the past. Even then one has to 'donate' a substantial amount of money to the church to even be put on the waiting list." Xander said with a melancholy look. "What do you mean by waiting list?" Ariana asked. "Well I guess you're not very religious are you?" Xander asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"I can proudly say I have never entered a church since I was two days old." Ariana said with a puffed out chest. "Strangely specific." Icarus said with a laugh. "Not really. If you knew her well enough you would know she was being dead serious." A familiar voice said. Ariana looked up and started to beam. "You guys came!"

"We just handed in our own drafts." Edlyn said as they reached the table. Talisha frowned, the table Ariana and the boys were sitting at only accommodated four people. She went over to another table, easily picked it up and had Halina grab two more chairs. Talisha placed the ends of the table side by side just as Edlyn sat bashfully beside Xander. "So where haven't you gone to since you were two days old?" Halina asked as she put the chairs down. Each girl looked at the seat next to Icarus and nodded. They decided to sit beside each other instead, opposite of Icarus.

"Church." Ariana said bluntly.

"Ugh! Don't mention that awful place to me." Halina groaned as she rubbed her arms. Goosebumps appeared in her body as she recalled what her mother's letter said. "Careful with your words. Not everyone views the church the same way us girls do." Talisha said as half her face became dark. "At least we are on the same page." Icarus said as he balled his hands into fists. "I can never forgive them, especially the priestess. Twisted snake, sucks the good out of everything she touches. Helping the church extort money from everyone regardless of their personal situations." Icarus spat.

Everyone had gone silent. the girls looked at Ariana but she had already shrouded her face. "I think I have enough for my draft." Ariana said as she started to quickly collect her things. "Wait." Icarus said as he grabbed Ariana's wrist. "I don't think you're ready to hand it in yet." Icarus said with a pleading undertone.

Ariana pulled her wrist free and started to rub it with her other hand. As if Icarus's touch was something detestable. "It's a draft. Once I speak with my grandmother I will be able to get my book. Then I can make more notes and add it on to my draft later." Ariana said shortly as she gave Icarus a cold glare. "Thank you so much for your help. I will be going now." Ariana said as she grabbed the books. She then got her bag and walked towards the front desk, carrying all the books they had the minny kappy collect for them earlier. "Sorry, we came to help Ariana... We will be leaving too." Edlyn said as she bowed to Xander. "Oh... Do you need me-um, us to walk you back to the dorms?" Xander asked as he got up from his chair.

Edlyn lifted herself up and looked at Talisha and Halina. They didn't give her ni indication that they cared what she would do. "I'm sorry. Maybe next time." Edlyn said before they turned and chased after Ariana. "They left pretty fast. Did I say something wrong?" Icarus asked. Xander's face paled as he glared at Icarus. "Most likely." He replied.

Ariana was fighting the urge to cry as she approached the front desk. She wasn't particularly attached to this body's mother. Her soul was only residing inside the empty body but she couldn't stop her feelings from welling up, in all honesty her heart ached. She needed something to distract her from her feelings and she caught sight of Gregory being harassed by Ms. Boswell. Ariana smirked as she approached the desk. "What time are you done?" Ariana asked as the placed the large pile of books on top of the counter. "Who are you asking?" Ms. Boswell asked as she grabbed Gregory's arm and embraced it with her whole body.

"I was asking." Ariana said but was rudely interrupted by Ms. Boswell who raised her hand to Ariana's face, signaling for her to stop talking.

"I'm here until closing time. If you have more work to do you are welcome to come back but be warned we close at 8:00 p.m. on Fridays. 8 o'clock sharp. Please understand that 'employees' need to have the right to have their old knees up." Ms. Boswell said as she looked up at Gregory.

"That's nice." Ariana said as she gently pushed Ms. Boswell's hand to the side. "But I wasn't asking you." Ariana said with a small smile. "I was asking." Ariana tried to explain again but was rudely interrupted by Ms. Boswell slamming her palm against the counter. She immediately let Gregory's arm go and brought an accusing finger to Ariana's face. Edlyn, Talisha and Halina just came in time to see Ms. Boswell's face twist with anger and contempt. "Look here! Just because you have nice baps on you and a young face doesn't mean that you can go out on a pull tonight! Wanting to snog an older gentleman like a twit! Honestly you're nothing but a chav and should go home to your mother! Stop pestering the adults! He ain't into you! So ta ta." Ms. Boswell shouted so loudly that it called everyone's attention.

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