My Way To You

Chapter 191 - No Choice Part 3

"She's done so much for us Pascal." Mrs. Dabney whispered as she looked up at her husband with love and adoration. "You're right... she's not as bad as I first thought." Mr. Dabney admitted as he scratched his cheek. "So you've changed your mind?" Mrs. Dabney asked with a small smirk. "Yes and no... There is something that you don't know about the girl." Mr. Dabney said with a bittersweet smile. "I know everything. She told me, everything. I know she's just like me and that her birth mother is the Jewel eyed priestess." Mrs. Dabney said with a small sigh.

Mr. Dabney kept silent, smile firmly held in place but internally he was screaming as his heart punded like crazy when he heard what his wife just told him. "Don't worry my mind has not changed. I am actually really happy. I can talk to someone about Earth and bounce ideas with." Mrs. Dabney whispered happily. Mr. Dabney's smile waivered. He didn't know. How could he know the truth. He swore to himself to protect his family no matter what and the girl sleeping soundly on their recliner was not going to be an acception.

"No matter what she will be our daughter's godmother." Mr. Dabney said with a soft smile. "So what would you like to name your daughter?" Mrs. Dabney asked. She then looked back at the sleeping newborn's face. It was tinier then what she expected. She was a little wrinkled and had the tiniest tuff of brown hair. "Let's name her Aubrey." Mr. Dabney said, his smile firmly in place. Mrs. Dabney giggled, she knew that his smile would permanetly be glued on his face for the next few weeks. "Aubrey. I love it, we can call her Brie for short. Welcome to the world little Brie." Mrs. Dabney said with a light sigh.

"Honey...." Mr. Dabney called out awkwardly. Mrs. Dabney turned to Mr. Dabney in a happy daze. "I ate your dinner." Mr. Dabney admitted with a smiling face. "I'm sorry?" Mrs. Dabney asked with a matching smile but a vein appeared on her cheek showing that her anger was just boiling under the surface. "I ate everything." Mr. Dabney replied with an even brighter smile. "Huh." Mrs. Dabney said as her face suddenly darkened.

"That's why I came to the door, I wanted to see if I could grab you some take out." Mr. Dabney said with pride. His skin was too thick, he actually thought he was being considerate to his wife but she didn't see it that way. "You're going to go get me a f*cking feast. I don't want heated up leftovers either! I want soup, veggies like broccoli, spinach, a baked potato, fully loaded, brussel sprouts and fish, freshly caught." Mrs. Dabney shouted as she fummed, her eyes were deadly and her scowl was more like a hungry cat baring it's fangs. Mr. Dabney quickly put his hand over his mouth to muffle a small laugh. He then moved to pet his hungry cat. "Anything you want." He said gently as she stroked her head. Mrs. Dabney started to calm down as Mr. Dabney stroked happily. "Honey there is some other things I need you to do."


Ariana woke up with a huge jump. "What time is it?!" She shouted as she looked around the room. "10 in the morning." Mrs. Dabney called out. Ariana turned to met her gaze and flushed. She then tried her best to hold her gaze but found it hard as Mrs. Dabney was breast feeding the newborn. "Where's Mr. Dabney?" Ariana asked awkwardly. "You can't revert back now after everything that happened." Mrs. Dabney said with a small laugh. "Sorry?" Ariana asked as her nerves started to calm down. "Last night you said our first names like it was the most natural thing in the world. Now you want to go back? It will not be the same as before. No way! You are stuck with us now, so go on. Call me Roselyn, we're family now." Mrs. Dabney said with a bright smile.

Ariana turned a crimson red this time and her jaw slacked. She didn't know what to do. She knew exactly what Mrs. Dabney meant as she had been avoiding answering the godmother question. Ariana cleared her voice and moved her jaw to a closed position but the moment she tried to talk she found that she was acting like a fish out of water. No sound was coing out, she could only flap her gums. Mrs. Dabney laughed hard enough for tears to spill. "I didn't mean to shock you to this extent!" She said as she removed Brie from her breast.

"Mrs. Dab-eek! Alright! Don't give me that scary face!" Ariana shouted as she put her hands up in defense. Mrs. Dabney had turned demon like when she started to her the word Mrs and it scared Ariana to her very core. "Roselyn, you know who I am. There is no way that I can accept a position like godmother. I mean, it might put your whole family in danger." Ariana said as bravely as she could. Mrs. Dabney's gaze was still scary and her heart couldn't take anymore shock.

"Don't think too little of Pascal or me." Mrs. Dabney said firmly as she moved to burp her daughter. "I don't have a choice in the matter do I?" Ariana asked in a defeated tone as she slumped on to the recliner. "Nope." Mrs. Dabney said with a happy tone. "Alright. You win. Well everyone, you might as well come out and meet my goddaughter." Ariana finished saying when the Lumas appeared. 

Vasu was the first to move forward to look at the newborn. 'Her name?' He asked as he turned his sparkling eyes to Ariana. "Roselyn, have you chosen a name yet?" Ariana asked as she internally groaned. It looked like Vasu had a soft spot for baby girls and she would have to visit often. "Aubrey but I'm calling her Brie for short." Mrs. Dabney announced with pride. "Like the cheese?" Ariana asked as she felt herself perk up just a little. "That's right." Mrs. Dabney answered with a happy nod. Ariana looked at Mrs. Dabney with shock, she instantly laughed and hugged her abdomen. "A true foodie!" She laughed. "Of course." Mrs. Dabney answered as she snorted air.

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