My Way To You

Chapter 194 - Family Reunion Part 3

"What are you doing Gregory?!" Lady Zula shouted as she tried to grab Ariana back. "Zula! You are too soft! How much shame do you have to bring to our family?! Having one bastard child wasn't enough but trying to get us to accept another is too much!" Gregory yelled at the top of his lungs as he raised his leg and kicked Lady Zula back. Lady Zula landed onto the ground with a hard thud.

"MOM!" Ariana yelled as she struggled to break free from Gregory's grasp. "Let go you f*cking bastard!" Ariana screamed as she grabbed a chunk of Gregory's underarm. Eyes burning with malicious intent, Ariana pinched and was about to twist the flesh when a gust of wind blew between them. Gregory let go and glared at Breeze. Ariana landed on the ground softly as the wind engulfed her body. "Both of you need to cool down." Breeze said as he waved an impatient index finger in the air as he released Ariana from his wind. Ariana's hair was no longer wet and straight, it was now back to it's natural wave.

"Thank you Breeze. My temper seems to get out of control when I have to deal with this fatherless love child but I did agree to educate her properly." Gregorgy said as he shot a cold glare towards Ariana's direction as she slowly got off the ground.

"Gregory, I appreciated that you wanted to take up the fatherly role in my child's life but please understand that she is my responsibilty. She does not share your blood so be mindful of your place." Lady Zula said as she slowly got off the ground and walked to Ariana's side. "Mom?" Ariana said pitifully as she looked back at her mother. "So, if I want to openly show affection to my child then I will!" Lady Zula announced firmly.

"Well said my dear." A noble voice called out. "Grandmother!" Ariana shouted happily as her swollen face brightened up. "Hello my dear. Are you keeping up with your promise?" The Countess said coolly as she looked down at Ariana with a strong, dominating glare. No warmth or affection showed on her face, contradicting the endearing greeting. Ariana froze momentarily as her brain tried to catch up with what was going on. Ariana tried to swallow back saliva but found her mouth drier then the desert.

She caught some of the whispers that the crowds was stating and it gave her a clue. Ariana then stood up tall and grabbed the ends of her satin white, quarter sleeve, asymmetrical dress. She lifted the ends of the dress as she curtsied, fanning the dress outwards, showing off the sunflower design that took up a third of the dress.

"Yes grandmother, I have kept my promise so please do not forget to keep your promise and recgonize my mother as your own." Ariana said with a calm tone. Their was a long silence between the two and their audience did not dare to make a single noise. Ariana smirked to herself as he kept her head down, the debate that was started was over and it was in her family's favour. Ariana was a secret love child of Lady Zula. "As long as you perform well I will make sure that your mother's position is stable in our family. Now get out of my sight" The Countess said darkly before as she turned and faced the Headmaster. "Hello Nakia, is this your lovely family? It seems that you are missing one of the Remo boys." The Countess said with a professional smile. "He is such a delight. I mean he has spent time with my granddaughter, I would love to talk to him about certain things."

Ariana lifted her face and caught sight of a woman's glare. Her eyes were the same purple as Flint and the Headmaster but she wasn't as attractive looking to the men. She had sandy brown hair, she was also slightly darker then the men, it was more of an olive colour then fair when compared. She had sharp facial features and single lid eyes. Ariana let out a small sigh as she straightened her back. Lady Zula placed a hand on the small of Ariana's back. Ariana looked up and caught sight of the concern reflecting in her eyes.

"Let's get you wounds looked at." Lady Zula said gently as she ushered Ariana away from the crowd.Once they were far enough from the crowd Ariana turned to her mother and let out all her grievances. "Mom! Gregory has been unbearable;e!" Ariana shouted as her eyes started to brim with tears. "Ariana... I don't want to hear it." Lady Zula said bluntly as she kept walking. "Mom?!" Ariana complained as her face paled. "Mom, you don't understand!" Ariana continued as she chased after her mother. "I said I do not want to hear it. So enough!" Lady Zula said firmly as she stopped abruptly and turned face Ariana with a cold glare.Ariana felt hurt and betrayed. She believed that her adoptive mother would have stood next to her but it was only blow after blow from each family member. "Why...sniff.... why are you being so mean?" Ariana whispered as tears spilled out. Lady Zula kept quiet, she then turned away and continued walking.

Ariana silently walked after her mother, lettiing her tears carry the pain from her heart, hoping that once they dried up she wouldn't feel so heartbroken anymore."Bloody hell! Sod off already! You got to be wonky in the head to think you could come back here!" A Shrill voice yelled. Ariana looked up and realized that Lady Zula had brought her in to the library. "Oy nutter! You ignoring me now?!" The voice yelled at the top of her lungs. Ariana turned and met with Ms. Boswell's gaze. "Now you hear me you daft cow!" Ms. Boswell yelled as she slammed her fist on to the counterop of the front desk. "Excuse me, but could you tell me why your so upset?" Lady Zula asked with an air of elegance and nobility. "This cow had the bullocks to try and seduce my man!" Ms. Boswell shouted as she pointed an acussing finger at Ariana.

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