My Way To You

Chapter 200 - Mad?

'You were summoned and you're not a bad person.' Vasu stated matter-of-factly. "But I was taken away from the church." Ariana replied. 'And she was kicked out of her family.' Vasu reminded her. Ariana tightened her grip around Vasu. "Can I trust them, the Dabneys?" Ariana asked as her body started to tremble. 'That's your choice. Not mine.' Vasu replied. "I don't know." Ariana whispered as she tried to fight back the tears that started to well up in her eyes, she could feel the anxiety taking a hold of her throat. It was suffocating, she didn't want to keep any more things bottled up. 'You don't? How strange.' Vasu said as he pulled himself out of Ariana's embrace.

Ariana looked up and saw that Vasu was moving away from her. "Where are you going?" She called out. Vasu turned around and looked at her in confusion. 'To the Dabneys.' He said before turning back around and floated away. Ariana chased after Vasu just as he picked up speed. "Why are you going back?! I don't know what to think of them!" Ariana shouted as she ran after him. 'You may not know but I have my own opinion and they need to be kept safe.' Vasu shouted as he started to glow brighter. Suddenly he turned into his stag form and was on the ground running.

"Vasu! Wait! What do you mean?!" Ariana shouted, she refused to lose sight of him and continued to run as fast as she could. 'You're indecisive, so why care?' Vasu asked loudly as he galloped. 'The husband is dying in front of his child. While the wife is helpless. All you care about is yourself, you doubt and refuse to see what is in front of you. I'm done, I will do what I want.' Vasu said firmly as he slowed down his pace to a trot before he completely stopped. They were now in front of the Dabneys bungalow.

"No your wrong! I care! I do care! They have been nothing but wonderful people! I'm just scared, scared that I will be betrayed, scared that I will be used, scared that I can not get out of this demented form of thinking that no matter what happens I have to grin and bare it! I have to stay positive because if I don't, I will one day wake up and just end my own life! I'm done being used, I'm done not having the love I care! I'm done being abused! I'm done with my family! I don't want to go back to the old me, being all alone all the time! I... I just want to live a normal life! I just want to be loved for who I am! I want to live!" Ariana shouted into the air as giant tears rolled down her face.

"What the hell is going on?!" Mr. Dabney shouted as he swung open the door. Ariana looked at Mr. Dabney and dropped to her knees. "I thought you were dying!" Ariana cried loudly. "A little banged up but I will be fine." Mr. Dabney said as he walked slowly towards Ariana. He had been already treated but Ariana could still see through her blurred vision that his bruises were severe. They looked like they were a week old but she saw him that morning.

Half his face was just slightly swollen, his left eye was not completely shut or black but brown and semi swollen. He had a walking cast on his right foot and his left arm was in a sling. "I'm so sorry I didn't trust you! I'm an awful person for trying to leave you guys! You are not bad people!" Ariana cried as more tears spilled. "The feeling was mutual." Mr. Dabney said as he held out his right hand. "So, I'm sorry too." He said pitifully. Ariana started to brush back her tears, refusing to take Mr. Dabney's hand. "Come on honey. I can't pick you up so you have to meet me half way." Mr. Dabney urged gently. Ariana nodded her head and grabbed Mr. Dabney's hand. With care Mr. Dabney helped Ariana up.

Ariana couldn't stop crying, Mr. Dabney pulled her into an embrace and justed waited. Ariana cried her heart out for what seemed like a life time. After some time Ariana pulled out of the embrace. Mr. Dabney beamed at her. "I'm so sorry." Ariana gave him a confused looked. "Why?" She asked in a hoarse voice. "I looked, you're a good person." Mr. Dabney said with a wide grin. Ariana pushed him back and hugged herself as she glowed a bright red from head to toe. "Are you sure?" She asked bashfully. "Come inside." Mr. Dabney chuckled as he slowly turned and walked back to the bungalow.

'Mad?' Vasu asked as he changed back into his chibi form. Ariana grabbed Vasu and pinched his chubby cheeks. "You're mean!" She shouted as she pulled his cheeks in opposite directions, stretching Vasu out. "But thank you... I needed that." Ariana whispered. 'No more regrets.' Vasu said when Ariana let go of his face. "No more regrets. I will live the way I want to now."

'Good.' Vasu said as he moved to his favourite spot. Ariana hugged Vasu gently as she walked towards the Dabney bungalow. "Vasu... No matter what you hear please don't hate me." Ariana said apologetically. Vasu snuggled his face against Ariana's arm. He didn't give her an answer but his loving action reassured Ariana's heart. She said she was going to live how she wanted but she was still worried about those close to her. She laughed at herself in her heart. It was going to take time to change.

"Ariana... If you every have a bad day... Please come find me or Roselyn. Don't be by yourself. There are people who care about you." Mr. Dabney said awkwardly as he kept his gaze in front of him. He didn't want to make the situation anymore awkward and couldn't bare to turn around. Ariana could feel another wave of tears well up. She hugged Vasu as she brought him closer to her chin. "Thank you." She answered in a small voice. Mr. Dabney coughed before walking through the open door. "As long as you know. I don't want my wife killing me now that she found someone she can confide in." He said bashfully. "Mmmh." Ariana said as she calmed down. "Me too."

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