My Way To You

Chapter 198 - Draw Attention

Ariana stared at Gregory, waiting for him to speak up. Gregory brought up his right hand and finger brushed his cobalt blue hair back. "What do you know so far?" Gregory asked. "That you're not very consistent with your actions." Ariana said bluntly as she gave Gregory a deadpan look.

"This is actually harder to talk about then I first thought." Gregory muttered. "Take your time." Lady Zula said in a bored tone. "We don't have time Zula." Gregory replied.

Ariana facepalmed herself. "Look I will make this easy for you." Ariana mumbled loudly from behind her palm. With a heavy sigh she removed her hand and looked at Gregory. "Do you hate me?" Ariana asked flatly as she stared down Gregory.

Gregory looked completely uncomfortable with the question and just pursed his lips, refusing to utter a single word. "Oh my goodness! Fine! You can tell me that answer when you're ready. Who's idea was it to treat me like sh*t?" Ariana asked with a scowl.

"You're language is always so elegant." Gregory said sarcastically. "Gregory answer the f*cking question already. Stop beating around the bush you p*ssy." Lady Zula answered bluntly.

"Right... You were living with Zula." Gregory said as he raised an eyebrow at Lady Zula. While Lady Zula glared back at Gregory. With a heavy sigh Gregory brought his gaze back to Ariana. "It was mine." He replied with no remorse.

"Why?" Ariana asked as she clenched her hands in to fists under the table. "From my intel, there seems to be a mole working for the church within the faculty. If we want to keep aunt Lidia's position on the grand council we have to help her keep up her indifference with you. So what better way to give you a guardian who despises you." Gregory explained.

"Then why not tell me what was going on. I could have helped. I could have mentally prepared myself, this has been a G*d damn nightmare!" Ariana said as she raised her fist and was just about to pound the table but Gregory quickly slid his own big, rough hand to where Ariana was going to make impact, taking the full blow of her assualt. "Don't draw anymore attention then you already have." Gregory said coolly.

Ariana drew back her fist and held her wrist tightly. She glared at Gregory for not let her vent out her frustration but knew he was right. "I answered one question, now it's your turn." Gregory said as he pulled back his hand, completely unfazed by Ariana's attitude. "Will you keep talking after I answer your question?" Ariana sneered. Gregory was started to lose his cool and brought his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. "I swear Zula... Was Roy this difficult?"

Zula let out a small chuckle as she kept looking around the area. "I'm afraid he was worse. Teens are very temperamental." Lady Zula explained. Gregory froze for a moment then removed his hand from his face. "Fine." He replied courtly. "I helped Mrs. Dabney deliver her baby. I am exhausted, hungry and have no tolerance for stupidity at the moment." Ariana said then bit her bottom lip, stopping herself from talking further. She was tempted to apologize to Gregory for her poor attitude but she didn't want to see his smug face.

"... We, sigh, I was against the idea of letting you in on the plan. I don't believe you can give your best performance for our audience if you know too much." Gregory explained. "So what changed now?" Ariana replied through clenched teeth. Ariana could feel every fiber in her being screaming for the nonsense to stop. "Aunt Lidia... She made it public that you and her have a deal." Gregory said reluctantly. Ariana felt herself deflate instantly. "What?" Ariana gasped. "That last minute idea? I just guessed that nonsense! What I babbled was to silence the crowd and nothing else."

Gregory looked at Ariana with an expressionless face. "Aunt Lidia has been getting reports from me practically every night. She particularly loved the one about you announcing that I was your father." Gregory said with a solemn voice. "How is she getting these reports? Letters? Magical transportation of words parchment paper? Telecommunications?" Ariana asked in a hurried voice. "No, it can intercepted. What? And tel-im-com-sons?" Gregory asked.

Ariana waved a dismissive hand in the air. "Someones STEM project here. I just thought it went into the real world already." Ariana explained. Gregory nodded his understanding and continued. "Familiars, Tillie's to be exact. Flying squirrel with wind elements makes it very easy to send reports, little guy was trained and used in many battles." Gregory said with pride.

Ariana wasn't that impressed. "So grandmother?" Ariana asked as she gestured Gregory to proceed the conversation by moving her hand in a circular motion. "Aunt Lidia figured if she started the conversation you would have been smart enough to come up with her answer." Gregory said as his expression changed from pride to doubt. "What if I wasn't smart enough? What if I ruined everything and risked her life?" Ariana asked in a panic.

"My point exactly." Gregory said as he started to glare at Ariana coldly. "I feared for the worst and had no backup plan. It was reckless on aunt Lidia's part." Gregory ranted as his aura started to darken. Ariana gulped and Lady Zula swiftly kicked Gregory in the shin. An "Umf." Sound escaped his lips. He quickly shot Lady Zula a death glare but Lady Zula was too busy with her task to take notice.

Gregory refused to rub the pain away and just bared with it. "Then you gave me a brilliant idea." He said with a smirk as he looked at Ariana. While Ariana's blood turned ice cold. The smirk was not cocky or demeaning but rather one that was snake like, just deadly. "You created a ruckus and I had an excuse to fight with you but then someone had to step in. If you didn't escape last night, you would have missed today and my family wouldn't have to gamble with their lives. Worst part was you had to arrive looking like your mother. We lost a small part in our plan but managed to save the important part." Gregory sneered.

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